Chapter 16

"It seems there's some movement coming from the carrier." TOBOR said.

I looked off in the distance and watched as the bottom of the carrier opened up. Making way for something large to exit from it.

"Is that another Gargoyle?"

"It is. One built by the Meqashine, since the design centers around a four arm physique, a physique that their people display. I suggest we approach with caution." Said TOBOR.

The Gargoyle was the same size as ours however they were in good condition. Clean and without any damage to the frame. Which leads me to believe that they are either skilled and take care of their Gargoyle. Or they only use it as their one ace in the hole since it lacks some battle scars.

The frame was blocky with a purple color. As if the design was supposed to be based off of a male muscular physique seen from their people. And to match with the four arms on the body the head also displayed four eyes.

"It seems that the pilot of the Gargoyle is trying to open a line with us. Shall I allow it to come through?" TOBOR asked.

"Patch it through."

"It seems like our line was received. So let me get straight to the point. Your Empress lacks some basic knowledge about the Gargoyle that you're piloting. So how about you do both of us a favor and hand it over yourself." Said a male voice.

"Then how about filling us in on this information." I responded.

"You've got to be kidding me! You're piloting THAT Gargoyle without knowing about its background!? The people of our planet know that Gargoyle as The Shadow of Calamity."

"As if. The Shadow of Calamity is just a legend that people told their kids so they would behave." TOBOR responded.

"I see then… Even if you are good people it would be foolish of me to leave that Gargoyle in the hands of the ignorant. I'll let your friends leave but I have no other choice but to dispose of you." He said cutting the line.

"I guess there's no other choice but to fight." TOBOR said.

The four armed Gargoyle rushed at me. Like some bruiser type fighter the size of a mountain.

"A single hit from him and we'll crumble." TOBOR said slightly panicked.

"Then lets see if he's able to keep up enough to even try." I responded.

Luckily I was right. The speed difference between the two of us is vast. Making it very easy to move and dodge the oncoming attacks from the four armed Gargoyle.

"TOBOR, do you feel that?" I asked.

"No what is it?"


I felt weird. It was as if I was feeling someone else's emotions creep in like they were my own. Like right now, in the back of my mind I feel annoyed. Could it be that I'm feeling…

"You ok?" TOBOR asked.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Adjusting my grip on the controls.

I put even more space between us and the other Gargoyle. Making it have to lunge it's fist forward to even attempt to reach me. Though now that it was over extended I had the perfect opportunity for a counter attack. I closed the distance around the outside of it's extended arm. Grabbing the wrist and piercing the upper right shoulder joint with my hand cutting it clean off.

It tried to back off and put some space between us. However, using the arm I tore off as a weapon I was able to reach it and damage it's head.

"Re-open the line with the pilot." I said to TOBOR. Once I heard the line open with him I said, "Lets end this. If you stop your attack I'll have no need to fight. Nor do I want to fight".

"I see that your spirit is still intact… Pilot, what is your name?" He asked.

"Mishiki, Tadao."

"Sir Tadao, can I trust your honor as a warrior?"

"You can trust that I have nothing to gain by continuing this battle. There's no need for either one of us to die."

"Interesting… I'd like to retrieve the arm of my Gargoyle then I'll take my leave."

I pushed the arm over to him and waited. I watched as he held his arm and hesitated to show his back to me. Though he eventually did and left us. Letting me let out a sigh of relief.

I returned back to the carrier and TOBOR and I left the Gargoyle. Once I was finally out of the Gargoyle I felt, light. As if it was just me in my body again. Which only multiplied the questions I had about this "Shadow of Calamity" that I was piloting.

"What happened out there?" Asked Zu as she entered the deployment bay.

"We came to an agreement." I responded.

"Agreement?" Zu asked quickly realizing her tone and changing it to a more regal one. "I'd like you to explain from the beginning what happened between the two of you."

"He opened a line with us requesting us to hand over the Gargoyle in which they would then let us go. The pilot even recognized the Gargoyle calling it The Shadow of Calamity."

"That's impossible. The Shadow of Calamity is nothing more than a legend." Zu said with a puzzled look on her face.

"That's what I said when the pilot brought it up. But he didn't seem to be bluffing to try and get one over us." TOBOR chimed in.

"It seems that I'm the only one who doesn't know anything about the legend." I said.

"Well you did come from an underdeveloped civilization. So I wouldn't find it strange that you don't know about Gargoyles and the legend of 'The Shadow of Calamity'." Zu responded.

It sort of felt weird to hear that the human civilization is underdeveloped but after everything I've seen I don't doubt it one bit.

"I guess while we keep moving through space you can fill me in the legend some time." I said to Zu.

"I-I would be honored to." She responded with a smile.