Chapter 22

TOBOR was silent as if he didn't know what to say. As if all of this came at too much of a surprise for him.

"Fine." TOBOR said breaking the silence. "I'll help you get out of here. On the condition that we do this without killing any of the Empresse's people."

I lowered the gun and placed it at my hip. In which the suit magnetized the gun to itself. Allowing for it to stay there without the need of a holster.

"Don't you think it's going to be a little too obvious to have it just hanging there?" TOBOR asked cautiously hovering around me.

"It would if I needed to hide it." I said as I walked out of the room with Michael behind me.

We walked through the halls with no one being suspicious of us. Which wasn't difficult since seeing we walk around with Michael wasn't anything new or weird.

Once we made it across to the other side of the carrier we entered Empress Zu's study. Where I was able to rummage through the papers and files that I helped organize. Searching for a paper that had this ships flight schedule. Along with a diagram that outlined what was in each jar on her shelves.

Using the diagram I was able to find the powder they used to knock me out and bring me on this ship. I licked the tip of my finger and tipped it into the jar so it would stick.

Though once the powder made contact with the saliva on my finger tip it clumped up into a green goo. I looked back at the diagram which held a little description on the powder. Luckily I don't have to inject it into anyone but a simple digestion will work too.

I gave one final look over for the documents to memorize them before returning them to their place.

"Oh, I didn't expect to find you here." Said Empress Zu as she entered the room.

"I was actually in here looking for you." I said hiding the clump in my hand. "But when I walked in here and didn't find you… Well I'm glad that you're here now." I said walking up to her.

"What was it that you needed me for?" She asked without breaking eye contact with me.

"How do your people feel about romantic relationships with other species?" I asked, stood very close to her face.

"W-w-what do you mean?" She asked stepping away from me blushing. "Why would you ask such a thing?" She asked this time avoiding to look at me at all.

"Well with all the time that Shaku has spent with me and her having cared for me this whole time. I couldn't help but jump to a conclusion that she might have feelings for me." I said as she walked to the other end of the room.

"Shaku.. And how do you feel about her?"

"I feel that she is mistaken." I said slightly changing my tone on accident.

"In what way?"

"I'm neither the man she believes me to be nor the one she deserves. Her involvement with me will only bring harm and sorrow to her life." I said committing to the change in tone.

"I see… I seem to have failed to inform you that the other human has awoken."

I bowed to her and made my way to the infirmary keeping a look out for Shaku. The only person who could possibly stop me.

As I rushed over to the infirmary I could see Michael glancing up at me every now and again as we walked. In my head it felt like he was feeling guilty about the things we were doing.

"I know bud, I don't think they deserve any of this either but… I NEED to see my family again. Protecting them is all I have left." I said to him.

He only looked at me as we walked when I said that. He didn't whimper or bark. He didn't give me any sort of response which I knew meant that he didn't like this at all. But he's a good boy and never disobeys and order from me.

"Mr. Mishiki… What brings you here?" Shinya asked as I entered the room.

"I see whatever medicine they gave you fixed your stutter. I was able to convince them to let me give you a tour of the ship. Since we don't know how long you'll be here for." I responded with a smile.

Shinya stayed silent as he got up from his bed and walked out of the room with me. He stayed like that the whole time as we walked through the ship and I explained what each room was.

Once we reached the hallway that had the window that looked out into space he stopped. Stood right in front of the glass in the middle of the hall. Taking in a deep breath before he finally spoke to me.

"Basing everything off of the information you gave me on your family they are most likely in the Third Colony. They easily could have made it to the second since your wife is a doctor but you being a soldier drops them down. Low enough to be considered for the Fourth Colony but your daughter is young enough to put them in the Third." He said as he looked out into space.

"Do you have any idea where that colony could be?" I asked as I slowly lifted my gun and pointed it at his head.

He paused before responding. "Each colony went their separate way and they made sure that not a single person knew the others whereabouts. However, the ship I tried to leave in was a supply ship that was heading towards another colony's ship. The pod you brought back that I was in should still have those coordinates."

That was all the information that I had needed. Now all that was left for me to do was shoot him.

But I stood there absolutely ready but unwilling to do so. So I lowered my gun returning it to where I had it. I turned away from Shinya, disgusted almost at the thought of what I was about to do.