Chapter 6: Rescue Signal

A full day has past since we first left the shed. As we continued to walk Michael continued to stop at random times. Each time he would run into the forest and come back empty handed.

I don't tend to get annoyed with Michael but I started to get worried more than anything. Since I know that he wouldn't just randomly dart away from me.

"Is there a reason why your dog keeps running into the forest and back?" TOBOR asked as we walked.

"I don't know. He's never behaved like this."

I looked down beside me at Michael who didn't seem any different than he usually is. If anything he seemed to be even more alert than he usually is. As if he thinks someone is following us.

"I don't know if your file has this information but dogs have far better instincts than humans. Sensing things I never would." I said right as Michael stopped moving again.

"Looks like he's about to run off again." TOBOR stated.

"Not this time. Michael you see anything out there?" I said as I kneeled beside him. I waited for him to respond to me for a moment before saying "Michael hunt".

Michael bolted towards the tree line at full speed. If he would to run any faster I think he would start flying. Though this time I was right behind him. Not letting him leave my sight.

As we broke through into the forest Michael started to gradually slow down until he stopped. Looking around him as if he was confused.

I stood still and listened to my surroundings. Listening to how the wind and the trees moved. Even how the animals around me reacted to their surroundings. In an attempt to try and understand what would have Michael react in this way.

"Hey! In the tree in front of you and to the left one!" TOBOR shouted from behind me.

I quickly pointed my gun in that direction and fired a shot. Causing a body to fall from the tree.

It didn't take long for me to recognize that red trashy outfit. Michael was looking for the raiders that have been tailing us.

Once that body hit the floor the rest of them jumped out of hiding. Completely surrounding us from each side. Though I was able to even the odds a bit by taking out another two before they landed on the ground. While Michael mauled one guy and TOBOR made a sad attempt at distracting another.

I didn't want to waste any more ammo than I already have. So while Michael took care of his guy I switched over to my knife. Stabbing the last guy which was being distracted by TOBOR.

"Who were these guys!?" TOBOR shouted once the fighting was over.

"Raiders. Others who were left behind and decided it was better to do things as they pleased."

"What'd they want with us then?"

"Well they attacked the military guys you were with so I would have assumed you knew why." I responded as I made my way out of the forest. "Thanks to them it's going to take another full day before we get there."

Michael let out a small whine as if he was trying to apologize for getting us side tracked.

"Don't worry bud. If it weren't for you they would have jumped us before I even noticed them. You've been the best boy. Far better than TOBOR." I said as I was petting him.

"You know I'm right here!"

The situation being what it was we got out of it pretty well. No injuries and no casualties is always the best scenario. Though I would have preferred if I didn't have to waste ammo on them.

We took the rest of the day to get as close as possible to the ship before night fell. And once it was day again we finally reached the city where it's supposed to be.

"Well the map isn't going to help us anymore from here on out. Any idea where this thing could be?" I asked TOBOR as I put the map back in my pocket.

"Luckily enough we're close enough to where I can get a signal on it. So I can lead us to it from here."

"So you are more useful than a frisbee." I said to myself.

Which was loud enough for Michael to hear me. Giving me a sad face since he wasn't getting a fancy new toy anymore.

We walked through the city which looked completely different after everyone left. Most of the buildings looked like they haven't been gone through. While some spots seemed to have been looted by raiders. Though all of the buildings had vines crawling up the walls. Even the roads and sidewalks have been cracked through and are showing grass and flowers.

"Do you see that building that's been toppled over? The ship should be right there." TOBOR said swaying his whole body in the air to gesture in the direction he was talking about.

It was about a block or two ahead of us. Nearly impossible to miss since the building that was toppled over was one of the larger ones that we've seen. Leaning on the neighboring buildings to support it up.

At the base of the structure there was a large whole in the wall. Which inside was the ship that was crashed. Though from the size of it I would have easily thought it was an escape pod. With a white egg-like shape that had a glass top covering it. With gold and blue accents on it. Looking even closer at it it doesn't look like it has much dust on it either. Like it hasn't been here for more than a month.

"How long have you been stranded here." I asked TOBOR as I looked for a way to open it.

"Three weeks exactly now. Why?"

"This ship doesn't look nearly as old as I thought it would be. I pretty much expected for it to have been sat here for months or years even."

"Once I crashed I pretty much started exploring the planet. Almost forgetting this ship was here until those military men found me." TOBOR said as he opened up the pod.

I jumped inside and looked at the control panel. Completely losing myself with how intricate the whole design was. There were more buttons than things I could imagine a space ship being able to do.

"I have no idea what I'm looking at." I said scratching my head.

"Don't worry about it. Let me run a diagnostic and see if this thing can even fly after I crashed it."

The blue area at the tip of his body started glowing as he scanned the buttons on the panel. I thought it best if I just moved out of the way since I was obviously out of my element.

"Can she fly?" I asked after a while.

"Ehhhh… No. Though I did accidently turn on the SOS signal so maybe someone will find us."

"So you're suggesting we should wait here indefinitely until someone shows up."

TOBOR turned around to face me and folded his wings upward as if he just shrugged. Even though he kind of looked weird doing it.

I stepped outside of the building to look around since there was nothing else I could do. If we were going to stay here until someone showed up we needed to understand our surroundings. And even more so figure out how to get food.

"TOBOR! I think we should take a look around. It might.. be the best… plan we… have…" I said feeling dizzy and drowsy.

I touched my neck where I felt a slight shot of pain before feeling dizzy. Getting some black substance onto my fingers. Before I ultimately collapsed on the spot.