Chapter 15

The wires that were connected to the Gargoyle popped off as the cables that hoisted the body snapped as it moved. Once the deployment bay was fully opened up the wings of the mech spread open. Flying out of the bay at extremely high speed.

"Slow down! If we continue to move at this speed we will fall apart!" TOBOR warned as I piloted the Gargoyle.

Usually I would have listened and slowed down. Especially since there was nothing to gain from taking the unnecessary risk of moving quickly. However, I felt strange, excited even. As if my body has been waiting for a moment like this this entire time.

This isn't me though and I know that.

"The scan shows that there are four X5-Bruisers around our carrier targeting the engine room. If you go up and to the back of the carrier you'll find them."

"Lets see if they'll flinch." I said whipped over in that direction.

I was over there in a matter of seconds. But it felt like I was warming up somehow, as if I could push more speed out of the machine.

I flew threw one ship before I came to a stop. The explosion of their fellow pilot came at such a shock that there was pause from all of them. That transformed into panic. The ships scattering and each of them flying of in separate directions.

In that moment I felt the same surge of pain course through my body.

"Is everything alright?" TOBOR asked.

"I'm fine. Lead me through the best course of action to take care of these three."

"Will do. Follow the flight patterns that will show up on the console to your left."

I went after the one that was making its way back to the main ship. Destroying it with a punch from behind. Then I went after the nearest ship from my current position. Disposing of it in the same manner as the last one.

I was making quick work of these small bruiser ships. Though before I could hit the last one I was hit by a large blast from the pirate carrier.

"I thought you said the only thing that could do this much damage was another Gargoyle." I said as red flashing lights appeared before me.

"Well what do you want me to do about the parts and layers of armor we're missing?"

The controls stiffened in my hands. Almost as if the Gargoyle itself felt agitated and annoyed. Which then strangely became the emotions that I was feeling in the moment.

"If I were to throw the bruiser how quickly would he be able to recover?" I asked TOBOR as I eased into my seat.

"With just the physical strength alone of the Gargoyle I would estimate fifteen seconds if he was skilled. But seeing his flight patterns I doubt he would be able to recover that quickly. Why?"

I controlled the Gargoyle to get in front of the last bruisers' flight path. Grabbing it and throwing it at the pirate's cruiser. In the general direction of where I thought that blaster was located.


"What in the Hyphasphere!?"

"Did that take out their blaster?" I asked leaning back in my seat.

"My scans indicate that we were slightly off target. But the cruiser did sustain some severe damage near their engine room."

"So what should we do from here? I doubt they'll want to continue this fight when there's no chance of winning now."

"I recommend that we stay in the Gargoyle and wait for instructions from the Empress. I'm trying to get into contact with her now."

I waited for a moment as I watched holographic screens pop in and out of sight. As TOBOR attempted to set up a line with Zu.

"Can you hear me?" Zu's voice echoed in my head.

"Loud and clear. So what are your orders Empress?" I asked.

"The leader of the pirate gang came into contact with us just a moment ago. Suggesting that for our safety we hand over the Gargoyle and leave."

"That's a steep offer from the losing party." TOBOR responded.

"It is. However, I fear that they might have some sort of plan if they can make such a confident request." Zu said stating her worries.

"I had the same thought. Unless they were just a bunch of crazed bandits I wouldn't be worried. But even if they weren't skilled they were still organized meaning they have someone intelligent leading them." I said as I crossed my arms.

"If that were the case then there is a high likelihood of them having another weapon at their disposal." The was a pause that came from Zu before continuing. "I'm not quite familiar with battle tactics or strategy. On top of that you aren't a member of my people so I couldn't ask you to fight this battle for us. So I'll be leaving the decision to you."

"I'll continue to fight." I responded.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to retreat."

"Empress Tanwen, I am a soldier. The battlefield is all I know and fighting is all my life is worth." I said stopping for a moment before continuing. "On top of that if we were to agree to those terms. There is no guarantee that they will uphold those terms after we handover the Gargoyle. Since there is no knowing if they are people of honor."

Once I was finished there was a long moment of silence from Zu. Before she responded with an entirely different tone. "Understood. I'll contact the pirate leader to notify him of our decision." Zu said, immediately cutting our line with her.

"Sounded like she was pretty angry with my decision." I said to TOBOR.

"If you want my input, I don't think it was the decision she had an issue with." TOBOR said making me look at him confused.

"So lets see if they were bluffing or actually have a trick up their sleeve."