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Alexs figure which was standing on a pile of corpses suddenly became covered with darkness. His figure started to melt like a darkish liquid and as it touched the ground it dispersed into nothingness.

The Arkham soldiers were already out of breath after traversing through the rough terrain and were startled to see a pile of corpses all around the place.

They searched for the enemy but they couldnt find a living soul around the place. They rushed to the place after hearing the cries of screams but as soon as they reached there, all they found was deathly stillness.

One of the soldiers felt a small tap on his shoulder and screamed in panic.


He jumped back and leaned on the tree and shoutedOh! Its you, Lenny.

Dont scare me like that.

You are a scared cat, Lenny muttered with an amused smile and turned to look at others searching through bush and trees but as he looked back, he found his friend missing.

He looked around but stopped in his motion as he felt the fluctuation of light due to the variation of flames of the torch.

Cant you even hold a flame torch properly? He grunted and as he looked towards the man holding the touch, his gaze met with a bloody pair of eyes.

He saw a black mass of shadow with nothing but two blood-coloured eyes.

He opened his lips to scream but due to the excessive shock, nothing came out of his lips.

Behind him, there was no one and dozens of soldiers were missing as if all of them never existed in this place.

The black shadow extended his hand and everything in Lennys vision turned dark.

Every time Alex appeared dozens of soldiers went missing and were engulfed in darkness.

The black shadowy figure emerged once again with no one in sight.

The darkness around Alex dissipated, and he muttered softlyIts difficult for me to control it for the long run.

It hadnt been even a few minutes and it already took a great toll on him to maintain this power.

Only after using it, he knew just how strong this power was and if one doesnt have a light element or any sort of divinity, the opposing person is doomed if the fight takes place in the night, especially in a terrain like this.

And Riya who is resistant to light elements due to human nature is a nemesis for the enemies. Alex shuddered thinking about Riyas mastery over darkness and shadow.

Since, Riya is Queen of shadow. I should work forward to become King of Shadow. Alex muttered and moved forward to kill the next batch of shoulders.

Since Alex didnt use any aura or mana except when he attacked or used concealment, the opposing force found it hard to find Alex who had completely masked his presence.

Every time Alex moved, death followed.

Aghhhh!Its that monster, Alex.

One of the soldiers was able to identify him and screamed his name which spread and alerted everyone but it didnt matter for Alex as the only thing knowing his name did was to add more fuel to their fear.

Soldiers from all around released their aura and rushed towards him.

The lower-rank beasts hiding in the forest fled away in fear, and trees started to fall one after one as the enemys auras swept through the place

Alex retracted his sword and stabbed it forward, a sharp mass of condensed pressure which was shot due to Alexs physical strength erupted and made holes through everyone who came in the line of the attacks.

His images blurred and he appeared in between them and moved his swords.

Some soldiers tried to hold him and pin him while asking others to attack him. Some tried to die by taking him with them but all of them failed and were killed brutally.

One by one dozen were killed around him.

Dave who noticed the scene was shocked to see Alex fighting back with an overwhelming force taking everyone.

He had been looking for signs of others but still, now, the only one whom he found was Alex.

This is simply insane, Dave muttered with disbelief.

You havent even seen the real thing.

Hugh! Dave jerked back as he saw Alex appearing quite close to him out of nowhere.

His mind was too stupefied to think about the attacks.

What do you mean? Dave asked while sweating profusely.

The real attack would begin when you all would retreat. This is just me and my minions playing and warming up. Alex spoke nonchalantly and he smashed the soldier with the hilt of the sword.

PlayingWarming up.. Daves mind short-circulated after hearing Alex heard.

Dont think too much. Focus on gathering your troops.

Dave nodded and asked hesitantlyCan I stay and take a look?

Umm! Alex nodded and spoke, But before that find your men and ask everyone to retreat.

Due to the attack of Arkham, the troops of Kinley had been split into many groups.

Alex fears that these people may lose their way and die uselessly so Alex had already sent some men to guide and take them away.

At present, he is just clearing the first wave of the enemy.

The real attack would begin when another side receives the news and after the soldiers from the third defence line retreat, the real fight could start.

While Dave heeds Alexs call and starts looking for the leftover troops.

The enemy kept on struggling while trying to pinpoint their enemy and shot them in the dark.

One of them observed the situation and spoke.

There is just a single enemy.

Everyone calm down. Dont disperse.

Stay in the group. Form a team and surround the enemy from all directions.

Too many of them focused on a single enemy. They didnt know where and when the enemy would sprout out.

They were being killed without getting a chance to fight back.

As the group darted across carefully, a tree shook and fell on them.

They reacted quickly and ran here and there.

The fall of trees causes them to disperse away and Alex took his chance to kill them one by one.

The game of hide and seek went on for some time until Jack along with his troops received the news.

Out of 1500 men, everyone is wiped out.

Jack stared at the soldiers pale expression and controlled himself from exploding due to anger.

The soldier flinched back after seeing Jack gaze in fear.

What happened there?

Werent you just pursuing the enemies, then how did this lead to your demise?

You are saying 1500 men just died like this?

I dont knorr.know.

We were advancing and killing soldiers of Kinley but soon our people started to disappear one by one. We tried to locate them but all we found were scattered dead bodies of our comrades.

We have only heard the scream of the name Alex but we found nothing. As soon as I noticed the anomaly, I rushed here to report you.

Jack clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth in anger.

How could he forget the name?

The surviving soldiers from the second defence line were scared to the point that they didnt dare to touch weapons.

Hearing his name was enough to give them a heart attack.

Previously, they had thought of two conjectures.

Either Alex and his men escaped after destroying the route or they were hiding here and in the second case, the person who fled didnt like Alex and wanted to stay with him here and die.

They even had thought of asking him to take their side in case he was betrayed, which was simply unforgivable for them as he was a sinner who slaughtered their fellow countrymen.

And now once again he was blocking their way.

Jacks blood boiled for revenge as he thought about the name and spoke with a sneerGood!

So, this is where that rat is hiding.

He walked around and shouted to his men standing behind him.

My men! Inside the dark forest, there is a sinner who killed your brothers and trampled over their corpses.

He didnt even leave survivors, even though our people surrendered and begged for mercy. He is acruel and rotten bastard who enjoys himself in another suffering.

Anyone that brings me his head will be released with 5000 gold coins, Jack shouted with a vicious smile.

We will kill him and tear him apart! One of the soldiers shouted and followed and loud shouts spread across.

Kill the sinner.

Kill the sinner!

Kill the sinner!

The patriotism for their country burnt in their eyes as they glared fiercely deep inside the forest.

If only they were sane, it wouldnt take too long for them to realise that what they were doing was worse than the other side.

Didnt they also kill the survivors, cut the commanders head and use the heads of the dead and showcased them as trophies?

But sometimes extreme patriotism overtakes one mind and clouds one sense which makes them unable to discern what was wrong or right turning them to walk into the path ofextremist

I want all of you to advance and kill his people before his eyes and bring me his head. We will present his head and use it as an example to showcase our strength to others who dare to raise their head against us.

The soldiers eyes sparkled with greed after hearing the bounty.

5000 gold coins were enough for them and their children to leave a life filled with leisure and comfort.

Overtaken by greed they didnt care to think about the enemys level and his strength.

They didnt even know the basic information, not the opponents strength or weakness yet they were ready to jump ahead without any precaution.

Jack after finishing his speech ordered all of them to head inside at once.

Denver, the Transcendent rank lieutenantwalked beside Jack and spoke with a frownCommander, dont you think you are too hasty?

Alex and Riya had killed Legendary rank easily. Shouldnt we take some precautions?

Moreover, its already night. Searching for them wouldnt be easy.

I know!Jack observed his advancing soldiers.

Unlike Sheldon who was at Transcendent rank, he was at Legendary rank and he also had made quite a name in his early days.

He was a retired veteran and was known for his fiery and aggressive temper but he was brought back to lead the troops due to the current situation.

I may be hot-headed but I am not a fool.

It was Duke Sheldons careless mistake that took his life. If he had used his full force, he wouldnt have suffered such a fate

Moreover, only Alex and Riya are the only ones who can contest against a Legendary rank but they also have their limitations. They cant take on a thousand by themselves.

From the report, I saw that Alex knew a spell of wide destruction which he combined with his swordsmanship to rampage but in this place, isnt he restricting himself? Jack spoke with a wide grin and ordered.

We will disguise ourselves as common soldiers and delve further and look for an opportunity and as we find it, we will then seize the chance and kill him. But before that, we will tire him out entirely through continuous waves of soldiers.



A faint crackling sound echoed as the surrounding darkness was pushed by the fire.

The soldiers continued to move through the bushy forest and reached the steep lands that were going up.

All of them carefully observed the terrain and searched as they looked around,

They first checked out the sound of the tapping of dried leaves while trying to hear the enemys movements.

They could perceive the eeriness around them. Although, everything around looked normal and the trees looked ordinary.

It was this normal atmosphere that was scaring the shits out of them.

The soldiers exhaled deeply as they heard the rustling sound of leaves and were suddenly alerted but even after some time nothing odd happened.


While the soldiers marched, he stepped on a twig which broke with a crackling sound.

His face stiffened as he heard a swishing sound and before he could turn, he was whacked by a thick log which sent him along with others flying like a rag doll.


Where did this log come from? Did someone attack us?A soldier shouted

When the flame is shown in the darkness, the area which they couldnt see was lit up.

They looked towards the left.

They looked towards the right.

There was nothing amiss except spotting a pair of logs leaning on the tree trunk.

The man leading them thought this was weird and moved carefully towards it to observe the logs.

As he continued ahead with his search.



Pair of hands emerged from the darkness which warped around the necks of the soldier at the back.

They couldnt even make any movements or scream for help. In a fleeting moment, his neck was twisted and life escaped from his life.

It made a small thud sound as it fell but the others didnt hear it due to the tapping sound and rustling of leaves caused by a gentle breeze.

Soldiers at the back started to disappear one after another. Before they could react, a pair of dead hands grabbed and twisted their necks.

The small groans that escaped from their lips were quite faint and suppressed by other footsteps.

And unknowingly the soldiers at the front started to move towards their death without noticing anything amiss.

The soldiers kept marching forward.

They found the presence of logs weird at first but after observing and finding nothing amiss, they thought it was simply kept by enemies before to use later but they might have forgotten about it and one of the logs might have rolled over due to the terrain.

Nothing is wrong. So advance. The man ordered and turned his back while the darkness swallowed another of his men.

Death lingered on their backs and started to take them one by one.


The numbers started to rise rapidly.

It didnt feel odd at first but as he along with others noticed that the light was dimming slowly and the number of burning torches had decreased, the man realised that something was wrong.

He gasped in shock as he found only dozens of men behind him which initially consisted of a group of hundred men.

When he had started, his surroundings were filled with brightly illuminating torches but now everything was dark.

He glared at his men angrily and screamed.

Dimhead, what the hell were you doing?

Cant you notice the changes that are happening around you?

The soldier murmured as they felt wrong and mutteredEven you werent able to perceive the change so why are you blaming us.

Bastard, you dared to agree even in this type of situation.He muttered.

His body shuddered as he couldnt even find the presence of anyone.

He took out a whistle and wanted to blow it wanting to send a single danger to everyone but as soon as he took it out of his pocket with his trembling hands, he grasped it in shock.

Small orbs of fire appeared all around them and were numbered in hundreds.

The orbs illuminated and shook the darkness of the entire place which startled them greatly.

pan,d a-n0vel The man and his soldiers flinched back due to the sudden fire and as they followed the path which was lit by the orbs, their eyes met with a horrifying scene that almost took their breath away.

They could recognise the existence before them and who seemed to be unfolded hell on the battlefield.

The mans body shuddered and his hands holding the whistle froze.

Sitting on the heap of corpses, drenched in blood, the demon with fearsome eyes stared straight towards them.

Seeing all the soldiers of Arkham lying on the ground without even a slight move, they looked at Alex with a pale expression.

Just then, they heard a sharp, crisp voice.

I heard you are all aiming for my head.

I am now sitting before you. Why dont you give it a try?

Show me the guts which you guys were showing before.

The soldiers gulped and tried to pull out their swords but they noticed many eyes crawling out from the darkness and soon they were hit by someone appearing out of nowhere and they were killed.

Alex stared at his men and saidCommence the operation Ambush.

The Terror Of Ranvier can be considered a vast wilderness with a wide forest and steep mountains.

Its radius was quite huge and searching for enemies here was akin to looking for a needle in the haw.

So, instead of wasting an ambiguous search, Arkham wanted to wipe out all the enemies of the mountains at once and threw all of them at once.

It was even difficult for them to search for the enemies but Alex had a mana map which helped him to locate the enemies and his men.

He had stationed his men at particular points and the trees along with the places had been marked and named with codes for reference purposes.

The flame torched by Arkham soldiers not only lit up the place but also helped Alexs men to notice them easily in the deep darkness.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The twisting of bones was accompanied by the racket of bones breaking apart.

Soldiers were looking around for the enemies meticulously but they werent able to find anyone in sight.

Even if someone was lucky enough to spot the enemy, they werent able to live last the moment to alert others.

Soon, all over the place, Arkham soldiers started to die one by one.

The death of the Arkham soldiers didnt last long and it was discovered soon after which a whistle pierced through the stillness of darkness and resounded everywhere.



It alerted everyone.

The enemy had already appeared!

Find out their location and cut off their escape route.

Drive off the enemy to the one place.

Everyone was alerted and their eyes turned back and forth to check the surroundings.

The Warriors used the aura to illuminate the darkness while the mages used their spells.

Nonetheless, they werent able to find anyone no matter how many times they looked.

The enemy was nowhere in their sight. They couldnt understand how someone next to them disappeared without even making a sound

At that time, another whistle blew with a different frequency from the previous which startled everyone.


Suddenly a loud explosion occurred somewhere causing the death of a few.

A fire rose at the place where the explosion took place.

The soldiers stared at the fire and thought that the enemies were present there, and they rushed towards the spot.

As they marched hurriedly, they crossed an invisible thread on their path which made the trees around them swirl and soon logs appeared out of nowhere and whacked them causing them to fall to the highland.

While others feet seemed to catch in the hook and their bodies were sent upward with a jerk.


An arrow pierced their throat and killed the people who were caught in the hook.

The ground started to collapse and many fell into a small hole which exploded and burnt them into ash.

As if a button had been pressed, many deadly traps appear one after another.

Where the hell are they?

One of the soldiers muttered as he screamed in agony trying to free himself from the hook wrapped around his legs and halted his movements.

At this moment, a shadow flashed by and after passing through it, the man caught in the trap appeared with a crooked neck.

Not all the hole traps exploded and some of the soldiers tried to climb up through the hole.

Give me your hand!

Many hands appeared above the crater offering their help.

The soldiers werent able to notice their faces in the dark and as if someone could remember everyone from the army so they thought someone from their side offered help.

But as soon as they climbed up and grabbed the hands, their body was pulled up with a yank in one hand and another hand appeared over their Adams apple and crushed it, snapping them of their lives.

Every time the shadows passed by, an Arkham soldier would die without getting a chance to utter a word.

The dead bodies were thrown into the pit to become natural fertilisers for the tree.

Soon the pit started to be filled up to the brim which was covered by soil and leaves.

One by one, the Arkham soldiers started to find themselves in an unpredictable and helpless situation like never before.

The forest of Terror Of Ranvier started from low land to a highland area which was followed by mountains.

The reason it was named Terror Of Ranvier was centuries ago, the Western Front was called Ranvier and anyone who was caught in this place would find themselves terrorized by the ferocious wildlife and the vast and deadly wilderness.

After Kinley occupied the Western Front due to various struggles, the beasts were eradicated and their numbers became quiet but the long-standing forest with rugged mountains could still kill some if they were trapped here without any prior knowledge.

The rugged mountains and blinding darkness were factors which didnt let anyone even see the inch.

They limited the movements of both sides but since the reserve units had been trained in a place like this for a month, they were able to move freely.

To mask their presence each of them took a dip in mud and rolled in leaves which caused their current dilapidated condition.

If they stood near the bush, one could find it difficult for them to even identify whether it was a human or a tree.

And all the numbers of beasts were low but werent to the point of extinction.

There were still many deadly beasts living in the forest. Alex was able to locate them with his mana sensor map and was able to stay away from them but it couldnt be said to be true for others.

With the previous explosion, he had led them towards the cave of the arachnoid spider monster.

A squirming shriek echoed across the forest.

A wriggling mass of flesh appeared followed by large dark legs followed by many crimson-glowing eyes shining in the darkness along with the squirming voice.

The cavern under which they lived shook due to the explosion and many arachnoid spiders moved out of it.

The first thing they saw was the humans disturbing their rest.

The fresh scent of cuddling blood filled the air all around them.


The Arkham soldiers started to feel uneasiness as they heard the sound.

Many odd things were going on around and traps hidden on the path were already making them hard to move around.

The soldier with a torch while swinging lit the path and saw a huge wriggling mass of flesh before him.

He raised his torch and put forward his sword while treading carefully.

The light that was illuminating before him showcasing the path suddenly fell on a dark slimy figure whose many eyes were staring at him.

He yelled in fear and swung his sword but the arachnoid spider jumped on it and opened its maw taking a bite and engulfing the soldiers head and body.

The abrupt yell mortified everyone and soon they found a horde of Epic-rank spiders rushing towards them.




The Arkham soldiers tried to fight back but they were rendered immobile.

It was the terrain of the spiders and they were familiar with the topography.

Jumping from tree to tree, they shot the cobwebs which wrapped around Arkham soldiers completely.

One of the soldiers cut through the net with his aura and jumped forward, piercing the skull of the spider.


Rotten odour liquid gushed out from its head, as the monster screamed painfully.

It struggled and tried to shake away the man but it failed and due to the disturbance many spiders sprang on the man.

The Arkham soldiers were nothing but food in the eyes of the spiders who sought them out violently.

Since Alexs troops had masked their presence and their killing methods included swapping and twisting necks, blood didnt splatter on them so most of the spiders didnt seek them out.

Unlike them, Alex and Riya were drenched in blood and their presence and smell could be felt from a long distance.

But it wasnt easy for them to find Riya who could become one with the darkness.

Meanwhile, being trained in different types of topography, every turf had become Alexs home turf.

He was even forced to fight in the depth of boiling lava while putting on a mana shield or covering himself in the aura and so it didnt even matter if he was on steep slopes covering my forest.

The spider that followed Alex has led around towards Arkham soldiers.

Alex knew that this strategy wouldnt last long.

The number of spiders was roughly 200.

p anda nOvel.cO,m Though they have taken several hundred of the enemys life, it was still a meagre amount in front of the whole thousands of Arkham soldiers.

So, Alex actively kept killing enemies on his way.

Alex used his partial concealment to the fullest. Even if he was before someone, it was difficult to discern others.

When he moved, even though he stepped on twigs or leaves no sound could be heard due to his light steps as gentle as feathers.

Unless Alex attacked the other side, they had no way of finding Alex.

When the place that had been illuminated with the fire from the torch until just a moment ago became covered by darkness again, Alex made his move.




He attacked his enemies by surprise. The sword that came down from the darkness wasnt something that could be easily dodged and the soldiers of Arkham died with their eyes wide open.

An enemy is here!

Whistles started to ring loudly.

The Arkham soldiers were aware that the enemy was nearby so they narrowed the formation but Alex had already jumped out from the net and started to take down the outer side of the soldiers in the net.



Yells and shrieks started to be heard from everywhere. Those who tried to trap Alex found themselves trapped.

As they were hallucinating, they could see Alex appearing from all sides and killing them at once.

Arkham soldiers looked around frantically and tried to close the gaps to protect themselves, but Alex managed to pierce the gap that was eventually created and took out the entire squadron of hundred people in the blink of an eye.

The Arkham soldiers might have never thought that they would end up like mice caught in a trap waiting to be slowly devoured by the predator.

Initially, they thought that they had a numerical advantage and using torches and other means, they could find the enemies but their enemies aimed exactly for the ones carrying the torch and then engulf them in darkness

No one was able to spot Alex even if they relied on the light torch. Meanwhile, if Alexs men were spotted, the watcher wasnt left alive to spread the tale.

And the whistles used to alarm others, instead of alerting them created more confusion.

The Arkham soldiers were frustrated and pissed off. But more than that they were scared of the unknown.

Overconfidence caused them to commit careless mistakes. They should have never stepped in here during the night.

Those who know aura tried to guide others and take the lead but Alex and his men continued to aim for their blind spots and to their misfortune, those who used aura were taken out fast causing everyone following them to descend into chaos.

Every time the sword was ignited a ghostly shadow would pass by them leaving behind a corpse with wide-open eyes of confusion and surprise.

Still, none of Alexs soldiers moved hastily. They were instructed to move only if they saw the chance. There was no need to hurry and take risks.

pan,da-n0v el Tonight was going to be theirs and they would be feasting on the enemys blood.

The Arkham Empire didnt know how many enemies they were against nor did they know what Kinley soldiers had stored for them.

The night was still long and Alexs plan wasnt to annihilate enemies at once but kill them throughout the night without burdening oneself.

He wants to break their minds with fear and force them to make careless mistakes.

His strategy was already successful as many Arkham soldiers were really scared.

And it wasnt even the full force of Alexs battalion.

There are currently only 2500 people who hide in the vast wilderness, taking against the Arkham numbers

Back in the mountains, Johnson was already instructing and preparing for another batch of soldiers in case anything troublesome came up.

Jack, who had disguised himself, gulped anxiously. He had planned to sneak in and find Alexs presence and deal with him swiftly.

He would rush around every time, he heard a whistle or scream of his name but much to his terror he couldnt even feel the presence of the enemy let alone see him.

He was utterly stupefied wondering what was going on. All his previous confidence had been washed away after encountering the hellish situation.

He has been running here and there like a headless man and amid the chaos, his right-hand man, lieutenant Denver who accompanied him had gone missing.

This had terrified them greatly as he was just nearby him still he was lost.

Rather than lost, he was sure that he had been killed.

He was really in a pinch and felt that he had committed a grave mistake by undermining the enemy.

There have been traps made for them and on top of that, the other side was using the beasts in the place to distract them and deal with them and about the people getting killed out of nowhere, he didnt know what the hell was going on.

Even a legendary rank warrior like him had been rendered a useless observer while before him the soldiers kept on dying.

He is there! Move quickly.

He could hear the voice of soldiers. Whenever they heard the sound of their colleagues death, they would rush towards the place like crazy only to find nothing but corpses spread everywhere.

The number of corpses kept on increasing and even if a thousand soldiers were searching for him, no one was able to get a glance at the death as it approached them slowly.

Beads of sweat slowly formed on Jacks forehead as he thought that this cannot keep on going like this. He cannot give in to any more foolishness.

At this moment, only he knew how much he wished for the sun to appear over the sky and clear away the darkness.

Jack quickly took out the magic called architect stone and contacted the other side.

He needed to inform his liege as soon as possible so that they could make some amends to the plan.

As he commented on the call, a little distance from him two pairs of eyes observed the man.

The moment Jack stepped into the place, he was already on Alexs radar and Alex had tried to order all his kids to be far away from this man.

Seeing him connecting to the other side, a playful smile appeared on his face as he planned to sneak attack this guy.

He let go of the partial concealment and took his stance waiting for the man to get distracted.

He wanted to finish this in one shot instead of engaging in a frontal battle.

As soon as the call connected, Jack spoke with a pained expression.

Your Highness, we are in trouble. The enemies are fighting from the shadows without showing their presence. We need help! If we stay like this we all are going to die.

His voice and his words shocked the people on the other side.

They had been waiting for the report and good news but what they got was a scream and a plea for help.

Noah heard Jacks voice and spoke firmly.

[Calm down Jack! You are a commander and a Legendary rank. Mind your image first.]

[The enemies are at a numerical disadvantage and since it seems you are fighting from the forest, they seemed to be using darkness to kill you but even if they kill 1000,2000 or 7000 we still had more than double that number. So, be wary of your surroundings and try to pinpoint them.]

Your Highness, you arent understanding the situation.No matter how many times we tried we couldnt find the enemy nor spot him. While we kept on looking, our soldiers had been turning into corpses with each passing moment.

Your Highness only those who are present here know the horror. They are not using shadows rather it feels like they are shadows.

They are like a formless, invisible existence who appear and disappear without leaving behind a single trace.

Jack who was speaking started to tremble as he continued to speak. His heart started to beat frantically.

Although Noah wasnt on the spot, he could feel the situation was quite bad to the point that even Jack, a Legendary, had been weary.

Jack is a Legendary rank and at this level with his mastery over the aura, he could find slight traces as his senses are far more developed than others. So, no matter how dark it is, how is it possible to go undetected?

Noahs judgement wasnt wrong. At a higher level, one could use mana to increase eyesight which could even pierce the darkness and determine the enemys location.

It is only plausible if they are using some kind of artifact or secret spell like us which helped in concealing our movements. Still, our artifact can only hide our appearance, it cannot mask our presence or hide the mana fluctuations.

No, its not possible. The remnants might be led by Alex who was now the King of a small Kingdom. There is no way he would be able to come across such an artifact. Moreover, even if he knew magic, what kind of magic it can be.

There is something wrong and I am not able to point it out.

Noah fell into deep thought.

His and Riyas presence is already something he had never expected to be out here. Both of them had shown rapid growth and had good potential so shouldnt they be posted in some place where they can show their brilliance instead of here unless they pulled some strings to get here?

Noah asked Jack to tell him all the details.The more he listened, the more confused he became.

He felt as if he was searching in a bottomless pit. He had seen Alexs information but nothing matched the way Jack described it.

Riyas fighting style was that of an assassin so she might be the one who might be adept at fighting in the darkness but as described by Jack, he heard the name of Alex many times during the battle.

Sure enough, winning is not as easy as it looks, Noah muttered as he felt that all his experience will be put to the test at this time.

Jack waited for Noahs command and soon he heard the same unwavering tone as before.

As time goes on, the enemy will surely reach the limit of physical strength. Our troops outnumber them many times and if the battle is drawn out, they will be the ones who would be in trouble.

Do not be fooled by the darkness and your surroundings. The enemy is trying to scare you all and put you at a physiological disadvantage which seems to be successful. Wait, observe and move patiently, you may soon find out.

I will lead my troops there. If the situation turns out to be difficult, just retreat.

The situation may have changed a bit but it was not something that would tilt the entire scale of the battle.

Rather than being swayed, he looked at reality. The situation is still favourable for them.

They still have a huge number of troops. Loss of another 10,000 or 20,000 is insignificant compared to that number

Noahs brows furrowed as he didnt get any response. He had expected some kind of response from Jack but what he got was a loud gasping sound from another side.

Jack, are you there?

Did the enemy appear?

Noah didnt receive anything.

Noah thought of moving his troops however as he was about to move, he heard a desperate scream from the other side.


Jack who was talking with Noah Ark suddenly felt a bad premonition. He raised his sword hurriedly and looked around in fear.

Due to panic, he had even forgotten to cut the call and put it around his waist.

The eeriness around him was giving him chills.

There wasnt a single trace of confidence on his face with which he stepped into the forest.

Facing an enemy which cant be seen or found could easily frighten anyone.

He remembered Noahs advice and took a deep breath and looked around.


He felt something at the side and turned his head.

The leaves of the trees and the bushes seemed to be swaying slightly.

He is there. I have found it.

This time you are done. Once you get caught in my hand, you are finished.

Jack hardened his heart and hurled towards the direction, carefully.

Soon, he picked up the slight trace of mana and a smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough there he is.He muttered softly.

The mana around him exploded which covered everything behind him and he swung his sword crushing down everything.

The wind in that direction was cut apart.

Jack jumped towards it and as he reached the place, instead of the enemy he found the dead body of Arkham soldiers.

His face became as pale as a sheet of paper and he turned his gaze all around.

Behind him, on the branch of the tree, a pair of bloody eyes appeared.

A red sword appeared but in the next instant, it was covered by an aura of dark colour which blended entirely with the surroundings.

Jacks body suddenly stiffened. He sensed an intense blood lust from his back.

But before he could react, something passed as fast as light through him.

For a moment, he didnt feel anything but as he looked down he saw a cut on his chest.

He was cut through the back but a wide gap appeared in the front from which blood splattered.

Soon, with a scream, he fell to the ground with a horror-stricken face.

Tak! Tak!

With a soft noise, soon he saw the appearance of the man who had made their life hell appearing out of the darkness with a casual smile.

Alex stepped on Jacks test which had been and cast a minor healing which was enough to stop the blood loss

Jack, what is it?Why are you screaming, are you alright?

You havent cut the call, Alex spoke with an amusing expression.

Alex bent down and picked up the communicator from where a voice filled with uneasiness was resounding.

Alex had heard a bit of talk.

Alex stared at the mana communicator stone and then at Jack who stared at him with eyes as wide as saucers.

What Noah advised could shift the scale of the battle.

If indeed, Jack stood still and observed everything he might not have suffered a fate like this after all he is a legendary rank warrior.

Since the other side was using terrain, if Jack would use his aura and blow away everything within a radius of 50m then Alex would have no choice but to come out and engage in a frontal battle as he would have nowhere to hide.

But Jack wasnt able to think about this.

Initiation and Intimidation were the two reasons that caused such a change.

From the moment they stepped foot in this place, Alex and his men were the ones who hit the nail to the coffin first.

He and Riya were the special case who cant be found as long as they didnt appear but his men didnt have that kind of power, so if the enemies fight carefully they may be able to deal with them but the fear has already overwhelmed them unable to make them think properly.

Alex gave Jack a crooked smile who with a pale expression started to yell in fright.

Dont come close to me, you demon?

You have gone insane? I am already standing on you and you are asking me to go away?

Shouldnt I treat the guests who have visited? Alex spoke with a chuckle.

[Who are you? You are a worthy enemy? Would you like to tell me your name]

Alex heard Noahs voice from the other side and picked up the mana communicator and spoke.

I am Alex Von Leonhart from Kinley. Its nice to meet you Noah Ark who is renowned as the rising sun.

Noah stayed silent for a moment and continued.

[Alex you were previously known as the Fifth Prince but you were thrown out. You have been placed here and there might be a reason and I am sure its not that Arkham was waging a war. They might have posted on a desolate land where you couldnt prosper.]

[You might have been betrayed by them. I deem you to be a very talented individual so I am offering a helping hand.]

[I will make you the Duke Of Arkham if you accept my hand and together we would soar into the sky]

[On top of that you would also hold a considerable amount of power and I will also grant you a piece of land we have conquered]

Noah Ark, tell me? Do you think of me as a fool? And you still havent conquered the place and you never will as long as I am standing here?

If the life of your Legendary rank was not within my hand, would you have offered me this kind of deal? Your main motive was to eliminate us no matter what and what are the chances that you wouldnt backstab me? Alex spoke with a harsh voice and raised his tone.

Listen to me well and etch this in your mind, any enemy that steps in this land will be killed no matter who he is or whatever strength he may have?

You attacked first so you should bear the consequences for your actions.

[I am not going to deny my responsibility. As widely known, the Arkham Empire is experiencing a terrible calamity. There have been troubles all around, common people dont have food to eat. Trade and commerce had been slowing down. Our soldiers had been dying down due to the war with demons. Our border cant hold on.]

[At the covenant, it was agreed that everyone would come together to fight the demons but no one had helped nor were they willing to provide us aid or some money. That is why we launched an attack on Kinley. We have no choice but to make that decision for Arkham to survive and maintain its existence.]

Are you asking me to sympathise with you and change my heart just because of this?

[No, I am not asking you to sympathise with me nor am I trying to convey just how desperate we are. The life of the people of my Empire is at stake. Our goods supply would run out in a few months. Nonetheless, we are not going to back down at any cost. I will do everything within my power to stop my nations downfall even if I have to sell my soul for my nations safety or punish in hell for my wrongdoing.]

Noah breathed heavily after his bone-chilling statements.

Being the Second Prince and a man with great responsibility he was unable to erase the image of his people begging him for food, every time he stopped out. The children looked like sacks of bones and the adults looked to be aged a decade due to their problems.

pan,d a-n0vel It was so bad that even the rations of the soldiers were reduced to provide relief to others. Noah has always been troubled by this and Arkham even sought help and revelation from the Goddess for help.

And the oracle just gave a single statement.

You will find the solution to your problem besides you.

And since Kinley was beside them that means the key to stopping their downfall lies in Kinley.

[You know my plans so you must know just to what extent I can go. Tell the Royal Family of Kinley to either offer us a huge sum or sign the pact to help us avert the demons or we will let the miasma that has been running rampant in our land infect Western Territory and turn it into the land of death.]

[I have already made my choice to go down for the sake of my country but what choice will you make Alex? Even if I die here, I would be praised. But would people praise you or bury your name? I know that Shen had some conflict with one of your wives. If you go down what would happen to them? Will you fall here or make a compromise? The choice is yours, Alex. I hope you choose wisely.]

Noah waited for Alexs reply from the other side but instead of words, what came was a bestial shriek and a cacophony of breaking of bones.

The words of Noah struck Alex.

And particularly the term miasma had caused him to think whether this was the aftermath of his action two years ago or if someone had a hand in it.

This was enough for him to think about the matter a little.

But no matter what, he really had to admire Noahs courage.

For now, he is a big villain for Kinley but for Arkham, he has grown up and become their backbone.

In this situation, he was their only hope and means of survival.

He was a talent that had been recognized by everyone, whether it was inside or outside the nation.

Because of the bold systematic judgement, Alex acknowledged their ability of Noah.

For a moment, he sympathises with his ambition though it was very small

But so what

From what Noah was implying, their condition was bad because of this miasma, not the war with demons.

The miasma is destroying their lands and in doing so destroying their source of life.

Was there no other way for Arkhams to survive rather than waging this war? If there is such a strong problem with miasma then shouldnt they contact the church which is an independent organisation and doesnt belong to a particular nation?

After all, two years ago Kinley had gone through the same disaster but it was able to solve the case.

Athenas presence had only hastened the process. Which took another day to purify,Athen needed only a few minutes.

Arkham should also have its Saintess so even if it took months she should be able to purify the land.

So, instead of trying to find a way to get rid of miasma, you took several men and came here to show your might and preach your sorrows.

If this isnt being then what?

And more than that, Alex didnt like when someone give him choice and threaten him with his wifes name

Even if I die, my wives arestrong enough to defend themselves and cause havoc in Arkham to take revenge on my behalf. Alexs lips curled upwards with a sinister smile and his gaze fell on Jack who breathed heavily.


Hearing the scream, Noah spoke hastily from another side.

[What is going on? What are you doing? Stop it]

Alex had stabbed his sword into Jacks thigh. And thanks to the sound barrier which Alex enacted around the place, no one outside the barrier was able to hear the screams.

Alex strongly pressed the sword and twisted it slowly exerting strong pressure which made Jack scream even more.



Jacks expression was distorted due to the deep pain and he tried to wriggle all around.

The wound on his chest which had been closed by Alex opened once again and blood spurted from it.

Alex cast a minor healing spell in that area and the muscles and veins around the place joined to the sword.

Jack felt a different sensation. Though the pain lessened abruptly, his body trembled with fear thinking about what Alex was going to do.

His heart was beating wildly, and his chest rose up and down.

His vision was already fading away due to his mind being devastated by pain and terror.

The gap on Jacks thigh closed with the sword struck but as Alex twisted more, everything around that spot ruptured once again.

I am stabbing and torturing your precious man so that he could emit the sweet hymn of pain.

Oh! What a heavenly melody? Alex spoke sarcastically.

Did you hear it, Noah Ark?

How is the sweet sound of pain?

Please leave me the review so I could prophet train my torture skills.

[Damn you! You mad psychopath]. You are not normal. You are insane you damn asshole]

Over the call, Noah was sweating profusely.

pan-d a-n0vel.com Never ever in life had he met such a broken person.

A hoarse heavy voice along with a loud grasp echoed from the other side.

[Kill him if you what but dont torture him.No matter how much enmity we have, we have to at least respect our enemy. They are fighting for a noble cause so they deserve proper death.]

Do you think that I am a Saint? You send your men and want my head and I should just offer it like that cause?

Your Empire is in a mess and so to show our sympathy, we soldiers of Kinley should offer our head or retreat without fighting, Alex shouted.

Every villain had his circumstances. Dedication is a good thing but if you are dedicated to the wrong cause or achieve your goals by the wrong means, you are nothing but rotten wood which can never be carved and used anywhere?

Just because one of your men tortured, you are uttering all those bullshits then what about the number of lives lost by Kinley till now. When soldiers of yours died here, ten had died from our sides.

No matter what, it was you who crossed the border and slaughtered the innocent soldiers so stop barking like a coward. Just as you care about your country, I care about my men?

Listen to me carefully Noah ark, for every single drop of blood of my man, I would make my enemies pay and I dont care whether you are an individual, an organisation, an Empire or a powerhouse standing on the apex of strength as long as my man and my wives are harmed, I will slaughter everyone till the end.

Hearing Alexs words, Noah realised that he had made a grave mistake. Alex wasnt a normal man.No matter what choices or reasons are given, he does what he wants and strives forward to what is right.

He was just like a psychopath who behaved like a normal man but just when one touched their reverse scale, their maniac side would take over.

His words carried a powerful momentum and the confidence that Alex spoke terrified Noah, and even more, how can a sane person ever think about going against the whole world?


Jack yelled in pain and the pain in his thigh bone being pierced and twisted wasnt something he could suppress thus he screamed in despair to the point, tears oozed out from his eyes.

Alex didnt know Jack nor he had any personal enmity but he had only heard that this man wanted his head and exchanged it for 1000 gold coins which were enough to put this man on his wanted list.

Alex didnt give a shit to values or justice. As long as he believes he was right, there is no stopping him.

Arkham may be in the worst situation but when Kinley is attacked, as the citizen of Kinley and a former Prince, it was his sole duty and right to retaliate and because of that he never had any complicated thoughts and there was no need to back down.

Alex had shown his hostility clearly and even warned Noah.

Alex knew that Noah had a full grasp of the situation and set up many camps but Alex decided that until they backed down, he would send a chill down the spine.

He remembered the Devils words.

Its not the victory that matters rather the way the victory is achieved. I am not telling you to use cheap or hideous tricks, but to show your enemies the true meaning of despondency and horror. Make the fear etch deep down their hearts so that every time they raise their weapons, they think a thousand times.

You need to be a man who cannot be offended.

And thats why if Arkham didnt give in, Alex would show them the true terror.

Without any further words, Alex cut and killed Jack after making him howl and scream in pain until his throat was unable to produce any sounds.

Noah cut off the call and closed his eyes, unable to let go of the screams.

Noah felt that he had touched someone which he shouldnt have.

After cutting the call, Noah stood silently like a statue while suppressing his overflowing anger.

He is dangerous. He is more fatal and poisonous than I thought.

A normal person would have gone down after a threat or thought for a momentbut Alex was saying something like thatTry me if you can but no matter what I will crush you all even if I have to go down with you.

Although Alex knows just how dire their situation was, he was still daring enough to send Jacks life as a warning.

Just the point of getting ignored and disobeying by Alex made Noahs heart boil. It was a humiliation and shame that he would never forget in his life.

And never in his life, he was treated like this.

The other side didnt even give a damn about his words for a second.

Behind him, another general stood and asked NoahWhat will we do now?

We have to get rid of that pest no matter what. Mobilize all the troops right now and form a seize and surround the entire Terror of Ranvier. Catch him whether he is dead or alive

If he is alive, I will torture him and cut each of his flesh to avenge the death of my precious soldiers.

This time, I will personally oversee the situation so that nothing odd happens.

Leave some troops to guard the defence lines and also all the generals will accompany me.

If the situation requires, I will even deploy my trump card.

Seeing Noahs anger and resoluteness, General Zhang nodded and saidI will obey your order and bring down that scum.

Arkham didnt have much time, if they stayed still then the entire Empire would fall.

Thus, all the warriors were mobilised and willingly risked their lives for the nation to repel the demons and those who were left would be mobilised here.

Even if the casualties are much greater than they expected, they cant go back empty-handed. For those who would be able to come out alive, the reward will be more than one could imagine.

It was a burden Noah had to bear as part of their responsibility for making this kind of decision.

The focus of the operation had changed.

150000 troops mobilized at once who surrounded the Terror of Ranvier.

They have all received the orders from Noah and except for the troops holding onto the defence line, most of them were mobilised.

The aura swordsman would take the lead and the mages would follow when attacked, the soldiers from other areas would surround the enemy at once.

Noah made his decisions and the moment Alex revealed himself with a single attack, his troops would boldly surround him and take him down.

It was a tactic that required sacrifices.

Noah wanted to produce maximum results with minimum damage but before that, he sent a small square to inspect the Terror Of Ranvier.

He wanted to know what happened to the previous troops that entered there but unfortunately, even after one hour, the squad of 3000 men didnt return.

Bright light glinted as the aura swordsman ignited the path, and the swords glowed due to the manipulation of the aura and anyone that came into their radius would be exposed due to the shimmering shards of light covering them.

pa(nd)a no vel Being the torchman of the group, they wouldnt be able to exert their full strength and on top of that due to keeping aura, their mana would start to decrease but they had to take this risk.

They had a strong desire to win and they didnt flee away even if they became bait to kill the enemy.

With fierce eyes, they scouted for the enemy.

There is no enemy here. Lets search there. The aura knight muttered as he took the lead.

The soldier behind him rushed with confident faces.

When they werent able to find any enemies for long, the fear in their hearts lessened and the speed of their search increased greatly.

As they increased the pace and found no one in the way, they forgot their initial goals to scout and venture deep inside.

At that time, a faint ripple occurred as they stepped into a pool of water.

Is there a small stream? The aura knight muttered and lowered his sword only to find a small stream of blood flowing underneath them.

Since all of them had the blood of enemies on their cloth they didnt smell the blood flowing underneath as they were simply used to this smell.

For a moment, he was baffled and at that time the space around him fluctuated and something shot at him with unimaginable blood.


The Aura knights eyes widened seeing the blood flowing out uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

Soon, Kinley soldiers who were nowhere in sight appeared out of nowhere like an illusion and attracted them once.

Kill them at once!

Dont let them alert others. All of them heard a hoarse voice and saw a man as big as a bull, with a swift speed decapitating the enemies.

He spoke in a fierce tone as veins protruded from his neck.

The veins on his arms bulged as he didnt even let the enemies swing their swords.

He dodged the attacks skillfully even with such a huge body which surprised the Arkham soldiers, and as soon as they missed, his axe ripped them apart.

When the soldiers of Kinley first show Max hunting in this place, they couldnt believe it was Max who causes havoc every time he swung his axe and could hold himself.

Max was born with a strong physique and great strength, and when he started training all he did was swing his axe at enemies.

He didnt have any proper technique and had a lot of wasted movements. At initial, Alex let him grow as usual but once Alex became Master rank, Alex took the reins into his hand.

Alex had already expected the fight to turn out like this in the mountain so he had specially instructed Max to fight carefully and kill the prey as silently as possible.

Max stared at the corpse and remembered the scene where everyone argued about what to do and how to do their best in helping their liege.

Even though they knew that they were in a difficult situation where their life was in peril, they never wavered and kept their faith in Alex.

Before coming out of the camp, all of them just asked one thing.

What are your orders and what do we need to do?

The war wasnt something Alex could handle alone. It was a good plan to use the forest terrain and darkness to deal with the enemy but at the end of the day, except for Alexs men, the number of able soldiers to fight in this terrain was 2500-3000. Except for them, all others were lazy soldiers after staying on the defensive lines and were out of touch.

To that, Alex pulled out the maps and explained.

The Arkham would surely pick our presence or would follow the soldiers from the third defence line till here. I and Riya would deal with them alone and lure them inside. They might underestimate us and send forces after us. At that time, we will use the traps we have laid to deal with as much as we can.

The Arkham would see me as a thorn and would see a huge amount of force to pursue me and will try to take on the overwhelming advantage. I will prolong the battle and you all will start picking them up and as soon as the next day begins, while they are kept busy here, I will begin my work.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Aeons sword flashed as he was so fast that he wasnt even visible to the enemy soldiers.

Multiple heads flew one after another into the air. And even though blood continued to gush out like a fountain on their bodies, Aeon didnt stop.

At that moment, he decided to surprise attack, he decided to grab the opportunity and push as hard as he could.

Behind him were his men who trained with him and had gone through a lot.

Though their skills still lacked, they were stronger than the Arkham soldiers.

Everyone strike back!

Arkham responded as the Mage took the charge and attacked them.

Aeon and his men climbed trees in one breath and jumped from one tree to another and they avoided all the Mage attacks on the ground.

Growing over the tree, they came above the mage and getting the opportunity pounced on them.




Kinley soldiers attacked the opponents vital point and dealt with them without wasting too much strength.

The fight had been prolonged for the entire night. They even had lost count of the soldiers they had killed till now.

Alex knew that once he pissed them off, Arkham would pursue them like crazy and make mistakes.

But before the sun rose, something unexpected occurred that even surprised Alex.

Standing on the top of the boulder, Noah stared up ahead with a rotten expression as if he had just stepped on some kind of shit.

All the squads he had sent to the place were either gone missing due to being lost or died inside.

Out of the two, Noah believed the latter.

He clenched his fist and stared ahead with hateful eyes.

I cant let that bastard live. He is turning out to be a great threat with each passing second.

Its all my fault. All of them died due to my recklessness. I am useless.

General Zhang and General Den fell onto their knees and shoutedPlease dont blame yourself.

Its all our fault. We subordinates are incapable of carrying out your order.

General Zhang bowed his head and saidYour Highness, there had been no news from those who had entered the place so this humble one would like to make a suggestion.

Noah nodded and muttered, Speak.

We shouldnt send any more soldiers. Its useless. The enemy tactics are quite deadly and since they are fighting in a terrain where they have a natural advantage either we should lure them out or wait for the time being.

We have killed all the survivors of Kinley so we cant lure them out so why dont we wait for the sunrise and begin the seizure? In two or three hours the sun would be over us and the enemies cant use the darkness.

Noah shook his head and sighedLook the forest is too dense and even if the sun rises, the floor inside would be still gloomy. Moreover, there is still a mountain ahead.No matter what, stepping inside is deadly.

If I order every soldier to go in and kill them. We might achieve the result but the loss is something which might outweigh the gain.

So, what should we do, Your Highness? General Zhang spoke while staring at Noah with an inexplicable expression.

I remember you said that they have a home advantage in there so what if we destroy their home advantage, Noah spoke with a vicious expression.

General Zhang swallowed his saliva and looked with confused self-expressionDestroy their home.


But how?General Den asked with a confused expression.

Noah nodded and saidOrder the troops to burn the forest. We will burn everything and trap them inside.

Unable to bear the heat, they would be trapped on the mountain or would to go out.

General Zhangs expression lit up upon hearing Noahs expression.

Counter-attacking others in such a way, he believed only this man could think like this.

Burning the entire forest of Terror of Ranvier would not only make another side immobile but will also make the suffocate and lose their temper due to all the smoke and dust.

But Your Highness, what about our people who are inside and what about their corpses?

Send a signal so that anyone who is still alive may come back.

And about the corpse, we cant do anything. Noah shook his head and walked away.

Noahs order was carried out within a matter of minutes, first, they cleared the area near them so that they wouldnt be the ones to suffer after which they carved some walls with rocks to stop the fire from spreading to another side.

The mages then took over the job and shot their spells. The shot rose towards the sky.

One..twofoureight.The number of shots reached a hundred and fell over the forest.

They were ordered to fire their spells as much farther as possible so that if there was an enemy close to the radius, he might be caught up by the attack.


The spells exploded one after another clearing the entire mass of green vegetation and soon a wildfire spread all around the forest crazily.

A cracking sound echoed and the entire path was emitted. Everyone gasped as they saw the extent and destruction of the fire.

The fire was beyond their control.

Lets see just how long the mouse is going to stay up in the bill, Noah muttered with a smirk.

Deep Inside the forest, a shadow flashed through the space and hurried its way.

The shadow soon encountered the man who was looking straight with a grim expression.

pan,da-n0v el The shadow stopped before the man and Riya emerged from it.

Her breathing was a mess and her chest went up and down and she muttered with panic Alex, they have set the entire front of the forest on fire.

Alex didnt speak anything and sat there silently.

Soon, Max and Aeon, followed by many, walked out of the forest with grim expressions.

The heavy black smoke hovered like a cloud above them. It wasnt a good thing for them as the smoke was going to cover the entire wilderness.

It was already an area which gives an indication and smoke on top would make it more difficult for them to breathe.

If this goes on, soon they are going to be suffocated to death.

After a few moments, Alex got up from the place.

It was at that moment, everyones hearts skipped a beat as a dark mass of blood-red figures materialised around him.

Alexs expression was as cold as a thousand years of blocks of ice. His eyes were cold enough to freeze anyone with a single glance.

He is crossing all limits and doing everything he can to win this war, Alex muttered.

Listen, clear a patch of land and set the place on fire and let it spread forward. Both fires would soon diffuse each other.

Before that, ask the earthen mage to form the earth mounds and start forming a barricade because as soon as the fire is over, we would have already lost a significant chunk of land as well as our advantage, Alex spoke with a hoarse voice.

Also ask the mages to push the smoke with wind and clear away the sky. Our breathing may be impaired due to all this and may affect our fight.

What will we do now? Our initial tactics had been countered now. We cant use the terrain to our advantage like before. Even if we put out this fire, they would advance and light another. Riya spoke in a worried tone.

Alex looked up towards the sun that was rising above the horizon slowly.

He has mobilised most of his forces here because he thinks that the defence line is safe.

Those who fear getting burned shouldnt light the fire in another house. Since he dares to start a fire here, he should prepare to handle the fire in his fort. Alex muttered and his figure rose in the sky.

Riya just do what I have and ask those lazy bums to start preparing. The situation is getting worse.

Soon, we need all the hands we have. Ask them to prepare for the fight.

Meanwhile, I will sneak out from this place and bombard the defence line and force him to step back or compromise which I doubt would happen but at the least, he has to think twice before acting.

Alexs loud voice was accompanied by a loud sonic boom as he flew over the sky.