Chapter 13: The Past And Family

I was finally able to get some alone time after my mock battle with Shaku. Giving me the perfect opportunity to take a breath.

I had been running around this entire time acting like I know what I should be doing. When in fact I have no idea about basic leadership skills nor how a ruler of an entire planet should behave.

"Michael would have known what to do." I said to myself as I rested my head against the wall of the hallway.

Just a moment after I had said that I heard some pitter patter coming from my side. Making me chuckle to myself a little as I tilted my head to the side to see Michael sat beside me.

"Hey buddy. You doin' alright?" I asked.

Michael lilted his head then slowly tapped my leg with his nose. Almost is if he was asking me if I was alright.

"I'm fine. Just didn't expect that I would be anything more than just a soldier for the rest of my life."

Michael got up and moved closer to me. Laying his head on my leg mimicking what I was doing with the wall.

"I know bud. I just can't be too excited yet. We've both learned over the years that anything could happen. I guess that even includes us being able to take a break from being soldiers."

"Is everything alright?" Zu asked.

I took my head off of the wall and straightened myself out.

"Sorry for seeming so gloomy. I'm still trying to adapt to my surroundings."

"No no, you've got nothing to apologize to me about. I took you from your home and asked the impossible from you. It would make sense to see you stress a little about your position." Zu said in a warm and soft voice.

"That may be true but it doesn't help anyone if I let my emotions get the better of me. Plus it would be rude of me if I did so since my hosts have been nothing but beautiful and kind to me." I said making Zu blush a little.

"Please there's no need for your flattery."

"I was only stating the truth. If you don't mind, Shaku invited me to eat with her so you should come find me whenever you're ready for your first lesson." I said leaving Zu behind as a blushing mess.

I went and found Shaku. Who then lead me to their massive cafeteria hall where they had cuisine from every planet they had visited. Including mine. It was the first time I have seen and smelled food like this in years.

I ate my food, holding back tears from the memories it brought back from before the war. Where I would be able to sit and eat with my family. I could come home from work and eat the delicious food that my wife made. And eat with her and my daughter as she talked about her day at school. The friends she made and what she learned in class.

"You okay?" Shaku asked noticing me getting teary eyed.

"Yeah.. Just reminiscing about my family. My wife would make food for me like this whenever I came home."

"Oh you have a wife. Any kids?"

"A daughter. The last time I saw her she was nine.. I ended up missing her tenth birthday thanks to the war. Now I can't even imagine getting to see her again… After all this time apart she must have forgotten what I look like. Plus my wife must have moved on already too. I guess that means I'm the only one still holding on." I said holding back as much as I could.

"I doubt that. I know I just met you but I doubt a daughter could forget about a father like you." Shaku said placing her hand on my back.

I took a moment just to take a deep breath to recompose myself. "Thank you." I said giving her a weak smile.

After the meal I shared with Shaku I went back to my room and slept a little with Michael. While TOBOR was still nowhere to be found. Once I was awake again and playing with Michael I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Did I wake you?" Shaku asked as she entered.

"No don't worry about it. Is the Empress ready for her first lesson now?" I asked standing up off my bed.

"Yes. She's waiting for you in the classroom as we speak. We shouldn't keep her waiting now."

I nodded and followed behind her to the classroom. Where this time I entered to find two desks in the room. And a new supply of chalk for the chalkboard. I looked over at Zu who just shrugged. While Shaku walked over at sat down at the new table waiting for the lesson to begin.

"Well I'm glad that the first lesson can be applied to anyone. Not just a leader." I said as I wrote on the chalkboard. "Todays lesson; a reputation can never be re-bought. Now can anyone explain to me the importance of a reputation?"

Zu raised hand at almost lightning speed bouncing up and down in her seat eagerly.

"Zu, can you tell me the importance of someone's reputation?" I asked pointing at her.

"Isn't a reputation like how a group of individuals perceive someone. So isn't it a show of trust between that one person and the group?" Zu responded confidently explaining her thoughts.

"You were right on the first half but not quite on the second. Shaku, what about you? Any idea on the importance of a reputation?"

"Is it like someone's public persona? Like how people can think that someone is a nice person but behind closed doors they are a horrible person." Said Shaku, a little nervous about her response.

"Exactly! And you even highlighted on of the powers that a reputation can have. Good job-"

I was cut off by a loud explosion that was followed by sirens.

"Could I ever get through an entire lesson without being interrupted by something." I thought to myself.