The Strange Movement on the Moon Is the Dao Ancestor Refining a Divine Weapon (2)

Zhou Xiaoxiao was obviously very puzzled. She quickly operated the screen and kept magnifying this small ripple. As this ripple became clearer and clearer, the confusion in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Why does this ripple look so much like a sound capture signal?"

"Sound capture signal!"

Chen Ye and the others looked up at Zhou Xiaoxiao in surprise. Then, they pressed the activation button of the mask on their ears. Everyone's masks quickly appeared. At this moment, they suddenly heard a sound coming from the sound output device connected to the screen.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

As everyone began to try to magnify the voice, the fluctuations on the screen also rose and fell with the voice. As long as this voice sounded, the lines on the screen would suddenly rise. When the voice disappeared, the lines would stabilize.

As expected, it was a sound capture signal.