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It was another sunny day and Arkham soldiers who had settled down on the Defence lines were patrolling and guarding the place carefully.

They were a bit tired due to the fights but guarding the place was more comfortable than fighting a war filled with nerve-wrenching moments.

Everything was going, as usual, however, the relaxing atmosphere changed.

Arkham soldiers who were standing on the fort of the defence line suddenly heard a soft crackling sound.

Their expressions became stiffened and all of them were instantly alerted and looked around at the source of the sound.

The sound started to get closer and closer.

They felt that this was the sound of the oncoming crisis.

As it neared them, many of them discerned that it was the sound of lightning showers.

It feels like there is a storm approaching here. I think its going to rain heavily. A soldier muttered.

Hey, pal I told you before, dont drink too much in the morning?

You are already this high in the morning. Cant you see the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly? The soldier opposite to him spoke with a chuckle and stared at the sun which had just risen.

The moment he raised his chin, he felt the world turning upside down.

ThisThis The words struck his throat as he saw dark heavy clouds coming towards them.

Strong gales started to take place and dust flew all around heavily which made it difficult for them to sight ahead.

Murky heavy clouds appeared out of nowhere.

What the hell is going on?

How can such a natural disaster appear in an instant?

There havent been any warnings or news about it.

The soldiers started to panic in the face of a natural disaster but soon they came to know it wasnt a natural disaster which they thought but it was an artificial disaster which was created by a human and that scared them more.

Suddenly the dark dark clouds started to turn red and churned around the place where a human silhouette appeared.

They werent able to notice the man due to dust flying all around but they could feel chills going down their spine just because of the mans presence.

His existence was dangerous to them.

A human capable of manipulating clouds to such a degree that could mask the entire sky over their head must surely be a high-ranking mage.

While many tried to discern the enemys identity, others reacted immediately.

There is an enemy up there

The opponent likely seems to be a mage so prepare yourself for the incoming attack.

The commands were heard and issued one after another.

pan-d a-n0vel.com Alex, using his partial concealment skill and flying ability, went out of the forest without anyones detection.

Moreover, since there was a fire, their defence had been loosened a bit and their formation had been scattered unlike previously when they tried to surround the entire place.

Alex found a weak spot and sneaked away and rushed towards the Second Defense line at his full speed.

It was here where he had left before and now he had returned to pick up the things he needed to finish.

This time, not only he would deal a devastating blow, he would make sure that Noah understands just whom he had been trying to mess with.

Alexs figure hovered in the air. His long unbraided hair fluttered in the air.

His hair was still warm due to the fresh blood of his enemies. With a bloodied figure, he looked like the god of war and with each gesture of his fingers, the atmosphere of the place started to change.

Alexs gaze generated deep into the fort and locked onto the man who was trying to use the mana communicator channel.

He pointed his finger, and a beam of light condensed on it and shot towards the place.


The small building exploded and was instantly obliterated.

There were four men in it. Two of them died while the other two were lying in a pool of blood crushed by the debris.

Under everyones frightened gaze, Alex lifted his hands and two huge magic circles appeared around him.

The magic circles were quite huge and complex to the point that the mages on the opposite side werent able to identify the spell.

Since you started it first, then dont blame me for being ruthless. Alex didnt want to engage in such a frontal battle and wanted to draw out the battle for the reinforcements to arrive because once he gets exhausted, his whole squad may be in trouble.

But since he was forced to step up he would surely make it worthwhile so that the enemy may know that they are someone who shouldnt be trifled with.

There is no holding back now.

Alex cleared out every bit of sympathy he had and twisted his hand and started to wave them wide apart.

One of the magic circles glowed crazily after which a mass of destruction was unleashed.


Six huge typhoons appeared and after surrounding the entire fort, they danced crazily.

All of them rotated with high-velocity winds and spewed blades of wind which descended on the enemies like the scythe of death.


Help me!

Please save me!

Whines of soldiers ran out as typhoons came closer and almost touched the walls.

weaker ones were directly pulled by the suction force of the typhoon.

Take cover!

Hide in the building! Dont stand in the open.

The soldiers hid inside the building and squeezed themselves into the buildings and facilities inside the fortress.

The typhoon grew bigger and more fierce and collided with the halls.


A grinding sound was heard as the bricks of the walls were torn apart as the typhoon advanced while tearing down everything in its path.

The typhoons started to lose their momentum but the newly repaired walls were damaged greatly and upper flood over the walls collapsed and the soldiers who hid behind walls started to fall in the gaps created by six typhoons and plunged from a height of 40 metres.

What awaits them down below was nothing but a deep sea ofdespair and suffering.

Many clutched onto broken parts of the walls for support with all their might while for many, their hands slipped and their grips loosen making them caught up in the circular vortex where they became mince meat after being hit by the sharp-edged debris.

Only a strong Legendary rank could cut one of his storms after a bitter struggle but since there is none here, Arkham will surely suffer.

The Mages tried to neutralise the spell but the force of the wind was too great for them to engage, they werent able to even stand still so how could they cast spells?

Alex noticed the typhoons after causing a great deal of destruction were now on the last leg.

Alex clenched his fist making the two magic circles in his palms grow and glow at once.

The mana around Alex surged towards him and swirled around him.


The Arkham soldiers who lay on the ground while breathing heavily, felt their hearts coming out from their bodies as they heard a loud sound.

Is he a Transcendent rank or is he hiding his strength?One of the mages spoke after noticing Alexs level.

If the mana I have is equal to a bucket then the mana he has is akin to a pond or even a lake. The mage muttered with eyes filled with disbelief.

He was reluctant to believe that there was a human with so much mana while he was in the same stage as him.

But reality hit him hard.

Alex put his hands down and roared.

Lightning Punishment!

His roar was followed by a sound which was akin to the roar of the sky.

As if it was angry at the Arkham soldiers, the entire sky exploded and huge bolts of lightning showered onto them.

Purplish latches started to fall and bombarded everywhere in the fort one after another which was followed by heavy sounds of blasts one after another.


Lightning accompanied by thunderstorms crashed onto the fortress decimating everything.

The process went on for ten minutes.

The dark clouds that were masking the rays of the sun dispersed leaving behind broken ruins of the majestic fortress.

The walls along with the castles were entirely broken, and there were huge chunks of debris all around.

Everything that was struck by lightning was destroyed and turned into dust.

The fire was spreading wild causing a mess.

Even though the place holds great significance for the border, it didnt matter to him now.

Since it had already fallen into the hands of the opposing forces, it was better for this place to be destroyed than to be used against them.

There were fewer than 10,000 soldiers stationed out of his countless loss of their lives.

Alex sternly stared at the faces of the surviving filled with anger, pain, sorrow, and suffering but more than that there was fear.

A fear that seemed to be etched deep in their heart.

The soldiers were trembling in fear and praying in their hearts as they saw Alexs figure gazing at them.

Some even lose their consciousness due to fear of the upcoming crisis.

Alex guessed he had taken down 40 per cent of the soldiers stationed here and he was sure of one thing now.

No one among the survivors would dare to face him again. His existence was enough to make them crawl in fear.

He nodded in satisfaction after achieving the desired outcome.

It is time for him to go for the next prey.

Alex squinted his eyes and after glancing at everything moved to the next target.

Leaving behind the mark of destruction, Alexs silhouette vanished.


Near the Terror Of Ranvier.

Noah stood folding his arms over his chest while waiting for the forest to burn down entirely.

Before him was a spectacular scene of dense fire burning down everything as it advanced deeper and deeper.

While the fire was doing its work, they have not been standing still. Every time a part of the forest was burned, his men were already working and trying to clear out the area filled with ashes, dust and the remains.

Their lines had already been advanced quite a bit but then Noah observed something amiss.

The air filled with smoke and dust that was flying over to the other side seemed to clash against the smoke and dust coming from the opposite direction.

Noah observed the phenomenon for some time and he narrowed his eyes.

Seeing his frown, General Zhang askedIs there something wrong?

Can you see the wind flow up there? If the opposite side used the mages to blow away the dust it wouldnt be like this. Noah spoke.

General Zhang looked at the sky above them with a confused expression.

Turbulent airflow seemed to be meeting each other forming a mini whirlpool which rose high up into the sky.

Both of them seemed to be cancelling each other and preventing the air above the forest to be filled with a layer of heavy smoke.

There seems to be smoke coming from the other side and I am sure it isnt the smoke of the fire caused by us? General Zhang muttered.

The other side had also lit the fire and let the forest burn and let the other fire diffuse this and it also prevented the fire from spreading further.

Moreover, even if we clear up the area like this, soon we will encounter another fire and cant proceed further. The enemies would surely make themselves hide in the remains of the fire and attack us.Noah spoke with worry.

We need to think of something quickly.

Noah calmed himself and tried to think of something.

His enemy was an excellent strategist like him.

He needs to think of a counter as soon as possible.


Noah who was in deep thought heard the sound of the communicator and he took it out from his waist.

Noah Ark, here! What is the situation?

You-..Your Highness, we are destroyed?

Noah for a moment thought that he heard something wrong and shook his head and asked again.

What did you say? Repeat.

Your Highness the fifth defence line is destroyed. A man who seemed to be a mage appeared here and struck us down with destructive spells one after another until everything collapsed.

He is targeting the communicator first but fortunately, we have kept a spare communication hidden by the man who was on patrol and was able to avoid the calamity.

The enemy came single-handedly and took down everything. The casualties are quite big and 60 per cent of the soldiers on the fifth defence line were annihilated by his destructive spell.

Noahs body jerked as he felt as if he was struck by lightning. He flinched back with a pale expression and dropped the communication tool.

The words of the soldier struck like thunder in his ear. He tried to calm himself but his heart was a mess.

He picked up the tool with trembling hands and askedAre you sure it was a single man?

Yes, your Highness and he seemed to be in Transcendent Rank. We werent able to spot his face properly but we were able to glimpse his golden hair stained with blood.


A deathly silence lingered for a moment. With a trembling voice, Noah asked about the other defence lines.

He called the Second Defense Line but he got nothing.

He called the Third and to his relief it was safe.

He asked to gather the reports and

Within half an hour, he received the report.

The first, Second and Fifth lines were attacked.

The report broke the last straw and patience of Noahs Ark.

He was an unyielding man who could turn his disadvantage into an advantage but this time, he felt as if he kicked an iron plate but that doesnt mean he would back down now.


You are truly a worthy opponent Alex but thats it. You want to dominate this battle with strength so now I would let you see absolute power. Noah roared with anger.

He didnt want to use this.

This was the last of the hidden trump cards in the arsenal.

With bloodshot eyes, he stared straight ahead and spoke.

You sneaked in to attack my people behind my back now I would do the same.

Although fighting in a place filled with fire seemed dangerous, it didnt cause much harm to high-ranking warriors.

The aura user can cover their body in aura to prevent themselves from getting the brunt so as the mages who could use the barrier.

The only problem was the smoke which would block the vision and make it difficult for one to breathe.

But that would be only when his whole army would march.

It was time for him to deploy his trunk cards. He had saved these in case Kinley acts for them but now he wants them to engage and kill the enemy no matter what.

He cant let the thorn in his eyes grow anymore. If he let it slide now, he would only lose more men.

Even if he had to deploy his tigers to hunt the rabbit, he wouldnt falter now.

General Den and Sir Hunter.

I want you to cross the forest, and kill the enemies. Break the limbs of that girl Riya. I want Alex to see his wife die before his eyes.

General Zhang, you and Sir Richard are the only Legendary rank we have now. I want you to stay here and oversee the place and I will take others.

Now clear the way for us, Noah shouted.

Yes Your Highness!

Yes Your Highness!

The golden armoured man named Hunter and General Den released an aura that skyrocketed to the Mythic rank.

The entire place shook and with a stomp, they shot forward with a loud blast.

All the defence lines were in a state of maximum alert. There was a situation of panic and uneasiness in the soldiers hearts all over the defence line.

Three out of seven defence lines had already been wrecked and no one knew which one was going to be next. The situation was totally out of hand.

The tale of terror had spread everywhere and for peace of mind, everyone prayed to God that they shouldnt be next on the hit list.

The soldiers of the Seventh defence line were already trying to find a way to deal with the damage if they were attacked.

The flares had already been charged and all they did now was for the enemy to appear.

The sky around the seventh defence line started to emit a rumble.

He is here.

The enemy is here!

The guards shouted with frightened expressions and got down from the walls and tried to cover themselves in case a typhoon appeared.

The rumbling sound kept on getting louder but there was no sign of storm or dark clouds which baffled them.

According to the intel, the enemy first raised a typhoon and then attacked them with lightning showers until he destroyed everything.

As they searched around in the sky, suddenly the sky directly above their head was lit up all of sudden.

Everyone raised their head and what they witnessed was enough to make their legs go soft.

Their eyes became as wide as saucers as they saw a huge fiery mass of burning rock descending on them from the sky.

Get into the position.

Everyone shoot at the meteorite.

Try to break it apart before it falls.

Shoot the flares.

Attack it with everything you have.

The flare direction was changed and four flares shot a beam of mass destruction up towards the sky.


A loud blast accompanied by the shots and the ground underneath the flare cracked due to the opposite reaction of the force.

The mages fired their shots, and the warriors slashed down with their swords covered in aura yet all their efforts did was slow down its descent.

Most of the attacks turned into nothingness before they could reach due to high-density flames.

Those who were able to reach it, just put a scratch on it.

Only the flare damages it a bit and pieces of rocks separate from it and fall over them.

Soon, the meteorite crashed against the fortress with a loud blast.

The fiery meteorite exploded and loud shockwaves accompanied by flames spread all around the place.


Above the sky, Alex stared at the scene below him with an impassive gaze.

Due to all the attacks till now, he had already spent three fifth of his total mana reserves. He had exerted himself greatly.

All the attacks he had cast till now were Tier 9 spells. It was currently one of the most destructive spells in his arsenal and if he used all his mana, the entire fortress along with the Seventh Defence might be wiped out of existence.

And it would also end up with him being exhausted and not able to use any spells.

I should get back. I have been away for too long.

Noah might have already received the news and might be planning something to deal with this, Alex muttered and his figure flew towards the Terror Of Ranvier with an incredible speed.

The current Alex could fly with a speed of 400 km/hr and it would probably take him one hour or a little more than that to reach the place.

If his calculations were correct both fires would take half a day to cancel each other. So, he had more than enough time to prepare for his next counterattack.

He also needed some time to recover and reach his peak strengths.

As Alex reached the Terror Of Ranvier, he sensed strong fluctuations.

Alexs brows furrowed and a frown appeared on his face.

These fluctuations are quite strong. It seems Riya is fighting someone but the other side seems to be too strong..

The closer Alex got, the more serious his expression was.

His eyeball widened.

Mythic rank. It cant be

Alex opened the mana map and increased its radius and the information he saw made his face as pale as a sheet of paper.

Two Mythic ranks were fighting with Riya.

Alexs whole world turned upside down for a moment and his head became blank.

He activated the Goddess bluff and all his powers at once.

His body started to glow and emitted strong holiness.

Strength started to return to his body and the strong divinity started to make up for his emptied mana.

In an instant, Alexs speed increased by several folds and his body shot into the sky like a missile.

The space around him started to shatter and loud sonic booms started to appear.

The Arkham soldiers had already formed barracks outside the forest and were busy cleaning up the place.

Their ears perked up as they heard the loud sound of cracking and shattering of glasses from afar.

They looked towards the direction of the sound and soon saw a tiny dark dot flying towards them.

It looked like a tiny dot at first but the speed at which it was flying was terrifying and it was too late to realise this.

Shit! Get out.

Get out of the way.

One of the commanders who was taking the charge shouted in a panic tone.

Alex didnt spare them a glance and passed by them.

The sheer force of his speed blasted away everything in his path and left behind cracks on the ground if it was too close to him.

The Arkham soldiers who were in the line of Alexs flight were directly blasted away.

Alex located Riya and flew over the thick cloud of smoke and saw the devastation around.

A patch of land had been cleared out.

All this time, he had been praying for Riyas safety.

It didnt matter if she was injured as he could heal him, he only wanted her to be alive and as he reached the scene, he finally caught the glimpse of Riya which made his lips tremble.

Her face was drenched in blood and her hair was messy.

She seemed to be limping on one leg

Her left hand seemed to be broken and twisted and she seemed to be in bad shape.

She still held the dagger in her right and was glaring at the enemy but soon she felt Alexs presence and her eyes met his.

For a moment, everything aside, Riya disappeared from Alexs vision.

His breathing became unsteady and he panicked a bit seeing her.

Alex didnt think about anything and directly rushed towards her without a second thought.

He only needs to heal her at once and they could deal with the enemy together but Alex who was going closer to Riya suddenly felt his body harden like a statue.

He tried to move but he wasnt able to.

Seems like the mouse is caught in the trap.

Alex heard the voice and found Noah standing far and underneath his feet, a deep blue magical circle was glowing brightly.

Alex tried to move his hands and feet but it seems all of them were locked and he had been forced to become a statue.

The mana core started to radiate mana which entered his heart but as his mana was pushed into vessels by the heart, it became empty or it could be better to say it was blocked which causes the veins near his chest to bulge giving him a subtle ache which started to intensify.

Alex felt as if his heart was burning.

If this keeps going on, my chest would burst and I may kill myself.

He tried to use spells but much to his shock he wasnt even able to use the spells nor was he able to manipulate mana.

He was even unable to rotate his head so he rolled his eyes trying to see as much as he could and found that he had stepped into the enemy trap.

The space all around Alex had been sealed by an array of formations with Noah at the centre.

With Noah at the centre, 20 Transcendent ranks Knight stood over magic circles.

Alex was closed in a space which had been devoid of mana and even if he tried to manipulate his mana inside him, he felt dense ropes coiled around him that were interfering with the mana channel.

How is my surprise?

Alex squinted his gaze towards the owner of the voice and glared in anger.

You have given me many nice memories and now its time to return all this to you.

Noah spoke with a sneer and stared at Riya.

Alex observed the two Mythic ranks that were standing far from Riya. His heart ached to see Riyas hurtful condition and the only thing he wanted to do now was to kill the Mythic rank.

He didnt know whether Noah had Mythic ranks or not and if he had Alex guessed that Noah would save them as a last resort to use a trump card against the Kinleys main forces.

Alexs expression of uneasiness was noticed by everyone which brought smiles to Noahs and everyones faces.

You are feeling it, arent you?

That sweet despair and pain of your wife being killed before your eyes while you cant do anything?Noah shouted with anger.

He still couldnt forget the screaming voice of Jack asking from his mind.

If Alex could speak, he wanted to say I am not gonna lie, I am really afraid but I am not afraid of her dying rather if she went aggro, shithead not only you will die but also my men.

The current situation was scaring him.

Just like him, Riya was an anomaly. She might be a bigger anomaly than him. On top of using the power of darkness, if once she is pushed to a near-death situation, her powers would take over and once she starts a rampage, it is too heavy for even Alex to bear.

Alex didnt know the reason behind this, he tried to ask Goddess and even tried to solve the mystery himself but it was all for nought.

pan,da-n0v el Alex didnt try anything hastily and carefully assessed the situation. He looked for his men and fortunately, they were far away now and seemed to be observing the situation from afar and Noah seemed to have turned a blind eye towards them.

It seems Riya had asked them to retreat.

Alex could feel their unwavering belief in him.

Normally, they should rush forward to help but all of them believed in him.

They know their strength and weakness as well as their limits.

If they rushed in, they would put Alex in a more difficult spot.

Alex had taught them to always wait for his commands.

So unless Alex called for them or they perceived that either Alex or Riya were dying for real, they wouldnt make the move.

All of them were biding their time while waiting for his call and trying to recover as much as they could.

Alex who was assessing the situation was snapped out of his thoughts by the swift shrill voice.

My Lord! Please forgive me.

Its all my fault. I am too weak and am nothing but a burden.

Alex heard Riyas words and wanted to open his lips to ease her but he couldnt.

He just stared at Riya helplessly while slowly trying to exert his strength to break out.

Den, one of the mythic ranks, made his move and Riya was unable to react in time.

She was punched in her guts and was blasted away for ten meters which made her cough blood and fall to her knees.

Alexs eyes became hollow and as dark as a black hole.

Alexs blood boiled with anger and he tried to break the space around him.

Noah noticed his struggle and muttered with a chuckle Its worthless. Cutting mana is equal to cutting the root of a tree.

But his chuckle didnt last long as the space around Alex started to tremble.

Alexs body seemed to vibrate and veins all over his body bulged outward due to the extreme strength emanating from his muscle.

Alex was finally able to move his lips and he muttered softlyDo you think I am useless without mana?

Not only had he learnt to use mana but he had also followed the path of a true warrior.

True warriors werent able to store the mana in the vessels due to various reasons but that didnt stop them from getting stronger.

They soon found that they could damage their body which would soon be healed by mana and in doing so, their body would get strengthened.

Alex had been whipped thousands of times, and his bones had been broken by Maxs hammer.

He had bleed litres of blood by damaging his internal organs.

His body was enough to take on Disciple rank when he wasnt even awakened and within the two years where he wasnt able to use spells, he has trained his physical body as much as he can.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Many cracks appeared in the space.

The Transcendent rank who were trying to maintain the formation felt burnt and fell onto their knees.

Their faces had become pale and repercussions hit them hard.

Noahs expression also became ugly.

Cockroach! Noah muttered while gritting his teeth.

This was one of his last resorts.

The formation takes a heavy toll on ones body and if Alex breakout, The Transcendents ranks would suffer.

Little more.

Alex could feel that he was close to breaking out of the shackle.

Blood trickled from Noahs lips as he was also overexerting himself trying to keep Alex in the closed space.

Hunter, do it!Noah ordered.

Alexs eyes widened and he raised his right arm. His whole body acted on instinct as the figure flashed by his side and slammed his foot onto Alex.


Blood splattered from Alexs lips and he was shot down like a ragdoll.

He crashed onto the ground heavily and a deep crater was formed.

He coughed blood and felt that three ribs on his right had been broken due to the attack.

Alex didnt even get up when he saw a foot pressing down on him.

Alex rolled and turned his body to the side to avoid the attack but Hunter crashed into the ground beside him with huge momentum.


The ground collapsed and the shock wave sent him flying.

Alex activated all the buffs in his arsenal at once while stabilising himself.

He used all30 stat points, of which he put 10 in Agility, 9 in magic and 11 in strength.

Alex got up on his feet after sliding against the ground for a distance.

Only when he stood, did he see Hunter already appearing before him throwing a punch at him.

Alex crossed his arms and braced for the impact.


The force of coercion sent Alex back but unlike the previous time, he wasnt sent flying.

Much to Hunters surprise, Alex was pushed away by 15 metres.

After Alexs body halted below him were dark drag marks as he tried to stand deeply rooted on the ground.

I am genuinely surprised.

You were able to take on the blow without much damage, Hunter said with a weird gaze.

Your body seems to be quite tough.

Hunter felt as if he hit a sturdy metal instead of a human.

Alex raised his brows and as he put down his hand, he realised that the place where his bones were hit was broken and he wasnt able to set it in the correct position before which his blessings healed him which developed a sharp tearing end of the bone piercing his skin.

Seeing Alex being a tough nut to crack, Hunter pulled out a hammer from his storage ring.

Since all his men are safe, Alexs fears became a bit less and he took out his sword.

With his stat, he can fight a peak Legendary rank equally but against an experienced Mythic rank, he wasnt sure.

It would already be good enough if can protect himself but he didnt want to be one to stay on the defensive ends.

Alex pulled out his sword from his storage ring and immediately closed the distance while Hunters right hand pulled the huge hammer back.

However, before his right hand moved towards Alex.

Alex quickly noticed the left hand and slashed toward it.

However, just before the sword cut Hunters arm, Alex felt a feeling of terror as he noticed all the muscles on Hunters body were tensed.

The right side of his body was twisted with a bending form and he was drawing out the power.

Alex quickly realised what was going to happen if he kept on pressing, he quickly halted his movements and retreated as quickly as possible.

Too late!Hunter muttered and swung the huge hammerhead.



A deafening roar sounded and the ground cracked as strong pressure was shot, Alex was hit by it and he was blasted towards the side.

Alex groaned and slashed his sword while he received the brunt.

Hunter just raised his hammer to block it. He wasnt even pushed back by the attack.

Hunter then moved and unleashed a strike of the huge hammer.

Alex felt an aura of destruction approaching him. It was too strong that Alex sensed that if he was hit then he would be screwed.

It was quite dangerous and till now Alex only felt this type of danger when he had fought two years ago.

But at the same time, it felt a bit different, cause he had also grown.


Hunters eyes widened as he noticed something unbelievable.

Alex tilted his back and while his hands touched the ground, his feet hit the underside of the hammer to propel his body out of the radius of the attack.

The sound of cracking bones was heard but after channelling all his strength, Alex was able to divert the trajectory of the hammer.

The bones in Alexs feet cracked but healed instantly and Alex pushed his hand to propel himself towards Hunter.

The hammer was very heavy and each arc extended quite a bit which delays the recovery of the weapons.

Alex slashed at the extended arm which held the weapon. As long as he could get rid of it, the pressure on him would be decreased greatly.

Alex with a full swing slashed his sword but Hunter let go of the hammer in the right arm which moved back in the circle and caught it in the left arm and used the momentum of the hammer to spin it immediately and put the head of the hammer in the way.


The ground underneath cracked and a strong shockwave spread around them. Hunter for a moment has to use all his strength to stop himself from getting pushed back.


Emitting a metallic spark both of them separated.

Although the other side only defended his attack Alex felt as if he slashed at a bell which transferred all the momentum to him and made his hand tremble and became numb.

When Hunter noticed Alex stopping his attack, he followed the swing of the hammer and put more power into it, pulling it again to attack Alex.


Alex kicked the side of the hammer again breaking his bones. His injuries were generated rather quickly.

His bones were healing as soon as they were broken and crushed. And in that process, they also became studier and firm, strengthening his internals.


Hunter increased his speed and Alex similarly dodged the strikes.

The hammer landed on the ground beside him, shaking the whole place.

Alexs mind was running wild.

He was mostly relying on his instinct to react now but that should be the last thing a warrior should do as it means that one was in a severely disadvantaged situation.

I am only able to deflect the attack because its a hammer but if he brings out another weapon I will be in trouble. His entire fighting style counterattacks weapons.If I had more strength, I could clash with an axe or greatsword and disarm him.

Alex went into suicidal mode and tried to deflect the hammer at the expense of breaking his bones and trying to attack him at the follow-up but being an experienced fighter Hunter was able to rotate his hammer using the momentum of recurve and hit back Alex.

The fight had been going around for around 30 minutes.

Shockwaves and strong winds emanating from the battle were accompanied by the sound of the breaking of bones from Alexs body.

Alex was already in rough shape before coming here and fighting with a Mythic rank was already taking a toll on his body.

He fought with an unnatural style without taking care of his body.

Meanwhile, the other Mythic rank kept Riya at bay. It was not a fight but rather a simple exchange.

Though Riya attacked her all night, the other side made a mockery of her.

The enemy didnt kill her but left her with critical injuries.

Her injuries were quite grave and she was drenched in her blood.

Instead of a fight, it looked like the enemy was just toying around. If Den wanted he could have already gone for the kill but his orders were to injure her and make her grieve in pain.

Riyas face had already become as pale as a sheet of paper due to the blood loss. Her body was already on the verge of collapsing.

Before her, Den stood without attacking.

Riya wanted to strike her down but her body wasnt listening to it.

You cant die now?

Riya glared coldly towards the speaker of the voice.

Noah ignored her gaze and spoke indifferentlyI can already see him in pain after seeing your pathetic condition.

His heart and mind already seemed to be in disarray. And he is also not going to last long.

I can feel strong divinity radiating from him but it seems, the effect would soon wear out and then, his defeat would be in my hands.

I will break all his limbs. Pull out all his teeth and make him watch the brutal scene of his men being killed and tortured before his eyes.

Riya frowned upon hearing his words.

Noah spoke with a ruthless expression and noticed Riyas confusion, he mutteredDid you think I dont know that your minions are on standby at the back.

Once we finish with both of you, we will deal with them.

You dare! Riya shouted in a cold voice.

Although her state was bad, her eyes still retained the sharpness and they gleamed dangerously.

We will see who would have the last laugh, Riya spoke with a snort.

She knew that Alex might have thought of a way out of this situation.

He may look like he is trouble but she was sure Alex wasnt.

Yes, he was shocked to see her in such a state but he wasnt completely heartbroken and lost his composure.

And truly, she wasnt wrong in any sense.

Hunter stared at the man who had been taking a heavy breath.

He didnt know why this guy had strong blessings and divinity but it was quite annoying.

The fight left him with a bad aftertaste.

He felt a cat chasing after mice that constantly ran out of his grasp.

No matter how seriously Alex was injured, he was healed instantly but now once the effect had worn off, Hunter didnt feel any more threat from him.

Moreover, the bones which had broken him hadnt been aligned before fixing, so it had affected his movements.

Alex was on his knee and was coughing heavily. His throat was dry and his mind was still in pain.

He felt as if he just became alive after dying.

Its over Alex, Hunter muttered and raised his hammer to deal with the final blow.

You deserve my respect. Even if you are just at peak Transcendent rank, you were able to tire me out and manage to scratch me.

But thats it. At the end of the day, you are nothing but history.

He swung his hammer at Alex trying to break his whole body and crush him into a pulp.

Alex raised his head with a smile and saw the incoming hammer casting a shadow on his body.

His left arm glowed with a fiery aura and he clenched his hand containing a small orb of fire.

Squeezing the ball, he pushed it towards the head of the hammer with a chuckleAre you sure about that?

Hunter sense screamed in terror, he wanted to pull out his hammer and step back however it was too late.


Hunter felt that powerful energy hit his hammerhead which detonated it into pieces and the entire place erupted with a heavy blast.

Hunters body was struck and he was tossed out like a rag doll under everyones surprised expression.

The place where he stood was cracked, and a man with his left arm missing from the shoulder walked out with a crazy smile.

Blood flowed like a river from his shoulder and with a crooked smile, he mutteredI am asking you once again?

Are you sure about that?

Kuak! Hunter spat blood as he felt his internal organs had been crushed by the blow.

Noah was surprised for a bit but he calmed down quickly and mutteredYou sacrificed your arm just for this?

Truly pathetic!

Noah spat seeing the gruesome sight. There wa no pained expression on Alexs face rather he looked like a person who had lost his reason which made Noah believe that Alex doesnt possess any more threat.

Alex raised his brows while silently staring at everyone.

20 Transcendent Ranks and Two Mythic ranks.

Its time to pull out the second trump card.

Alex closed his eyes and murmured.


A pillar of light erupted from the place where Alex stood.

Gales surged from the place as the strong pillar of light masked him from the other side.

What is happening? Noah spoke with surprise.

They had just seen his power weakening but suddenly, the power skyrocketed again.

Noah senses thedivinity and blessing once again and cursesWhy the..?

Just why the hell do you have so much divinity and blessings? What have you done to achieve this?

If only those goddesses had blessed my nation like this? Noah spoke while gritting his teeth.

And it was then under everyones astonishing gaze, a thick puddle of blood followed by a mass of flesh wriggled on the left side of Alex.

The chunk of flesh wriggled from Alexs shoulder and started to move out.


Jerking of bones emanated from all over Alexs body.

Bones started to shift inside Alex and the bones which had been out of position and were coming out with a wide angle were repositioning themselves.

pan,d a-n0vel It took a moment for everyone to notice what was going on and Noah instantly orderedAttack him, everyone.

Dont let him recover.

Den who was near Riya immediately shot towards Alex followed by Hunter.

Due to Hunter being injured, Den reached the spot first and he raised his weapon to strike Alex down.

However, as he sliced through Alex, he found it to be a copy made of mana which vanished after being cut.

Riya who was looking at the scene with a startled expression suddenly felt warm hands on her shoulder and a strong current coursed through her body nursing her wounds and healing her at an astonishing rate.

Alexs cold eyes gazed at everyone and with a harsh voice he declared.

Its time for round two.

All the wounds on Riyas body disappeared instantly and her left broken and twisted arm was also mended at an astonishing rate.

Den and Hunter quickly stepped before Noah followed by all the Transcendent rank Knight.

Alex and Riya stared at the enemies with cold gazes.

A shuffling sound was heard and soon everyone saw a huge number of soldiers surrounding the place.

Alex looked at the soldiers with a confused expression and shoutedWhat are you all doing fall back now?

Alex ordered but his orders fell on deaf ears.

Aeon leaned his head and spoke, Your Highness, please let us fight with you.

We may be useless against the Mythic rank but we will make sure to take down the others.

Yes, Alex left them to us.

The soldiers at the front withdrew and Johnson walked out.

We have 11 Transcendent Rank on our side. We can bring them down. Johnson muttered and behind him, the other Transcendent knight stood.

Alex knew about Barack and two others but the others were new faces to him.

Even with all of this, Alex wasnt sure about taking down the other side.

He knew that his opponent wanted to drag him down and kill him slowly and steadily.

Alex used that opportunity to tire Hunter while Riya tried to drag down Den as much as possible.

If only Noah knew about the Restore, he would have made sure to kill Alex from the very beginning but now there was no use in crying over the spilt milk.

Still, Alexs recovery to the peak had messed up Noahs mind.

Noah was mortified to see Alex who was on the verge of death was now brimming with life and vitality once again.

All his wounds had recovered along with his lost mana and in his current state, he was more intimidating when compared to before.

Beads of sweat trickled from Noahs forehead.

Can you take him down?Noah wiped out the sweat and asked.

Though I am injured, he is still nothing? Hunter muttered.

We need to deal with the girl first then we both can take him down, Den muttered.

Alex and Riya stood at the front waiting for the other side.


For a moment, a cadaverous silence lingered.

It was calm before the storm.



Four miniature cracks appeared on the surface.

Four silhouettes disappeared from everyones sight followed by loud blasts all around the place.

It was a signal of the war and under Aeon, Max and Johnsons command, each one of them began their charge.


Alex charged forward with incredible speed which made Hunter tense for a bit.

Hunter had pulled out another hammer and when Alex came into his range, his hammer shot forwards towards Alex with all its speed.

The strike of the hammer was incredibly fast and was carrying a great amount of momentum.

Alex was neither fast nor strong enough to parry the strike but that didnt mean he was helpless.

Instead of striking, Alex held his sword with both of his hands while pointing it straight at Hunter.

His sword excluded a sharp aura and was like a flame, whileAlexs body was covered with a dense crimson aura which was enough to suffocate anyone who stepped closer to him.


Like he had hit a wall, the great momentum generated by Hunter was stopped as his swing of the hammer was interrupted by a thick invisible wall.

While getting beaten and thrown around Alex had observed Hunters movements and analysed each of them carefully.

He would run straight at the enemy and after the enemy exists within a distance of 5m, he would begin his swing.

The larger he swings his hammer, the greater the power is generated.

But Alex used his aura to constrict a barrier at a radius of 3m, where Hunters body had just completed a half swing and before he could advance any further he hit an invisible wall which blasted him away.

It was like a javelin thrower who would run from a long distance and after gaining the desired momentum, he would start throwing it but if he was interrupted in the middle by placing an invisible glass slab, all his momentum would be rebounded to him and he would be thrown back.

Hunter was struck by his power which not only crashed onto him but was also amplified due to Alexs interference.

Hunters figure was blasted away for 20 metres.

Alexs hands also shook due to the impact and his feet trembled along with the space around him due to the powerful force.

Alex stabilised himself and stepping forward, he angled his sword to strike Hunter.

Every time Hunter blocks or parries the attack, the huge hammerhead blocks his vision for a second or less which allows the enemy to alter the course of the attack though Hunter manages to take a change in opponent attacks at the very last moment.

Alex was exactly for this kind of opening.

Hunter tried to retract his hammer to block the attack but Alex spun his sword and slid down a bit by bending his body and struck one of Hunters arms with the handle of his sword causing the hammer to fly back with one hand holding it.

Hunters hammer was far extended essentially putting him out of balance and putting the hammer far away also pulled away his centre mass causing Hunter to stagger a bit.

Alex stepped closer to Hunter which made the other side panic and he tried to pull his hammer back despite getting cramps due to the unexpected pull.

At that time, Alexs sword was above Hunter and with the step he had taken, his stance was perfect for a devastating strike going downward.

Alex put all his strength and slashed.

Hunter spun the hammer by hitting the lower end of the handle, causing it to spin upward and then Alexs sword struck downward at the toe end of the hammer.


Sparks flew and the end of the hammer shaft was sliced, and the tip of Alexs sword brushed past Hunters torso creating a small cut.

Alex gritted his teeth due to frustration of missing the chance to deal a destructive blow

While Hunter stepped back into the attacking position.

Sure enough.

One cannot underestimate the Mythic rank, if he hadnt reacted fast enough, I would have made a bloody cut from his thigh to the feet making him lose his ability to use that right foot.

While Alex engaged with Hunter, he made sure to keep an eye on Riya.

Alex stared at Riya who was struggling with Den. Riyas skills werent enough to make her par with a Mythic rank.

Alex was about to charge at Hunter when a spell flew towards him.


Alexs feet were dragged back by a few steps but he blocked the attack.

He saw Noah preparing spells and attacking him and soon many thick vines sprouted from the ground and shot towards him.

Hunter attacks him now. I will trap him now.

Shit! Did I have to fight two versus one now? Alex murmured as tried to dodge the vines coming after him like whips.

The ground rumbled and cracked.

Shockwaves emerged one after another.

Fierce Clashes took place one after another.

Mana swirled in the air and the auras clashed against each other.

Rody manifested his aura and swung his sword towards the Knight guarding the front of the enemy formation.

He believed that his attack would cut down the enemy.


Contrary to his expectation, Kinleys knight blocked the attack.

Aura clashed against each other and Rody felt dizzy for a moment due to the strong clash.

His expression turned pale as contrary to his expectations he was pushed back.

The opponent was also at a Transcendent rank like him, but he seemed to overwhelm him.

Aeon took on Rody and injured him with his swift attack.

Johnson took on two with him.

Though Max was at Epic rank, with the help of his squad he was able to deal with a Transcendent rank.


While the fierce battle was going on against Alexs and Noahs men on the other side of the battlefield.

The scenery changed and exerting mana from his body, Noah moved like a mountain beast charging towards his goal.

Alex cut through the whips of vines charging at him and saw Hunter closing towards him.

He pulled back his sword and stabbed Hunter.

A strong pressure shot towards Hunter who avoided it narrowly.

Alex noticed Noah appearing close to him and mana churned around him.


A gurgling sound echoed in the air followed by a heavy rumble.

The flames from Noahs hands spewed out in all directions and surrounded Alex.


The heat was quite intense and strong enough to melt one skin once it came into contact with it.

Alex turned around and covered himself in a barrier on which the strong flames crashed heavily.

Once the flames died down, Alex pounced on Noah who was quite close.

Noahs eyes gleamed with danger and his body glowed due to a spell.

Noah accelerated backwards due to which Alexs attack missed Noah narrowly.

The ground cracked and out of it rose many spires which attacked Alex and the tree trunks of large size which possess the power to destroy the human body at once tried to wrap him.

Alex raised his hand and shot down the spires with bolts of lightning.

His sword caught fire and burnt as Alex raised his mana and cut down the tree trunks that attacked him once.

It was then another powerful force that struck him.


An explosive aura erupted and Alex was blasted back.

Alex saw Hunters aura rising and it was quite intense. He seemed to be angered for some reason.

Alex raised his aura, casting the entire area to shake.

Alex and Hunter went over each others throats.

The strong and fast combo attacks kept on pouring over each other creating strong gusts and shockwaves one after another.

Noah tried to seize the opportunity and fired a spell at Alex.

A strong wind blew and a wide-arced wind blade appeared attacking Alex while he parried Hunters attacks.

Alex instinctively threw himself away and immediately raised his hands to block Hunters attack as he rushed toward him.


Alexs hands shook and his body jerked due to the violent strike.

Noah and Hunter coordinated quite well to deal with Alex.

He thought that no matter how much Alex struggles and crawls, he will not be able to withstand the pincer attacks from both of them.

The only thing that worried Noah, was the total regeneration which Alex had shown before him.

To prevent that from happening, he just needs to cut Alexs head as he was sure that it cannot be regenerated.

Alexs head was spinning extremely as his mind and body were on full alert.

The repulsive energy rose from inside due to the opponents non-stop and relentless attack.

Alex spit out blood and focused on Hunter running toward him.

Hunter didnt give Alex any moment to rest and breathe and pushed him fiercely.



As the aura clashed, a strong shock swept through the entire area.

While both of them clashed, Alex felt the mana rushing in once again and he senses the incoming attack.

The blades of strong winds went past him and blood splattered on his face still he was able to block the attack from dealing any further damage.

Alex gritted his teeth and the mana inside him was boiling heavily.

Mana erupted in all directions like the powerful explosion of an active volcano manifesting a strong killing intent directed at Hunter.


The killing intent was too strong even for Hunter to bear and he was frozen for a moment.

A strong blow ripped through the air and he raised his sword and roused an aura with all his might to defend.

Alex concentrated all his aura on the sword and kicked the ground to propel his body forward.

Noahs eyes widened as he saw Alexs strength skyrocketing and he hurriedly cast spells to stop Alex.

Alex just waved his hand and Noah was struck with a strong mass of condensed air and was thrown back after spitting blood.

Alex gritted his bloody teeth and swung his sword at Hunter.

He had to connect the hit otherwise, he might lose for real.

Alex who was about to pull his sword down suddenly felt the time slowing down for a moment and his heart started to beat wildly.

He was frightened for a moment as he felt the approaching death and all his senses screamed.

Alex tiled his body and tried to dodge something which he wasnt able to see but he could feel it and sure enough an instant later.

Something flew past Alex making a hole in his chest but luckily due to Alexs instinct, the attack missed his heart.

Alex coughed blood and drop down on the ground under Hunter and Noahs astonishing gaze and heard a mocking voice.

I cant believe you were able to react to that!

It was a voice that carried a powerful momentum which ceased everything that was going on the battlefield.

Somewhere on the battlefield, Max with the huge axe clashed against another one who had a physique similar to his.

He also fought with a giant axe like him and was in Early Transcendent rank.

Max, who was at Peak Epic rank, clashed against him.



Boisterous tremors chimed.

Shockwaves were radiated which swept away the dust and debris.

Metal sparks emerged as two huge axes rubbed against each other.


Cracking the ground, Max exploded towards his archenemy Bison who swung his axe.


Maxs whole body trembled and his muscles tensed as he clashed head-on.

Bison clenched his axe tightly to exert more strength while trying to hold the ground so that he wasnt pushed back.

Just what the hell do you eat, monster?

How did you have so much strength?

Bison shouted at Maxs face.

Max didnt answer but roared while pressing his feet hard on the ground causing them to crack radially.

Bison and Max seemed to equally match at each clash.

Both of them separated as neither of them was able to overpower the other.

Bison still had the advantage of speed so he attempted to out-fast Max.

If it was the previous Max, he would pour all his power into his attack but the current him had several experiences till now.

And then Max flicked his axe and grabbed the left hand of Bison while pulling him with all his strength.

Bison lost his balance and Max quickly came behind him and jumped up on him while putting his legs around his torso and his arms around his head.


Bison squealed like a pig as Max tried to crack his skull but before he could do that, Bison hit Max with his elbow.


Maxs ribs broke due to the repeated attack but he still didnt let him go.

With bloodied lips, he shouted.

Kill him!

Previously due to the fight, his men were either blasted away or getting injured so he ordered them to keep some distance but since he had pinned his enemy down, he could ask his men for help.

However, before his men could step forward to help.

Their bodies froze as an overwhelming force crashed on them.

Except for the sound of swift blowing wind, every other noise ceased to exist.

All the actions going on the battlefield halted instantly as soon as the unknown voice was heard.

And then, they heard the voice of someone and looked towards Alex who was on the floor with a punctured chest on his left.

Dead Silence!

Everyone was shocked to their core due to different reasons.

While Noah and Hunter were shocked wondering what was going on.

Riya was shocked to see Alexs figure falling on the ground with a gaping hole on the left side of the chest.

And similarly, everyone standing in the place was stunned and their bodies were stiffened like statues.

Johnson, Aeon and Max along with every man of Alex stopped their fight.

The enemies could have pressed on them and killed them but none of them dared to raise their weapons.

They were in a state similar to Kinleys soldiers.

Each of them froze. Their sixth sense seemed to be a warning to them not to move otherwise they would die in the hands of an unknown enemy.

Moreover, the current situation seemed to have made their mind blank.

Riya didnt care about Den who was before her and like swift lightning, her figure darted towards Alex.


pA n,dan0vel.c0m After a brief instant, a loud shriek was heard as Riya reached near Alex within an instant and held Alex in her arms.

Alex coughed drops of black blood which seemed to carry pieces of his internals which passed through his nasal passage giving him a slight suffocation.

The situation was quite ideal for Noah and Hunter to act.

They should rejoice after seeing the enemys situation. They could make use of this chance to kill them but they couldnt.

There was no joy or happiness on their face, rather they were all alarmed.

Noah and Hunter looked around to find the source of the voice carrying such momentum but they werent able to spot the enemy.

Alex pressed the hole in his chest to block the blood flow while the hole started to heal and close slowly and steadily.

His strong body accompanied by the Five Elemental Breathing technique provided him with an incredible physique and recovery rate so he was still alive otherwise any other guy would already be close to death.

The spell Restore took a huge part of his divinity and blessings, so the buffs had been lessened but it was still there which provided him additional support.

He was able to avert the killing blow otherwise it would be instant death and since he couldnt use the restore spell for a few days, it would be his end.

Alex gritted his teeth and raised his chin as Riya held him with a trembling hand.

YouWhy did you attack me?

No, why are you here? Do people at your level have so much free time? And how can a Saint realm powerhouse stoop so low?

You can see me huh!


The space above them distorted and under everyones frightened gaze, a humanoid figure appeared.

His figure looked like a human but his teeth were sharp and his eyes were blood-red in colour and the ridge on his nose was flat and looked quite unnatural.

Alex used his Eyes of truth and noticed that it was a creature of darkness and was using a humans skin clothing.

But from inside his figure didnt resemble those ugly creatures of darkness, rather they looked more like a vampire than a human.

Alex was taken by surprise seeing the mans presence. More than his looks, Alexs heart skipped a beat after he saw his power levels.

Mid-Saint Realm!

He was at a level which was close to the upper tier of power in the world.

Seeing Alexs hateful gaze, the man muttered.

Kid we dont have any personal enmity still I have to kill you and complete my task.

Are you an assassin? Riya asked with a frightened gaze.


Dont compare me to those greedy scums who do anything for money. I belong to a noble group which had grand goals.

I came here for two things.

First, to kill this guy. The man muttered while pointing at Alex.

And the second is to kill Noah Ark and wipe out everyone irrespective of whether you belong to Arkham or Kinley as it wouldnt be I live them alive.


This time the voice came from Noah as he looked at the man with a hollow gaze.

His mind became blank as soon as he heard the mans words.

There were quite less number of soldiers in Kinley so even if they die, they wouldnt suffer such a loss.

But Arkham would suffer greatly if every one of them was killed here.

And what would happen to his people who are waiting for his arrival with hope?

His father and his nation are waiting for good news.

So he cant die here.

Attacking us is akin to breaking the treaty. Can you bear the repercussions? Alex asked with a daunting voice.

He knew that asking such a naive question was meaningless but he needed to buy some time to think something.

His mind was running at full speed looking for plausible scenarios and ways to get out.

We dont care about that treaty kid?

I dont know what you mean but I am assuming that you belong to a secret organisation Sir Azores, Alex muttered.

The mans expression distorted as he heard his name in Alexs mouth.

How did you know my name?

Will you spare me if I tell you?

No, but at least I will give you a painless death?

Then go to hell! Alex shouted and stood up.

The bones of his ribs jerked as he stood up, and the hole healed leaving behind a scar.

You are good at pissing me off, Azores shouted and waved his hand.

A beam of light shot at Alex.

Alex waved both his hands and raised his sword and stepped before Riya to protect her.

A golden barrier appeared before him which was struck by a beam.


The barrier broke into pieces and Alex smashed away.

Riyas eyes widened and she accelerated to catch Alexs flying body.

Azores smiled and his figure vanished, and he appeared before Riya and kicked her away.

Riyas body shot back as a cannon and crashed onto the trees far away one after another.

Alex, after rolling on the ground like a ball, tried to get up but he was kicked up to the sky by Azores.

And then he was kicked down on the ground and he fell on the ground like a heavy meteorite.

Then Azores appeared in the crater and tried to strike Alex but he found no one.

The Azores frowned and then saw a huge ball of fire over his head.

Alex stared at Noah and his Mythic rank and shoutedDont doze off. After me, its going to be your number so lets join to take him down.

Alex screamed and threw the fiery ball.

Worthless! Azores scoffed and pulling his arms, he threw acasual punch.


The ball that was descending towards him bursts into pieces and Alex was struck by a strong pressure which causes him to vomit blood.


Azores was attacked by Noahs spell and as a cloud of dust rose, he saw a huge hammer over his head.

He raised his hand and tapped on the hammer.

Crack! Crack!

The hammer shook and shattered while Hunter was pushed back.

How is this possible!Hunter screamed as he was sent back flying with a single tap.

Azores locked onto Alex and a violet ball of dense energy appeared over his hand.

Die! The ball was shot at Alex.

It exuded a dense energy of destruction.

Alex gathered his mana to teleport however at that time, Riya appeared before him.

Dense mana erupted from her body which made Alexs eyes widen.


Riya slashed her dagger and the dense ball that flew towards Alex was swept away by the slash.

Alex stared at Riya back with a bewildered expression.

He was afraid of the forthcoming and at the same, he was relieved seeing Riya awakening her power after seeing him being beaten to death.

His plan seemed to work but once Riya awakened her true self, even Alex didnt know what would happen in the end.

Riyas hair fluttered and a dark purplish mana erupted and ensheathed her completely.

Her eyes have become purple and over the purplish aura, and a dark mass of energy radiated from her.

With me here, no one is touching him.

As Alex stared at Riya back, he could finally catch the glimpse of the real Queen Of Shadows.

Although everyone was frightened and scared out of their wits seeing Riyas transformation, Alex was the most worried among the bunch.

With beads of sweat forming on his forehead, Alex tried to appease Riya just to make sure she hadnt lost herself.

Riya, calm down, dont let your power get over your head.

I am calm and I am in control.


Alex didnt know just how she could claim herself to be calm when her body was emanating such a chaotic aura that was even giving him chills.

She seemed to be a step away from losing her humanity, her skin colour started to change along with her mana which had become dark and turbulent.

Azores stared at the girl with a confused look.

I dont know what is going on and how you can increase your power to such an extent?

Your body should explode, unable to contain the power.

But you are surely an interesting specimen. My organization would surely like to experiment on you and know more about your power as I could feel a sense of familiarity from it.

Hahaha! Azores burst into laughter like a maniac, however, he wasnt able to laugh for long as a vertical line appeared over his body out of nowhere.

His eyes widened and a startled expression appeared on his face which was followed by the appearance of a line.


The body was cut into two halves and fell onto the ground.

Its already over, Noah muttered with a frightened look as he looked at the fallen corpse of the Saint.

She killed him with one slash which my eyes couldnt even catch the sight of.

While Noah was frightened, Hunter and Den stood rooted on the ground watching

the scene with a complicated gaze.

Their gazes werent able to witness any movement from Riya.

Its not over, Alex muttered and stared up.

Before Riya slashed and the cut touched the body, Alex saw a dark mass shoot upwards from the dissected body.

The body that was cut seemed to be human skin or a vessel occupied by that man.


What an honour. A beings disdainful voice along with a screech spread across the entire battlefield.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice.

Killing my vessel is already a big deal. He spoke with a chuckle.

Azores real bodies appeared with two bat shaped wings behind his back.

His skin was slightly grey and he had gnarly claws on his hands and toes.

His body was covered with scales and his reptilian gaze stared at Riya.

His lips opened to form a smile showcasing the large crooked and sharp teeth. But anyone who looked at the smile could see a strong burning anger.

Girl, tell me how do you want to die?

His voice sounded like thunder in everyones ears.

I am afraid that your strength isnt enough to kill me.

Riya spoke as another wave of dark power shot out from Riyas body.

And soon a pressure, as if the world was crashing down on everyone appeared.

The world seemed to be shaking while reality seemed to be trembling.

The sky was rumbling and it became dark and everyone held their breath no matter whether it was Noahs or Alexs, men.



Many fell onto their knees unable to handle the pressure.

Even Noah was forced onto the ground with a horrified look.

Except for Alex and Noahs two Mythic ranks, everyone fell onto their knees.

The darkness that enveloped Riya started to crawl out from her body and soon the wriggling mass of darkness formed five pairs of hands.

A dagger of darkness manifested in her hands and he swept her left foot back while raising her chin.

The dark aura around Riya became fiercer and fiercer and soon exploded.

For a moment, the purplish darkness descended onto the battlefield and then


Loud rumbles occurred which were strong enough to shatter ones ear drums.

Everton heard the sound of a single explosion but Alex who observed the scene knew that this single explosion was the result of a thousand clashes and exchanges between Riya and Azores that happened in an instant.

The sky seemed to be split apart due to the thundering booms echoing one after another.

Ripples one after another crashed onto everyone.

The ripples created due to Riya and Azores battle were strong enough to crush anyone below Master rank to a pulp.

The entire Terror of Ranvier seemed to shake in terror and fear.


Another thundering boom appeared and Alex turned his gaze to notice a mountain far away from them was blown into smithers.

Alexs squinted at the battle with a wildly beating heart.

He wasnt able to follow up on the fight properly but an instant before the collision, he could see a figure shoot back and collide with the mountain.

But regretfully, he wasnt able to identify the figures cause as the figure collided, it got up quickly and charged again.

The battle just began and soon loud craters of 100 metres in length appeared.

Strong gales like hurricanes whipped towards everyone.

It was a deadly situation.

The situation of people on the ground was quite dire as it felt like they were grabbed under a time bomb which was ticking slowly.

Alex ordered all his men to stay behind him.

His men who were swept away started to gather behind him carrying those who lost their consciousness.

He raised his sword and covered his men with the golden barrier which shook with each passing moment.

Noah did the same and protected everyone, forming a barrier that was furnished by the aura of two Mythic ranks.

Noah glanced at Alex with a peculiar eye and spoke with trembling.

Is that demoness really your wife?

Alexs lips twitched for a moment.

First of all, they were enemies who were going over each others throats a few moments ago and second thing, was this a situation to ask such a question?

It seems this guy had finally lost it, Alex thought inwardly.

Alex took a heavy breath and spoke with a glare.

Now do you understand, you never really stood a chance but do you think that matters now in this situation?

Are you just curious or just jealous of me having such a valiant and beautiful wife?


A thick vein bulged on Noahs forehead as he heard Alex reply which almost made him cough blood.

He even thought why the hell did he ask such a naive question?

Alex stared at Johnson who looked like a frail old man swaying here and there due to the raging storm outside.

His eyes seemed to be lifeless. He seemed to be under immense shock and had already given up on his living.

Then his gaze turned towards Aeon and Max who just stood with a blank expression and trembling legs.

The other men in his squad seemed to have already passed out.

Alex wanted to say something but was perplexed seeing their expressions.

It seems I have to start your mental training and increase the difficulty of the other courses.

As if some sort of healing spell was cast, all of them got out of their stupor and shouted.

We are all alright.

Johnson who was still in shock wakes up by Maxs call and mutters faintly.

Its okay, you will get used to this old man.

At that time another gale collided with a barrier like a tsunami which forced everyone to back down.