An Enjoyable Ball

"Oh, please, you must tell us what happened next!" Lady Ryldon, as she had introduced earlier, pleaded. She was a Countess.

"I decided to make the hunt even more thrilling," Mrs. Phillipa continued, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "So I took some fresh meat from the kitchen with me." She giggled. "The hounds were upon me in seconds!"

The group erupted in laughter.

"Your brother did not like that, I imagine?" one of the ladies inquired, trying to stifle her amusement.

"Not in the least!" Mrs. Phillipa replied with a grin. "He was beside himself in anger, and dread. Frightened out of their wits, they ran after the hounds while I ran for dear life. My brother Marcus, in his haste, fell flat on his back, and his hound took a chomp of his buttocks!"

The women exploded with laughter once again, and Gwen, unable to contain herself, joined in, laughing with so much fervour.