Early the next morning, the police from all other the United States were called to find Chase and take him back to Adventure Bay.
Speaking of which, Chase just got back to Jake's house to find out they were waiting for him. "Where were you?" ask an annoyed Marshall. "I know the demons real name," said Chase. "His name is Cronus." "He appeared were?" ask Jake. "In Adventure Bay," said Chase. "And I have a good and bad feeling about this."
"What are these good and bad feelings?" ask Skye. "The good feeling is that the police are probably realizing that Marshall did not cause the murders," said Chase. "And what's the bad feeling?" ask Rocky. "The bad feeling is that we have an angry demon on our paws," said Chase.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. "FBI, open up! We know you're in there!" yelled the SWAT team that was outside. "We need to go now!" yelled Rocky as he grabbed his bag. "Your mustang is in the back shed," said Jake, pulling out a 12-gauge shotgun. The five ran towards the backyard as the SWAT team broke down the door and began to swarm the place. Luckly, for them, the SWAT team had just gotten in the back yard as the mustang smashed out of the shed. The SWAT team opened fire on the mustang, but due to the vehicles armor plating, the bullets bounced off as the vehicle smashed through the fence and into the city. "We have a code 3!" yelled the captain as they gave pursuit after them.
"Get the RPG!" yelled Chase. They were reaching speeds of 160 miles per hour and the SWAT team was getting angry and they were getting into major streets. He swung the car to the left and got onto the bridge entering Manhattan. "Blockade!" yelled Jake. Chase could see that the SWAT team had set up a blockade in the middle of the bridge. Without hesitation, Jake opened fire on the blockade, blowing a path for them. "Calling all officers," yelled the captain. "We need air support."
"Guys, they have a helicopter," said Skye. She was not kidding. The SWAT team decided to use an Apache helicopter to stop them. "Get inside the alley," said Jake as Chase swung the car into an alley, out of site of the helicopter.
Meanwhile, back at Adventure Bay, Ryder was watching the news when he got a call from the NYPD. "What's up, chief," ask Ryder. "We found the four pups and they appeared to pick someone else up that is helping them," said the chief. "The SWAT team is having trouble stopping them, so we need your help." "We'll get there as soon as we can," said Ryder. "Paw Patrol, to the air patroller," said Ryder. The pups immediately ran to the air patroller, but they were confused why. Soon, all the pups had boarded the air patroller and were on their way to New York City.
Meanwhile, the pursuit was getting intense. The SWAT team was now freely opening fire on the mustang, making Jake duck back inside the car. "We need to get that helicopter off us!" said Marshall. "Got it," said Chase. "Jake, you drive." "Not again," said Marshall. Chase climbed onto the roof of the mustang, and to everyone's surprise, he jumped, and grabbed the helicopter. "What dud...," said the pilot as Chase grabbed one of his swords. He quickly stabbed the helicopter's engine and jumped down as the helicopter exploded.
Suddenly, the car flipped and did a barrel roll into a nearby building. "What was that?!" yelled Skye as the five crawl out of the ruined mustang. "You can't hide from me," said a mysterious voice Chase immediately recognize the voice. "Cronus," growled Chase as he turned to look. Cronus was approaching him. "Todays the day I take the world as my own and end you all for my master!" howled Cronus. "Run, guys. I can fight him," said Chase. "Not a chance," said Jake. "He wants me," said Chase. "You get the others out of New York." Jake didn't want to, but in the end, he took the others away, leaving Chase to deal with Cronus. Without hesitation, he pulled out his swords and charged at Cronus, who pulled out his axe and charged at Chase.
The clash between the blades released a powerful magic burst that flip all nearby cars and destroy all the glass in the nearby skyscrapers. By then, the SWAT team had arrived and were watching the fight between Chase and Cronus. "We need more back up," yelled the chief as the two pups continued the battle.
Over Brooklyn, Ryder decided to tell the pups why they were here. "Pups, this is a high stakes mission," said Ryder. "Chase with the others are doing a deadly street pursuit and we have to stop them." The pups were already nervous and terrified when a loud explosion got their attention. Looking out the window, they saw a skyscraper on fire. "I think I know where they are," said Zuma.
Inside the building, Chase was taking heavy blows from Cronus. "You'll die!" cry Cronus as he swung his axe, getting Chase's back. "Ahh!" cry Chase as he bled from his wound. "So, you're not immortal," said Cronus. "I thought all angels were immortal."
Cronus then howled as wings of blood grew out of his back, showing his demonic appearance. Suddenly, something strange happened. Chase's body begins to glow. "I will defeat you," said Chase in a deep voice as his body counited to glow. "I am Herobrine!" yelled Chase as the walls collapsed and the debris picked in Chase's tornado. Cronus didn't even have time to react. He was picked up by the tornado, along with the rest of the building. Up above the building, Robodog was having trouble. "We can't hold for long," yelled Ryder. "Prepare for impact." Minutes later, the air patroller was pick up by the tornado and then drop when it stop, smashing into the 4th floor of a building.
Meanwhile, Chase flied down to Cronus, who was struggling. Chase picked him up by the throat and begin to choke him. "I am Herobrine," said Chase as he raised his blade. But strangely, he vanishes before he can do anything. "You can run, but you can't hide," said Chase as he, too, vanishes into the thin air. The Paw Patrol walks out of the building to see them nowhere in site.
The hunt has begin.