Chapter 12: Unlikely Friendship

"Would you like to explain to me what that was all about?" The guard asked visibly angry at me.

"A tiny snip bit as to what my lessons will be like. I don't remember ever getting your name."

"This isn't something light that you can just change the subject on me. What you just did is unacceptable. I know you don't understand our customs but don't do it again."

"You have no idea what is unacceptable." I said as I walked out of the room and into the hallway.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked following me.

"You've practically dragged me across a large portion of this ship. Which gave me a good opportunity to examine how you operate. So it comes to be a big surprise that you have no defense mechanisms here. No security, cameras, nor guards around the Empress. It's almost like her life is a joke to everyone here." I said causing her to grab me by the fabric of my clothing.

She's obviously angry but her eyes are much more honest than she is. I can tell that her perspective has changed.

"This ship wouldn't happen to have a training facility or a gym on it?"

"It does, why?"

She took me to the training facility on the ship was just a large vacant room. Which made me think that the intent of the design was for a sparring room. Since there were no equipment with slightly padded flooring. Reminding me of when I studied martial arts when I was younger.

"Out of the few people that I have seen on the ship you are the only one with a muscular build. So my guess was that you were trusted with protecting the Empress until she stationed you with me." I said as I walked to the far side of the room.

"I get it. You have good eyes, now what is it you're trying to get at here?"

"Simple. I want to see what you can do." I said as I told her to come at me with my hand.

She smiled as if she was waiting for this moment since she met me. Then opening her mouth where a white light began to form. Blasting a massive beam of white light at me.

Luckily enough I knew she wouldn't play fair with me so I was prepared for something random like this. Dodging the blast and quickly closed the distance between us. Though I wasn't nearly fast enough to stop her from charging up another blast. That I was just barely able to dodge not without it grazing my shoulder.

I tried to get behind her as I reached inside my sleeve. Though that was a move that she was through. Swinging her body around for a roundhouse kick.

I jumped back and threw a piece of chalk at her head. Which she was able to dodge easily just by moving her head to the side. However, it was enough to distract her. Causing her to watch it fly past her in shock.

Giving me the opportunity to close in on her. Grabbing her by the hair and yanking her down a little. Ready to rip her throat out with my other hand.

I stopped myself and stepped away from her. As she fixed her hair with one hand and rubbed her throat with the other. Then after a moment her expression changed into one that looked like she was pleased with my performance.

"That was an impressive move with the piece of chalk." She said with a smile.

"Not at all. Had it not surprised you you would have won. Since there's really not much I can do about your ranged attacks." I said complementing her back.

"Where'd you even get that piece of chalk from?"

"The class room. I slipped in into my sleeve when you grabbed me." I said making her burst into laughter.

"I'm thoroughly impressed. My names Shaku." She said giving me her hand.

I shook her hand and smiled a little. It was different in a lot of ways but it reminded me of my war buddies. And how I had to 'prove myself' to some guys before being good friends with them.

"So teach. What was it you dragged me here to learn?"

"Well I dragged you here to learn how your people fight. But also to gauge your ability to protect the Empress. You are very capable, however, there are plenty of areas where you're lacking. If you'd like I would like to train you on how to be a personalized bodyguard for her." I proposed, expecting to be shot down with anger.

"If you doubt my ability to protect her than I probably should. Plus it would be interesting to be trained by a human." She said with a smirk.

So this is her real personality? She feels like someone I could easily get along with if that's the case.

"Like I said, I don't doubt how capable you are. I'm just saying that there's also a good amount of room to improve. Especially since a human could beat you in ten seconds flat."

"Ahhhh I think we're going to be good friends while you're here." Shaku said putting her arm around me and walking us out of the room.