Chapter 5: The Great Reset

We walked for hours in silence, only stopping for the occasional food and bathroom break. Luckily for me I didn't have to worry about feeding another mouth with TOBOR being a robot.

"There's something I want to know that I wasn't able to ask the other humans." TOBOR started then waited for me to respond.

I didn't acknowledge him in the slightest and continued walking. Keeping a look out for large animals or people.

"Thank you for the riveting two way conversation here. How come your planet seems to have a depleted human population? My research files on Earth say that the human species dominated the planet. With a population size up in the billions. Though before I crashed here I only scanned in about a couple hundred of you left." TOBOR asked as he hovered close by me.

I glanced over at him who seemed to be eagerly awaiting my response even for something without facial features. Though I could practically hear him vibrating with excitement.

"Short answer. They left."

"And the long answer?"

"We don't have the time to talk about it."

"With the pace you have us going at, the soonest we'll get there is still, two days." TOBOR said as he flew directly in front of me. "You seriously can't walk and tell me a story at the same time?"

I pushed him out of my way and continued to walk. With Michael close by me doing a great job at staying alert.

"Just how much do you know about us from your file?" I asked.

"Almost all of your history leading up to this thing called the Final War. But there isn't any information on it or anything after that."

"The Final War is what we called our Forth World War. Which is where practically the whole population on the planet is at war with each other."

"And you had four of them!? Most developed species have at least one on their planet before finding peace. But I've never heard of one having this many."

"Well for us it wasn't about peace which is what they would have us think. But after a certain point you start to figure out that it's for something simpler."

"Which was?"


"All of that for power? You would think they would get that the first time around."

"Do you want me to explain the fundamental flaws in human society or how they all left?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Sorry. I was getting off topic. Continue please."

"Fine. What ended the Final War was all of our leaders getting together to discuss a peace treaty to end the fighting. Instead they came up with something called the Great Reset. Convincing the people that our behavior on this planet was too far gone. And that we should look at the stars. That we can start all over again on a new planet and truly have peace for all humanity."

"Did it work?"

"Well as you can see, I'm still on this planet so I couldn't tell you."

"How come you didn't go with them?"

"I wasn't allowed on the space carrier. Said that I would pose too much of a threat to their new society. Which is what they ended up telling everyone who served and survived the Final War. So the women and children were able to leave with 'upper society' while we were all abandoned." I said as I walked past TOBOR who seemed stunned by this information.

He caught back up with me and I could tell by him looking at me then forward again. Repeatedly. That he wanted to say something or add something. But didn't.

If I had to piece together this machine's thoughts. I would say that our behavior is so strange and so foreign that no other society has done the same. Which only makes me wish that I was born among those planets. Experience what real peace was compared to what was advertised to us.

Though I think my favorite part of all this is that he finally stopped talking. Allowing for me to finally focus. I guess all these years away from people has gotten me anti-social.


"What's up bud? Find something interesting?" I asked Michael as he stood firm facing in one direction. "Go get it!"

Michael went off running like the wind towards the tree line to our right. It was out of the way but I've learned to trust his instincts. Last time he got excited he brought back a small deer for us. Can't remember the last time I ate that much.

"Are we leaving it behind?"

"It's not an it. His name's Michael and we'll wait until he gets back."

"Noted. Dog important. Me, not so much."

It didn't take long for Michael to come back. Though it didn't seem like he came back with anything.

"What'd you get all excited for? Nothing? Well at least you got your exercise in." I said as I rubbed his head. Making sure he still knew he was a good boy.