Chapter 8:

Back in Adventure Bay, a dark figure roams the streets near the lookout. "If I can't kill Marshall and Chase by someone else, I'll do it myself," laugh the demon as he pulls out an axe shimmer with fire. He approached the lookout, sticking to the shadows and the dark alleys.

Meanwhile, inside the lookout, some of the police were staying at the lookout to talk to Ryder, investigate the secret room Chase had, and for their protection. "Do you anything about this," ask the chief of police, holding the page showing the andiect text. "I have no idea what it could mean," said Ryder, shaking his head. "These pictures have to mean something," said one of the officers. "Isn't weird he has pictures of the day they have though to lose their memories." "I do find it funny," said the chief.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll go check it," said an officer as he walks to the door. He opened it, only to follow by his screams. "Ahhh!" scream the officer. "What dud..." said the chief. "What was that?" ask the chief when he got his answer. A dark blue pup was holding the body of the officer before dropping on the floor in front of Ryder and the pups. "Chase, put your hands up!" yelled the chief, only making the pup laugh mockingly. "I'm not Chase," said the pup as he steps into the light. The chief, Ryder, and the pup's gasp. It was not Chase. He was a German shepherd with a dark ice coat, with glowing blue eyes. But what was most shocking was what he did next. He seemed to Atter his appearance. He switched to Chase, and then to Marshall before turning back to his normal appearance. "Those two were a bigger part in my plan," said the pup with a wicked smile. "Now it's your turn to die." He pulled his axe, flames burning the blade. He walked towards the terrified group as he charged at them, only to be stop. "What the...," said the pup. "You cause this," said the mysterious figure. Then he realized who it was. "Herobrine," said the demon. "Me," said Chase as he throwed him across the room and pulled out his sword. "Who are you?!" demanded Chase in his deep voice. "Name's Cronus and I'm here to destroy the pup who kill my master," said the demon. "Let's go," said Chase. The two charged and a magic blast erupted, sending the group falling to their butts and breaking all the glass.

"Let's get out of here!" yelled Zuma. The others, even the chief of police, did not question it. They ran to the evaluator and went to the command center. "I'm guessing maybe Marshall is innocent," said the chief. "I think so," said Ryder. "He shapeshifted into Chase and Marshall right in front of us." Suddenly, the floor explodes as Chase is sent through the floor, followed by Cronus. "We got to help him," said Tracker. The chief began to open fire with his pistol at Cronus, stopping him.

"You'll be next," said Cronus as he charged at the chief. Frontally, Chase rip the tv off its hitches and send it towards Cronus, blocking him. Chase leaped at Cronus, sword ready. He was unable to block the attack and sword stab him in the chest; dripping is green blood. "Gross," said Everest as she covers her eyes. "You win, but you haven't won the war," said Cronus as he disappears. Chase look around at the damage, and then too, disappears into thin air.

The next morning, the police came in full force, investigating the scene and to protect the team. "We need to find Chase," said the chief. "He knows what's going on."