Chapter 2: Encounter

I slowly opened my eyes as I was woken up by the sunlight that leaked into the room.

"It's like being hit with a flashbang all over again." I grumbled to myself as I rolled over so the sun wasn't hitting me in the eyes.

I made one last attempt to go back to sleep. Though it ended up being futile thanks to Michael nudging my back with his head.

"I'm up buddy. I'm up. You end up having war dreams too?" I asked him as I scratched his head.

He pushed himself forward past my hand and laid down on my lap. Pointing his stomach up at me as if asking me to rub his belly. Though he never makes it easy for me since he likes to kick at my hand with his three paws.

Once Michael had his fill with having his belly rubbed he hobbled up out of my lap. Making his way through the large hole in the wall to get outside.

I let out a loud groan as I got up off the floor. I looked around the rickety shed to make sure one of the walls didn't collapse in my sleep. I made my way towards a makeshift cabinet that I built. Where I kept a box of matches and a water flask. I grabbed the flask and made my way out of the door which felt like if I pushed it any harder it would fall off.

As I walked over to Michael I adjusted my combat knife that was strapped to my waist. Making sure that it hasn't come loose while I slept.


"Walk or hunting?" I asked rubbing his ear.


"Walk it is."

Michael trotted forward in a direction of his choosing as I followed close behind. We spent most of our mornings like this if Michael wasn't eager to hunt. So it quickly turned into routine for us to 'walk' the area around the shed. Though I used this time to mentally document the changes in our surroundings. How the local fauna was responding to the weather. Studying animal tracks on the ground to see if we need to change our hunting pattern. And most importantly if there were any humans close by.

Even though the last time I saw a human was five years ago. I couldn't help but shake the possibility of us running into another one.

Michael made his way back to me and tapped my leg with his nose three times. Which was his signal to me that he needed to use the restroom. I gave him a small nod and waved him off as I stood guard. Examining my surroundings for any potential danger.

Once he was done we were back on the move. Making our way to a small river which we learned a few months ago was safe to drink. I refilled my flask while Michael drank the water.

He abruptly stopped drinking and focused his attention towards some bushes in front of us. Which gained my attention. I slowly placed the cap back onto the flask and reached towards my combat knife. Removing the blade from the sheath and tightening my grip on the hilt. The bushes shook more and more until it suddenly fell still. In that same moment a blur dashed out of the bushes. Causing Michael to leap forward at it.

"Caught it?" I asked as Michael turned back around revealing a bunny caught in his jaws. "Looks like we're having rabbit for dinner again."

I gave him a pat on the side and he began to skip back towards the shed. With the head and legs of the rabbit bouncing along with him as he moved. I put my knife away and followed along with him.

"E-excuse me.." Called out a voice behind me.

Michael and I jerked back around to face the man that called out to us. He was filthy and covered in blood. But it was nearly impossible to tell if it was his or not. I could tell from his clothes that he was a soldier.

"Who are you?" I asked pointing my knife at him.

"My name is Norman.. I'm a soldier from what is left of the British military after The Excursion. My unit was tracking down a spacecraft that might have been left behind." The man explained raising his hands above his head.

"Plan on going off world?"

"Well that was the plan before my unit was attacked by raiders. I swear that I'm telling you the truth. I have the location of the ship on my map in my vest pocket. You can check for yourself if I'm telling the truth. Plus couldn't you use the extra pair of hands?" The man asked pointing towards my left arm which he could see was missing.

"I lost my left arm in the war trying to protect my unit-"

"You're a soldier too!? See, you and I are the same. Help a fellow brother out, would you?" The soldier pleaded with me, tears forming in his eyes.

I lowered my knife and waved him over. As he trudged across the river towards me he kept his hands up and thanked me profusely.

Once he finally crossed over to my side I dug my knife into his gut. Twisting the blade before taking it out. The soldier collapsed onto the ground. He slowly put his hands on the wound trying to apply pressure to it.

"..why?…" The soldier quietly asked.

I chose to ignore his question as I cleaned the blood from my knife by wiping it onto his uniform. Watching him slowly pass away in front of my eyes.

Once he was gone I started to rummage through his pockets for anything good. First taking that map from the vest pocket he mentioned. I opened it up to check where they were attempting to reach. The location of the ship wasn't far off from the shed.

"What was your unit doing to be this far off track?" I asked myself.

I went back to looking through his belongings. Only finding a ration bar, a lighter, and a revolver. Unfortunately there were only three shots left.

Michael walked over towards me and placed his head on my leg. Funnily enough with the rabbit still in his mouth. I gave him a smile and blew some air on his head making him shake his whole body.

"He doesn't have much else on him. Let's leave here before his military buddies find us here." I said as I pat him on his side.

We walked back towards the shed without stopping once to put enough distance between us as fast as possible. Since there isn't much trust going around for us left behind.

Once we had reached the shed Michael took a nap from the long walk. While I skinned and gutted the rabbit. Leaving the good organs for Michael when he wakes up smelling cooked rabbit.

I ate half of the rabbit and gave the organs and other half to Michael along with the organs. Once I finished I went inside the shed and spread out the map once again. Studying the surroundings and landscapes that were near the marked location. Majority of it were plains until you reached the nearest abandoned city. Where the ship was supposed to be.

"I can't remember the name of the city here." I said to myself as I ran my finger around the red circle on the map.

"Bwoof." Michael said as he made his way towards me. Laying down beside me.

"Yeah, you're right. Doesn't really matter anymore now does it." I said to him as I rubbed his ear.

"Bwoof." Michael asked tilting his head to the side.

"No I haven't decided yet if we'll go. Not only will it take a few days to walk there but we'll probably run into raiders on the way there. Plus I don't think they made single space ships that are one arm accessible."

Michael leaned his head against my arm and let out a small whine. I let out a sigh and laid on my back. Adjusting his head so it would lay on my stomach.

"You're probably right. We should sleep on it."