I Was Digged Out on the Moon (1)

As the mission on the moon was activated, a portion of the large screens in the ground command room was divided to carry out the video transmission of the moon's image. Here, everyone could clearly understand the Moon's dynamics through the video, so it was convenient to formulate the next plan in time.

Whether it was the Moon or Earth, everyone was working hard. The sudden exposure of the third ruin made everyone immerse themselves in their work again. The Great Xia team had already pushed into the passage faster than the other countries with the help of the construction armor and entered the third ruin.

As the pioneer team, Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others would be the first to enter the passageway to investigate and obtain some basic information in the third ruin. After a while, the passageway in the ruins was connected.

After Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others completed the final inspection of the armor, they entered the passageway as the pioneer team.