Chapter 14: Pirates And Gargoyles

Zu and Shaku bolted out the door with me close behind. Running all the way towards what I could only imagine to be the pilot's deck. Where a bunch of people are freaking out not really knowing what to do.

"What's going on? Why isn't there anyone taking charge right now?" I asked shocked by the current state of things.

"No one here has been properly trained on what we should do in a situation like this. I'm Naer the pilot of this ship." She said shaking my hand.

"It seems like we are being attacked by another ship. Smaller in size, probably built with the intention of being speedy and fierce." Zu said as she studied one of the many screen in the room.

"That's correct. The ship in question is a Z3-487 model that has been modified and re-skinned by Meqashine pirates." TOBOR said coming out of nowhere.

"Cool. So space pirates are a real thing. Does this ship have any way to fight back? Or maybe a way to escape them?" I asked trying to find a solution to the situation.

"This ship at it's fundamentals is a carrier ship. For long distance travel and large cargo transport. We don't have any defense mechanisms built in besides a minor shield that's designed to only withstand asteroid collision." Naer said as she sat down at her pilot's seat.

"That's not entirely true. This ship contains a Gargoyle deployment bay at the bottom floor on the south side." TOBOR said as he moved closer to Naer.

"That may be true but we don't have anyone to pilot it. We don't even know how to turn it on." Naer said.

"Well I do. Plus I think I know someone who can figure out how to pilot it." TOBOR said turning to face me.

"Me? I don't even know what you're talking about. Let alone know how to pilot a spaceship." I said trying to turn him down.

"That's fine. Especially since a Gargoyle is a giant robot not a spaceship." TOBOR said as he flew by me.

"And that's somehow supposed to make me more confident in my abilities?" I said as I followed behind him.

"No need to worry my friend. Gargoyles are a defense mechanism built by my civilization eons ago. So I am the key to start it up and help pilot it." TOBOR said in excitement.

"If that's the case then what is it doing here on this ship?"

"That's a great question that we will have to ask when we return. Are you ready for this?" TOBOR asked as he stopped in front of the door to the deployment bay.

I nodded before we entered the room to find an enormous black and red mech. With a head that resembled a dragon with even wings attached to it that resembled dragon wings. Though what shook me the most was how damaged the body was. Looking nearly un-functional, like it had been forcefully removed from a battle. That mixed with a dark, almost demonic, aura that surrounded it.

"Is this thing even functional?" I asked, trying to shake the chills I got from just looking at it.

"I've never seen one like this before but I'm still able to connect to it. I wonder what could have damaged it so much? The only thing that could damage a Gargoyle like this would be another one. Or another mech like unit from another civilization." TOBOR spoke as he flew around the mech. Scanning almost every nook and cranny of it.

"Are you going to give me a lecture or are you going to tell me if it can still work?"

"Ah yes, impatience. I'm fully connected now with the unit." TOBOR said as the mech started to put its hand in front of me. "Now hop."

I climbed on top of the hand that lifted me towards its chest. That opened up to reveal a cockpit. That was undamaged but covered in dried blood.

"Now that's just unsanitary. Shame on the last pilot for not cleaning up after himself." TOBOR said as he entered the cockpit after me.

"I don't think he ever got the chance to." I quietly said to myself.

As I sat down in the pilot seat TOBOR laid himself on the console and integrated himself into it.

"I've fully integrated myself into the system. So now I can give you updates on the mech's stability, navigation assistance, and aid in other ways too." He said as all the lights inside started to turn on. "Now if you'll grab onto those two controls."

Two levers appeared before me. I placed my hands on them and felt a harsh pain surge through my body. As black lines with a red hue shined on my hands and moved up to my arms disappearing underneath my clothes.

"That's strange. There seems to have been some energy that was relocated to the cockpit." TOBOR stated confused.

"Ignore it. Isn't there something more important?"

"Y-yeah. You seem overly ready to fight.. Opening the deployment bay and ready for deployment."
