Chapter 3: The Final War - Part 2

We were under heavy gunfire. Luckily the weather conditions were as bad as they are otherwise we would be dead right now.

We ducked behind whatever cover we could and returned fire. It was hard to even tell where we should be shooting. After a while it started to feel like all we were doing was wasting ammo.

I hid back behind cover and looked around to see how Haru and Michael were holding up.

"This is pointless!" Shouted Michael as he hid behind cover checking the amount of ammo he had left.

"If only we had a grenade or something. Even a flash would be helpful." I complained mostly to myself.

"With these winds they would just be blown off target. Haru how you holding up?"

"I'm fine… What if we let them push up closer. Pretend they injured us or that we're dead." Haru suggested.

I looked over at Michael and he gave us a nod. In my head it didn't seem like a bad idea either but I also knew it would be more complicated than that. But if Michael is willing to give it a try then there's no point in complaining if we have any kind of plan.

So we waited. It felt like five minutes went by before anything happened. Though the plan ended up working. Once they had gotten close to us one of them turned on their flashlight from behind us. Haru and I looked over at Michael and he gave us the signal to finally pop out and lay fire.

This time they were close enough for us to see. Plus the light from their flashlights made it even easier for us to spot them.

"Is it over?" I asked once the fighting was over.

"It looks like. Are you and Haru alright?" Michael asked as he slowly made his way towards the corpses.

"I'm fine and-" When I turned over to look at Haru the words got stuck in my throat. Haru laid on the ground beside me with a bullet hole in her head. "Haru…"

"You don't have to say it. I know…" Said Michael having pieced it together. "Let's go. We can't stay here for long." Michael made his way over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "There's nothing you can do for her now. All that's left is to carry her memory with you. That's all."

Michael patted my back and started to walk again in the direction where we thought the watch tower was.

I slowly approached Haru's body and pulled down her eye lids closing her eyes. Then went back and joined up with Michael again. Praying that I wouldn't have to see another friend die.