Chapter 1: The Final War - Part 1

Sirens blared into the night. Scaring everyone who were asleep in their bunks awake.

"Hey, what's going on out there?" Asked one of my bunkmates.

I rubbed my face and eyes with my filthy hands trying to wake myself up faster so I could better asses the situation. I got up from my bed and made my way to the door. As I was about to reach for the handle the door burst open.

"Up and at em soldiers! The enemy has invaded our camp! Grab your rifles and head out to the East side of the camp. There's a unit stationed there in desperate need of back up!"

Just like that when the man was done speak he ran like the wind to the next cabin. He was most likely tasked with catching everyone up to speed that were still waking up from all the noise.

"Didn't you hear him Tadao? Take your gun and lets go." Said a young man around my age handing me my rifle.

I nodded in response and ran out the door with my unit. It was pitch black outside and the harsh winds that blew the rain sideways didn't make it any easier to see. Making the only way that we could know if we were heading in the right direction were the sounds of gun shots getting louder.

"We don't know what the situation is like and the weather isn't on our side. So from here on out we should be much more careful." Shouted lieutenant Micheal. "You four take the right flank. Keep a look out for any comrades that could use our help. Rin and Haru. You two will come with me, we're going to see if we can find any way to slow them down."

As we moved we kept running into fallen soldiers from both sides. Which only made this situation more terrifying for me.

"This is impossible! Us being out here is only making it easier for them to kill us." Haru said as she stopped moving.

"Well standing still isn't going to make it any harder for them." Said Michael nudging her to keep moving.

"Isn't there a watch tower just a little further out?" I asked.

"Yeah there is… And maybe we can get a better look at the situation from up there. Good thinking Tadao."