You Should Never Have Gone After Guinevere


The light patter of the rain drummed against the windows and roof, drowning out whatever murmurs carried on among the ministers, yet left enough silence to whoever spoke out loud. The room had darkened with the rain, a chill settled in the air, but Alexander's simmering anger kept him warm. He watched the proceedings intently, his gaze sharp, noting the smugness of Denney's expression. His uncle still believed himself untouchable, did he not? He was soon to be profoundly surprised.

They had moved on from Featings to Lady Farrington.

"Lady Farrington should be subjected to the same punishment as any traitor." Lord Edwardley declared. "There should be no particular care awarded."

"My Lord! I only did what I was commanded to do!" Lady Farrington cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"You spread vile words and told vicious rumours about the king's bride." Lord Michaelson countered coldly.