Chapter 17

"Pilot." A voice called out.

I tried to look around me for that person but couldn't see anything. My surroundings were covered in absolute darkness. To the point where I couldn't even say I was standing on the ground or floating.

"Pilot." The voice called out again.

I stayed silent. I couldn't figure out what was the correct response or question to ask. So I waited.

"Pilot. You aren't safe." Said the voice.

Once it had said those words my surroundings changed from black to a blood red. Sending a chill down my spine as I felt like I was being watched by hundreds of pairs of eyes.

I spun in circles terrified by my situation. Looking for anything that could help me better understand what was going on. But there was nothing.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Home." Said a different voice from behind me.

I turned around to face who spoke to me. To find a kid with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Well for others it's more like purgatory." He continued. "Jeez that was rude of me, I didn't even introduce myself before I answered you. Though sadly I can't give you my name just yet. But what I can tell you is that I'm the first pilot of the Gargoyle that is now known as The Shadow of Calamity."

"And everyone else?" I asked gesturing around me.

"They were also pilots of the Gargoyle. Every single one of us piloted and died inside the Gargoyle. Leaving us behind in this space." The Kid explained.

"Well I don't remember dying." I said worried.

"Don't worry you're still alive."

"Then why am I here? And how come you're more than just some eyes watching me?" I asked causing him to laugh.

"I wish I could tell you, but it's a secret. But it seems that the Gargoyle has taken some interest in you." The kid said playfully. "But, man I never would have expected things to turn out this way. I guess things really have changed for us." He said as if he was reminiscing on the past.

"How so?" I asked, curious about their situation.

"I hear that they now call the Gargoyle 'The Shadow of Calamity', the truth is he wasn't always known as that. When we first started together I named him after my title. Sun Slayer." He said with a smile when he called out that name. A smile I could tell that held back some sad memories.

"Sounds very anime."

"You can say that again." He said with a light chuckle. "The two of us were once seen as heros. Now I've been forgotten and only remembered as the first pilot and Slayer is remembered as a monster."

"What exactly happened with you and the Gargoyle?"

"It wouldn't be interesting if I just told you everything now would it?" He said with a smile on his face. "Plus how is a man ever to learn anything if he doesn't find the answers for himself?"

"You act far wiser than your stature gives you credit for." I respond with a smile as well.

"Time sure is a funny thing… It seems like this is the end of our little conversation for the time being." He said waving goodbye.

When he said that I began to realize that my surroundings began to fade from view. The eyes in the sky were one by one disappearing and the red hue around me fading to black. Until it ultimately left me alone in darkness with no one and nothing around me.

However, when I opened my eyes next I ended up finding myself in the infirmary again. With Michael asleep at my feet and TOBOR hovering around my face.

"You're awake!" TOBOR exclaimed.

"Shhh, Michael's sleeping."

"Sorry." TOBOR said then continuing in a softer voice. "What happened back there? One second you were fine when leaving the Gargoyle and the next you pass out and fall into the Empress's arms."

I let out a sigh and leaned my head against the wall.

"That thing is the real legend. It was somehow able to transport my psyche into another realm to speak with the first pilot."

"…You really said that with full confidence too." TOBOR responded.

So even the flying and talking robot can't believe that story. It's really hard to tell what's far fetched in this situation. When you're talking with a robot in the space ship of an alien race.

I quietly left the infirmary so I wouldn't wake up Michael and searched for either the Empress or Shaku. Which only led me to finding neither of them.

At least I could say that I explored a little bit of the ship. Which I don't think I'll ever find myself getting used to. Or that's at least what I would like to say but knowing how I've lived so far I think it will be pretty easy to get used to.

I turned to my side and looked out the window, looking into the endless void that is space. I placed my hand on my shoulder as my mind started to drift elsewhere.