Volume 2 Chapter 20: Regrets

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal every week is:

- 25 Power Stones

- 50 Power Stones]

Volume 2 Chapter 20: Regrets

The second debuff he received is a 50% reduction in his casting speed. The third debuff is a 50% reduction in his control over every type of element and, lastly, a 25% reduction in his total amount of mana. All of these debuffs will last for a whole hour, so during that time, Daniel will be severely weakened in terms of magic usage.

Now that he doesn't have any of his usual equipment, his only way to deal damage is through hand-to-hand combat and magic, using blood magic to create a bow and arrow—a skill innate to every vampire.


Now that he has received several debuffs on his magic usage that will weaken him further more, he can't employ the amplified arrows as frequent as before. Using his typical amplified arrows now whould takes significantly more time due to a 50% reduction in his casting speed.

Additionally, he will risk another backlash if he again loses control of another spell, as his control over each spell has been diminished by 50%.

Daniel whould be able to fire only a few shots, now it now takes twice the time to cast a single spell. He's unable to fire too many arrows as his mana regeneration has been halved, coupled with a 25% reduction in his total mana pool.

As the dust cloud gradually cleared, Daniel finally gained a clear view of the flawless blood dome and the shattered trees surrounding it.

The trio also caught sight of Daniel amidst the destruction caused by the explosion of his spell.

Due to Daniel shooting less frequently, the damage he inflicted on the blood dome was significantly reduced compared to before.

That Carmilla alone could supplied enough mana to maintain the blood dome in perfect condition.

With the blood dome sufficiently supplied by Carmilla alone, Eve and Pepper, was no longer necessary for supplying mana to the blood dome and could now retaliate against Daniel's attacks.

As they exchanged shots, with each exchanged Daniel found himself at a disadvantage, not only due to the debuffs he had received but also because he was now facing a 2v1 situation while extremely weakened.

While Daniel would be content if a junior managed to defeat him in a fair fight with similar levels and stats, battling against Carmilla and her two clones was utterly infuriating.

Since receiving multiple debuffs that greatly diminished his magical abilities, Daniel's arrows now cause only minor damage to the blood dome for a brief period before Carmilla's continuous mana infusion swiftly restores it to its flawless state.

Previously, Daniel could cause sufficient damage to the blood dome, forcing Carmilla and her two clones to infuse substantial amounts of mana just to match and counter the damage he caused to the blood dome.

Now, he seems to find himself in a battle against a large turtle accompanied by two-mounted artillery on it, while also boasting an indomitable regenerative defense.

What's truly infuriating isn't solely the formidable adversaries like Eve and Pepper, but their relentless barrage of attacks, coupled with the impenetrable protection of the blood dome. Daniel finds himself unable to disrupt their continuous firing unless he penetrates the blood dome as he did before, which is currently beyond his capability.

Left with no alternative, he must dodge around as though he was dancing, occasionally resorting to rolling on the ground or diving maneuvers akin to a volleyball player to evade the relentless assaults.

Daniel now experiences firsthand the saying, 'You can't fight a four-armed enemy with a two-armed strategy.' In his case, he's battling an opponent with six arms while he's left with just his two broken arms.

Now, Daniel wishes he had used different types of magic instead of just relying on blood magic all along. He rarely uses other magic elements in fights because he's not familiar with them, and now he regrets not using it.

Additionally, using different magic elements poses a risk—if Daniel misses the first and second shots, his advantage of launching a sneak attack while being in darkness while the target is exposed will be lost. That's why he seldom uses any magic attack apart from blood magic, as casting other types of magic creates a noticeable magic circle, attracting unwanted attention.

He believes most offensive magic spells are too flashy for his taste, even though not all of them are. However, he feels it would take too much time for him to become highly skilled in using them for assassination purposes.

Instead of spending time on flashy spells, he prefers practical options like enhancing his stats or refining his assassination skills. In their line of work, time is highly valued; every second is considered as precious as gold in their book.

They prefer to maintain a low profile, but Daniel faces a challenge as a Vampire due to their naturally pale complexion and strikingly beautiful and handsome appearance akin to the elegant Elf race, that often drawing unwanted attention.

Vampires, particularly those who've raised their charm skill to high levels, inevitably become the center of attention.

Daniel grew tired of these types of situations, so he adopted the hobby of wearing a black robe that covered his entire body except for his face. He also wore a mask alongside the black robe to hide his face.

This attracted both neutral and negative attention to him, as people tended to avoid him due to his shady and menacing appearance. However, some individuals simply chose to ignore his overall look.

However, his choice of wearing a black robe and mask in a normal town or city would surely drew significant attention to him, but Daniel didn't care about that.

Because, Daniel preferred working in neutral towns and cities that welcomed individuals regardless of their background, even those wanted, as long as they ensured not to be recognized and caught for their bounties.

However, getting caught in a neutral town or city is very rare because many visitors who enter such places usually do so in incognito, often wearing a full-body robe along with a mask.

Some rich individuals who would go to these kind of town or city would sometimes utilize various kinds potions that is capable of altering a person's appearance, voice, height, and even gender. Each potion had its own time limit, and the gender-changing potion was particularly rare and very expensive.