Chapter 21

As I sat him back down on the bed I could get a better look at him. The metal arm and leg that he had looked very well made. Far more intricate than anything I've ever seen made by man. The design on top of that was extremely brutish as well as if the initial intent was to create a weapon.

"My name is Tadao Mishiki. As I told you before I was left behind during the Great Reset and before that I was a soldier during the Final War." I said introducing myself.

"I-I'm Shinya Sakata. I u-used to be a-a biologist. Until t-they d-did this to m-me." He said rolling up his sleeve with his human hand.

Revealing the state in which his shoulder was in. The robotic arm that was attached to it was crudely put in. To where you could visibly see the overlap of metal and human body. Some areas in which you can see his raw muscle fibers like the skin would never heal and grow back.

I had to keep myself together as much as I could seeing that. Even thinking about how his leg probably was in the same situation made me sick. I was practically forcing myself not to vomit.

"I c-cant e-even remember what I-I looked l-like b-before this." He said lowering the sleeve to hide the damage.

For someone in his situation I look like the lucky one. And after seeing just how destroyed his body is I wouldn't put it past anyone. But having him just stare at me where my arm is gone makes me feel guilty even if I've done nothing.

"I don't know how advanced their medical field is but I can see if they have anything to ease some pain you're having." I offered but he just shook his head. "…Could I ask you some questions? You're under no pressure to agree since I can see that you're still adjusting to your environment."

"Is it t-true."


"Y-you're from E-earth?"

"Yes, I'm a soldier from the Final War and when it was decided to end all the fighting I was left behind. I lived in a rundown shed near some woods with my dog for a few years. Before I ended up in a weird situation that brought me here." I explained one more time.

"W-we were told that a-all l-life on Earth had died. When r-riots had sprung u-up asking to turn back." He said looking down at his metal hand.

"What is it like on the ships? I'm searching for my wife and kids who left during the Great Reset. Any information that you can give me on life on those carriers I would appreciate." I said hoping that I could at least learn that they were safe.

"I-I don't k-know if you really want t-to know."

"I need to know."

There was a moment of silence from him before he started explaining what it was like on the ships. Apparently all the ships were split up to create five colonies. Shinya also started off by saying that the ship you were assigned to depended on your life on Earth, age, health, and every other aspect of your life.

Shinya himself started in the Second Colony since he was young, healthy, and a great biologist. The way he described his life on that ship it sounded as close to paradise that he could get. Along with still being able to study and continue his research. He said that his initial thoughts were that things were for humanity was progressing perfectly. Though things couldn't have been further from that.

Shinya discovered some rumors about life on the other carriers. That the First Colony was only made of one ship and were treated like gods. While the Fourth and Fifth Colonies were living life worse than what they experienced during the Final War. Some in those colonies were even subjected to human experiments. That ended up killing a majority of the people that ended up as test subjects while the ones who survived… He said I was looking at proof of what it was like to survive the tests.

Once he was done telling me his story and what it was like on the ships. I left the room so he could get some proper rest and readjust.

"It seems that you speaking with him put him at ease. I was told that they were finally able to administer him with some medication." Zu said as she approached me.

"For him it was probably more so that we couldn't do anything worse to him." I responded in a way that was colder than I intended.

"I don't understand why someone would do that to their own people. His condition is horrifying and the circumstances-"

"Have no way or reason to lead to such an outcome. I know. But I can't stop to think about him or the others right now. All I can think about is wether or not they did that to my family. If my daughter is ok. And I can't help but hate myself for not being able to stop and help those around me."

"Tadao, you're taking responsibility for things that are far out of your control. There is no pride in having burdens that out way you." Zu said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"If my burdens out weigh me then I just need to find the strength to carry on." I said stepping back from her. "I'm sorry, I know that play counselor is far underneath an Empress such as yourself. So I'm apologizing for having made you do so. I'll have someone from the infirmary contact me when he wakes so I can continue to handle my burdens." I said changing my tone to a lifeless professional one.

I left her after saying those words and made my way to my room. Where Michael and TOBOR have been waiting for me. Michael was sat that way more like how he used to act back on Earth. While TOBOR kept pacing up and down the room.

"Did you find it?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's underneath your bed. Now can you tell me why you had us looking for your gun the past few days?" TOBOR asked as I reached underneath the bed.

"Looks like it was a good idea to run around like a work horse. Hm, three shots left."

"Are you just going to ignore me? Tadao, they've been nothing but great to us and we're going to betray them?" TOBOR asked panicked.

"Depends on if that's the way you want to look at it. But if you couldn't tell I have a mission and it's the only reason why I'm still alive. I'm going to find my family at whatever the cost. And if you're going to stand in my way I don't need you." I said pointing the gun at TOBOR.

"That's not funny."

"Did you ever catch me as someone to joke?"