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Antwan crushed the Minotaur's head and beheaded it after tearing its limbs.

The bullhead demon was certainly strong but not at that level where he could pose a threat to him.

Antwan who stepped forward suddenly felt his senses tingle and he reacted immediately by raising his axe to shield himself from it.


Antwan struck away the arrow which was loaded with mana and exploded after coming into contact.

As the dust dispersed, Antwan's unscratched figure appeared and he looked around with bloodshot eyes.

The arrow came from the back and was the one used by their force. Due to winning the fight, he had let down his guard a bit and it was quite difficult for him to sense the arrow coming from somewhere, he hadn't expected it.

His blood boiled with anger and he stared back at the archer's party and roared in anger.

"Who is that bastard who shot me?"

His roar only caused the archers and soldiers fighting around him to look at him only for a moment but soon all of them went back to deal with the enemy.

One of the soldiers passed by Antwan and said"It must be a mistake, don't lose your focus."

Antwan was about to refute when he was attacked by another demon charging straight at him.


Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, he prepared to deal with the demon while unaware of the fact that he wasn't the only one who suffered like this.

Ben jumped on the corpse while brandishing his sword. He was surrounded by a group of undead led by Death Knight.

While he clashed against the Death Knight, he felt a sword on his back and retracting his blade he jumped to the side immediately.

A huge greatsword struck The Death Knight, almost cracking its hand.

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"What the hell?"Ben yelled.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help after seeing you struggle."

"Are you blind? I was winning..."

Ben's words were cut abruptly as undead filled with skeletons attacked them from all around.

Situations similar to this were happening around Leonhart's soldiers.

At first, they deemed it a coincidence and thought that it was due to a lapse of teamwork but later realised someone is targeting them and trying to take them with the enemies.

Each Kingdom force was given a particular region to fight. There may be intermixing due to chaos but it is still the new faces they found among themselves whom they never knew.

The most frustrated one was Albert who was unable to deal with the monster. He wanted to deal with a large area of damage but the bugs were coming in between him and implicating him by interfering in his battles.

If it was any other situation, he might have frozen them or killed them for sure but he can't commit a mistake in such a perilous situation where great harm might occur due to his mistake, so he tried to suppress his resentment for now.

The Commander of the Kingdom who was coordinating the troops with a smirk stared at the side and froze as he felt a deathly chill radiating from the woman who stood beside her.

Christina's eyes became sharp as if she could just make holes in the enemies with her gaze.

Her killing aura was slowly rising without any halt.

Overseeing the situation, she sighed while turning his head towards the commander who stood beside her.

"Is this how you want to play?"

Zion smiled mischievously and spoke, "What are you implying, Lady Christina?"

"We are fighting for our lives here. How can you address us as playing around?"Another commander spoke with a sneer.

Christina glared at them.

"I am asking for one last time. Do you want to keep going?"

"Please speak clearly Lady Christina. We can't understand your round talks."

Christina muttered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"It's fine if you don't understand. It's better to show you rather than speak."

With a stomp, Christina's figure jolted towards the battlefield.

The Commander frowned and looked curiously at Christina while feeling a bad premonition in their heart.

Christina landed on the battlefield and killed her away, arriving at a high point from where her troops could see her.

She struck her sword radiating a strong bright aura which caught everyone's attention.

"There are some bugs here who are hindering us so isn't it better to get rid of them.'' Christina's voice amplified and an uncanny smile appeared on the troops of Leonhart.

Ben's heart boiled with excitation as he waited for Christina's next command.

'All they needed was a simple gesture, to begin with, and now since they have got it they could deal with the pests.'

Christina raised her palm and hit it on the shoulder blade and then clenched it.

Many soldiers who were looking at her became dumbfounded at the sign, unable to discern it.

Only Leonheart's forces knew what the sign meant.

Christina made a series of hand signs and the formation deployed around the face instantly changed.

The first sign asked everyone to form a group of ten and as the Leonhearts immediately moved, those who were foreign to them were left alone.

Segregating others while keeping in mind those who attacked them, they began to counterattack.

Ben who was fighting against the Death Knights could feel the man drawing near.

As the man behind him waits for Ben to make a move, Ben's image blurs and appearing behind him, he kicks that man towards the Death Knight whose sword hit him as he was taken by surprise.

Antwan who was swinging his axe suddenly stumbled and a wind blade was thrown back and slammed against the soldiers sending them flying.

Albert raised his sword, coating it with an icy aura that blasted all around him, freezing everyone who was within the radius.

The soldiers who were interfering with the battle were frozen into statute along with demons.

While Allbert destroyed the demon's sculptures, the monsters around the place tried to take out the opportunity of soldiers frozen in the statue.

The soldiers of Leonhart pushed the others to the front while keeping themselves at a safe distance.

The entire scenario of hunter and prey was reversed.

Christina stepped back and gave the Commanders a cold look making them shiver in fright seeing her merciless tactics.

"Your troops seem to be quite useless!"

Christina spat coldly causing the commander's face to swell in anger but no words came out from him as his troops were getting hit.

"Stop it!"

"Do you think you will get away like this?"One of the commanders shouted.


"What do you mean? It's clear that your troops are quite weak to handle the enemies on top of that there is no proper coordination among them."Christina muttered and her aura burst forth locking them.

The commander's face became pale as they were no match against Christina.

"Even if you all die, so what? It just means you aren't capable enough to protect yourself."

"Stop all of this! We were forced to do all this?"Zion muttered while sweating profusely. He didn't doubt that they might die if Christina turned her back because the enemies were quite strong.

"I will tell you his name, "Zion shouted with embarrassment.

Christina's lips curled upwards as she spoke.

"I don't need it."

"Cause I already know."


Flames raged around the place.

Needles were struck all over the person's body.

His veins bulge and mana swirled around him and got sucked as if there was a black hole.

All the pores of his body seemed to be open and mana was pulled into it and transmitted to the body.

Alex spat a mouthful of dark lumpy substance and got rid of all the impurities his body had accumulated over the month.

Terrifying gusts swept all around the place and reddish mana ensheathed him wholly filled with destructiveness.

He opened his eyes and glowed and soon his body that was radiating flames unexpectedly disappeared along with the stoppage of the flow of the mana.

For a moment, everything returned to nothingness as if he was a common man without any power or mana.

And soon a crimson appeared over his head which soon disappeared along with the mana.

But only Alex knew just how much stronger he had become. He had burnt his flesh and pushed his muscle beyond the limit of human endurance.

Using the elixirs had broadened his mana vessel greatly which he further enhanced using the poison treatment to get rid of the waste circulating in his vessels.

He only had a minor breakthrough. Though there was no change in his realm, the improvement he had achieved here was beyond the breakthrough

in a realm and more than that he was able to condense more mana into his core making it a small red-hot sun that stored the fiery mana and he was also one step closer to creating his technique.

[Astral Starlight]

The technique that he had invented was to due the sudden inspiration while dealing with the Goddess of war, though he is far from stepping into stage 1 of it.

Instead of rushing ahead to make it through, he honed all his skills and practised those that he wasn't able to use before due to his limited strength.

Alex stood from his seat and stretched his body a bit.

Alex raised his fist and with a smirk, he clenched his fist.


Taking his position, he threw a punch towards the sky. As he drew the punch, the sound of the air being ripped apart was heard followed by a cracking sound akin to breaking a barrier of sound.


"Oop!" Alex muttered as he observed the damage that occurred in the sky.


Quite near to the place where the battle was going, a dense amount of demonic and dark energy intervened with each other.

The place looked like a spot descended from hell with a suffocating aura to it.

No vegetation was present on this land. Everything starting from soil to air was black with a rotten and disgusting odour.

It looked like an abyss filled with nothing but the filth of the world.

The Fortress of the Defence line which humans had inhabited and used by Kinley forces had now become a breeding ground for monsters and a resting place for demons.

"So, in the end, you are telling me that the ones who are fighting with Kinley were slowly falling apart."

The demon in charge of the whole operation stared at the two individuals standing in front of him.

Halton, who was in charge of the frontier, took charge against Kinkey forces and was now hanging his head down as if he had committed a grave sin.

While the other one stood straight with a haughty attitude without any care.

Angelina smiled seductively and spoke, "What can you expect from this incompetent man?"

"Both you as well as your lower part are useless."

Halton felt the blood rushing over his head and he shouted"Angelica, don't you dare."

"An old hag-like is too distasteful to arouse anyone. You are too ugly for my brother to rise."

"What did you say? Say that again and see if I don't crush your ball."Angelina screamed with a distorted expression.

"Both of you shut up?"Beig screamed in anger.

"Our army is equal to the other side and on top of that we have those monsters so why are we falling behind."

"Why are you asking me? My side is doing well"

"My troops are keeping the Arkham in check, unlike this asshole."Angelica snorted and folded her head over her chest causing her two big assets to jiggle.

The Succubus was enjoying herself drinking the blood of the enemies on the battlefield but had to come here due to the sudden call of this man.

Halton stepped forward and tried to appease Beig's anger.

"The reason we are losing is because of that Ex Saintess of humans. Her presence is quite dominating."

"Her aura is weakening the miasma and the undead as well as suppressing our demonic energy and at the same time she is healing the wounded."

"She is too difficult to handle alone and with the support of the one behind her, it is making it hard for us to march closer."

"I have heard that her beauty transcends humanity. I would like to taste her flesh and blood."Angelic spoke while licking her lips seductively.

'Why is this bitch always in heat? I wish someone would just break her and make a mess of her until she begged.'

Halton muttered, gritting his teeth.

Beig pinched his forehead due to the headache coming from his annoying subordinates.

"Has Kinley deployed the Mythic rankers?"

Halton shook his head.

"Then use the pill of darkness and ask everyone to aim for her. Try to destroy the members of the Church as much as possible but there is no need to take too much risk."

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"Our main target is Athena.Also use the Mythic rankers if required."

"Can I go?"Angelica asked with a cute expression.


"Why, there is no problem on my side?"Angelica spoke with a spout.

"Since, there are no problems. Finish things on the Arkham side as quickly as possible. Then you can fight with Kinley and have as much fun as possible."

"Fun...Yeah!"Angelica shouted as if she was a girl that was forced to stay in her room and was finally allowed to get out.

"Hey, limp head. Wait for me a bit ."

"You...."Halton wanted to scream but was stopped from seeing the madness on her face which sent shivers down her spine.

"I will wrap things up quickly and then we will have fun. We will capture that girl and have fun with her. We will spend some sweet and good time by torturing the girl who gave us a hard time."Angelica giggled and her brain started to run wildly.

"I am taking my leave," Angelica muttered and left with a gust of wind.

Beig gave Halton a pitiful look and muttered"Don't listen to her and finish things as quickly as possible.

"Yes Sir!"Halton nodded and left.

Beig's expression changed as both of his subordinates retreated.

Folding his arms he walked towards the basement with a sinister expression.

"Struggle...Struggle as much as you want."

Walking inside the place where dozens of grotesque figures were preserved behind the glass, he smiled cruelly and looked at the thing in the huge lab.

"The victory had already been decided. Unless they intervene, which they won't, you all are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered by me."



The morale among the Kinley forces wasn't good. It was natural since most of them had fought with the discarded armies instead of demons' enemies.

The casualties weren't that great but who knew how much this state could be maintained?

The Demons had a great number of Necromancers who were using the undead that had been dying on the battlefield. Since these cowards were staying in the back, things were getting difficult to deal with.

Even if Kinley's forces manage to deal severe damage, the Demons were making up the numbers somehow.

On the other hand, Kinley's forces maintained the numbers while staying near the man-made barriers and were only being attacked.

Since they didn't have much knowledge about the other side, Sean didn't push his troops into a death trap so the stalemate continued.

It was also the same for the Demons who were finding a way to break through Kinley's formation.

"This is the summary of damages we have suffered so far."

"That's not a lot of casualties, "Shion grumbled wondering why the situation was quite tense.

Another person adjutant to him spoke"I think it's time to advance. We have Lady Athena and Saintess covering our backs."

"Yeah, let's just stop being a coward. We should push our way through those filthy demons."

Like usual Shion spoke with a haughty stare looking down at everyone.

Usually, Sean would have asked him to shut up but the situation was as it sounds.

"They need to make a breakthrough somehow. Prolonged war will only be advantageous to the demons who would feed on the corpses of our men and make them undead."

"Where are Hex and William?"

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"His Highness Sean is maintaining the magical formation while Highness William is checking at the frontlines."

"Hmm!" Sean nodded and thought for a moment, spoke"Ask Hex to enlarge the formation of the Mages. Call in more Mages."

"Ask William to prepare the troops and head out. We will attack this time. Also, asked a few Mythic rankers Knight to accompany him."

"Now any suggestion?"Sean asked and looked at everyone in the tent.

One of the generals stepped forward and said"Your Highness, we should ask for more troops to be on standby and increase our patrol. I believe the demons might act shady and sneak attack on us."

"Do it."

"Your Highness, I think we should also burn the corpse of the deceased. In this way, the Necromancer wouldn't use the dead number to their advantage."

"Prepare a Cemetery and ask a squad to collect the corpse and also ask Lady Athena to prepare thoroughly. We need her support more than ever. Tighten her Security."

"Tsk! Shion clicked his tongue and muttered"Why are we wasting soldiers on her when she is already protected by the Paladins as well as those so-called Goddesses? Since she is the child of the Goddess, why did she need protection?"Shion expressed his dissatisfaction.

Everyone knew Shion's hatred towards Alex and anyone who was involved with him still it was too much to show hate in this type of situation.

Sean sighed and gave Shion a cold look and murmured"That's because she isn't useless like you who is loitering around on the battlefield."


The frontlines relentlessly charged forward, crushing all the opponents before them.

William commanded his troops and a few noteworthy individuals who led the front to pierce through the oncoming horde of enemies and the gap that was created was widened by the flowers.

The troops charging towards the Necromancers were facing strong resistance from undead troops.

Dark mists followed by hurls of curses fired by the black wizards and Necromancers hit them attempting to stop their charge.

Warm golden light showered them and guided their path and neutralised as many enemies' attacks as possible.

Still, some of them made their way and hit the troops.


Soldiers hit by the curses groaned in pain and fell. The curses dealt great damage and if not for the holy light shining upon them, they would be dead for sure.

Each one of them was equipped with holy water in the canteen which they poured on their wounds.

In the middle of the group, a huge number of priests stood joining hands.

"We lost the effectiveness due to the absence of Lina. That double-faced bitch retreated as soon as she heard we were going to charge towards the enemy."Ophelia grumbled with a dissatisfied tone.

She knew that Lina was a profit seeker hiding a venomous face under her veil still abandoning the front and going to the rear to treat the wounded ones personally which she always hated was just a way to stay away from danger.

"Stop it, Ophelia."

"Goddess is watching. Whether she is right or wrong the Goddess will punish her. At least she is doing some service at the back."Athena spoke with a wide smile.

"Sister Athena, you always forgive that girl. Who knows whether she is treating them or just relaxing and wasting time."

Athena shook her head with a smile and looked at the deadly battlefield.

There had been an intense war going on and blood was being splattered all around like water.

Athena's gaze which was scanning throughout the battlefield suddenly noticed something amiss.

A frown appeared on her face and she shouted abruptly, surprising Ophelia and the other priests beside her.

"Ophelia takes others and steps back."

"Step away from me."

"Huh! I can't do that. I need to support you."

"Ophelia, listen to what I am saying. There is no time to argue. Retreat quickly as soon as possible."Athena spoke with a cold gaze that made Ophelia shudder.

She wanted to voice out her thoughts but seeing Athena's gaze, she knew something bad was going to happen.

Ophelia followed Athena's instructions and took the Priests away from Athena.

Meanwhile, William who was leading the charge started to feel uncomfortable.

"What is bothering you, Highness?"A man beside William asked.

"Don't you think things are going too well according to the plans? We have reached here too easily?"William replied while feeling as if it was a trap as the battle raged on and he finally found what was going on but it was too late.


The elite fighters of Kinley blocked the barrage of arrows that flew over them but something went past them to which they weren't able to react quickly.




Groans echoed through the place and soldiers started to fall. A dark aura passes through them and everyone's eyes widened as demons wrapped in darkness charged toward them.

"Be careful!"

"These Demons are odd!"

The soldiers didn't stop moving, rather they tried to attack the new group aggressively but those who weren't able to react quickly were trampled easily.

When they blocked the claws aiming at them, another claw went past them appearing from their body and soon they saw the shady demon's capability to make many hands shaped as weapons.

They were violent and fierce rampaging through the place. The situation became worse to the point that Legendary ranks had to step forward and William had to participate in the battle himself.

"Raise your guard! Strike them down as hard as possible."William gritted his teeth and engaged with the one that appeared before him.

Numerous hands attacked him and he found it hard to react but who was he?

He was the third prince, a Legendary rank at the age of 27. Blood of gods flowed in the veins of royal members.

Annoying bugs like this don't stand a chance.

Mana surged and he kicked the shadow demon and jumped down on the battlefield.


Loading his sword, he cut the upper half of the shadow demon swiftly.

The Mythic rank Knight Hedge also engaged as he senses the strong mana and suppressed them.


Winds swept by as the sword collided with the claws. The well-trained Knights under William's command started to clear the battlefield.

The newly appeared enemy was quite difficult to deal with but it wasn't at a level that made it impossible for them to fight.

William who struck his sword into the head of the shadow demon suddenly tilted his gaze and his eyes widened as he saw a huge number of enemies taking the opportunity of the chaos or sneaking in and the position they were heading was towards the group of priests.

William's face became pale as sudden realisation struck him. The enemy's target was never him but rather them.

The Priest was the backbone with which the whole army may collapse. More than that it was Athena's presence that overshadowed all the Demon's strategies so their primary target must be Athena.

William pulled out his sword and roared"Everyone protects Lady Athena."

"No matter what, don't let those bastards approach her."

William's voice rang across the battlefield and garnered everyone's attention.

A large number of enemies slaughtered their way stopping at nothing. Some even offered their way and self detonated taking out many while making way for others.

The Legendary rank Paladins rushed forward and tried to defend them. They fought bitterly burying some time and asked Athena to escape.


"Lady Athena, please leave. Our worthless life is nothing compared to yours."A paladin muttered while pushing the enemy.

However, before they could buy more time.


Explosions erupted engulfing the Paladins in flame and two black figures rushed towards Athena with a swift speed.

Everyone starts to panic and pushes their way towards Athena.

As the two shadowy figures reached Athena and were going to extend their claws at her, their body was hit with a burst of light.


The two shady figure bodies burst as something flew through them and then soared into the sky following which a cold voice resounded.

"Did you think of me as the grass grew in the glasshouse?"

"Not only can I protect myself but I can also kill the roaches."

An unearthly aura erupted as everyone saw a sceptre floating in the air and landed in Athena's hands which shocked everyone out of their wits.


Any lady who was chosen as a candidate for Saintess had a guard assigned to her who would protect her secretly.

Both Ophelia and Lina had protectors who would step forward to save them in times of crisis.

Initially, Athena was also assisted by a protector but it was removed later because under the white robes and innocent looks lies a fierce warrior.


As the Legendary rank monsters appeared before Athena, with a speed that couldn't be seen by naked eyes Athena threw the Sceptre which burst its way through the Shadow Demons.

And hovering in the air it returned to her hands.

The Sceptre shined and turned into a spear and the red jewel embedded in it shined and dozens of starlight poured out of Athena the Priestess robe worn by her disappeared and armour of light appeared over her body.

Her figure was so enchanting that many lost their composure for a moment.

Previously Christina was praised as the flower that bloomed on the battlefield but seeing Athena in Knight's suit with a strong sharp gaze cast a deep influence in everyone's hearts.

Even the Shadows Demons were taken by surprise seeing the sudden transformation and finally erupted into a scream.

"What! How?"

Except for spending time with Alex, Athena's life consists of two things.

Prayer and Training.

To stand up to his side, she knew she cannot be a weak lady in the damsel. She needs to have the capability to protect herself.

The Paladins and Inquisitors of the Church use the power of mana and a small amount of Divinity to strengthen themselves but what would be if someone had divinity as the ocean?

For example, the Pope is revered throughout the world and cannot be a weak figure. He needs strength to back himself up so how can they get stronger when Priest and Priestess weren't trained?

The answer was divinity. A shortcut to get stronger.

Divinity is a more potent form of energy that every believer gets after being blessed by the Goddess. One can strengthen the body or boost the strength according to the presence of her divinity.

But Athena hadn't completely relied on Divinity and had trained both her skills and mana to the absolute. Because of the vast and bountiful divinity, no one was able to guess her realm.

In fact, even though she doesn't know how much strength she has, she was sure that she could at least fight equally with a Mythic rank.

Demons and the soldiers stared at her with a confused gaze.

To their answer, Athena jumped from her place and threw the spear which shot like a comet and blasted away a group of Demons.

The Shadow Demons were blasted away by the spear that poured out light like a bright sun.

Athena's figure appeared near them and looking around everyone, she shouted"I will make the way so follow me."

What is she trying to do? Why is walking forward and approaching the enemy lines?

Isn't this suicide?

Countless questions flashed in everyone's mind but they were stupefied to ask the question.

While everyone's voice was filled with such thoughts.


Divinity erupted from Athena's body. The stigma on her back burst and four angelic wings appeared on her making her body glow like a sun that radiated light all around.

The undead, monsters, demons and anything that had darkness in them started to recede as the bright light was burning them.


All the Priest and Paladin's bodies at the back reacted to the bursting divinity.

A divinity that was crimson red as if it was blood itself started to erupt, taking over the golden light and giving everyone an eerie feeling.

The divinity engulfed the entire place.

"I am going to attack with all my strength."

Athena spoke with a soft voice. However, even that soft voice contains a sense of intimidation as if engulfed the whole place.

As her hands stretched out, all the divinity around her condenses and is sucked into her hands forming a spear.

A spear with an ominous feeling that stimulated one's survival instincts.

Everyone followed Athena's line of sight wondering whom was she going to attack and although the front line was occupied with strong enemies it wasn't to the point that she had to attack with such strength that was even giving them chills.

And soon their eyes fell on the Necromancer and a group of black wizards.

Attacking them from this distance.

Just this thought was enough to make William feel his blood freeze.

Athena drew the spear and took her stance.

It wasn't clumsy in any sense and looked like a warrior who had fully mastered the art of throwing the spear.

"May you Rest In Peace after death."


Athena's lips curled upwards and her eyes flashed with killing intent. What followed after that was a rapid throw with a speed that couldn't be followed by everyone's eye.

Her hand shot like a whip and it was just a simple swing after which silence lasted only for a moment which was then followed by a roar.

A terrific roar that generates repeatedly ringing sounds in everyone's ears that resounded through the space.

With the world as a painting, a red line was drawn between two points.

Everything between Athena and the Necromancers vanished abruptly in the wake of the divinity shooting out of the realm.

The land, the vegetation, the beings, and the clouds that obscured the sky as if never existed were obliterated in a straight line.

The spear reached the other side and soon a strong burst of divinity erupted and everyone's vision became blank due to the eruption of light.

And what reflected in their eyesight after this was a pure mass of destruction with no remaining in sight.

The glow around Athena disappeared and she fell to the ground.

Sweats drenched her whole body.

"Athena are you alright."Christina appeared beside her and supported her.

Christina, who was quite far away from there, felt the divinity of Athena and quickly rushed here wondering if something bad might have happened.

"I am alright. I just over-exhausted myself a bit."Athena spoke with a tired voice.

William quickly snapped out of his thoughts and ordered to advance. They have got the breakthrough they required and now they just have to push forward.

"Marvellous!"The man behind William shouted.

William glared at him and shouted"You should be ashamed of yourself. The things that should be done by Mythic rankers like you are done by the lady who was a Saintess who shouldn't even know how to fight."

William scolded them and looked at Athena with a curious gaze.

Along with respect for Athena, many mixed feelings for her flashed in her eyes, making him a bit uncomfortable.


While Kinley seemed to be in an advantageous position, the other side of the border was really in disarray.


There was a constant roar coming from the battlefield.

Because undead swarmed through the place pounding the Arkham army.

Arkham forces may not be as large as the Kinley due to all kinds of loss they have suffered, but still, it wasn't weak to the point where they were pushed back.

The battle stayed in stalemate at the beginning but the arrival of certain forces of the undead caught them by surprise.

The undead that they were fighting now was none other than the soldiers who had lost their lives in the previous battle with Kinley.

Riding horses and armed with weapons, a man leads the undead army with a half-torn Arkham flag.

It was a disgrace.

A complete humiliation for them.

As much as they wanted to tear them apart, this also made them grieve in sorrow and many were heavily broken to the point that it took them some time to attack.

A gap had been created during this time which was used by the enemy to penetrate their defences.

The Saintess and Priests of Arkham were trying their best to support and contain the miasma which was quite dense and thick.

Even if they managed to strike back, they were forced to step back again by the presence of succubus which caused many to lose their senses.


"Stop! We are on the same side."

The weak-willed ones whose levels were less than Epic rank were caught up with the succubus hypnosis and attacked their army.

"Damn it! Once I get rid of them. I will burn those whores."A knight muttered and he tried to knock down the horde rushing towards him.

Noah and Nolan who were overseeing the situation were quite worried and were constantly thinking of a way to stop all this.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand, Noah thought they had to break the enemy formation and kill the succubus who was heavily guarded.

"Wilford, it seems you have to engage early. If this goes on we will pile up a huge amount of loss. We need to stop them."

Milford nodded and stared at the scene with a solemn expression.

Succubus may not be strong in combat but their overall power was quite great.

​ Enchanting and trapping others in illusion may kill the weak will ones.

"Leave this to me."Riya dashed forward leaving behind a message.

"Will it be okay?"

"If something happened to her, we are going to be in trouble," Nolan said with a worried expression.

"She will be alright," Noah assured him and looked at the battlefield while hoping for a miracle to happen.

Riya stepped forward and released her aura which attracted everyone's attention and all the soldiers who had lost their senses rushed towards her.


Even though a huge number of soldiers flocked towards Riya, she walked forward unafraid.

Many soldiers wondered what was the identity of the woman as this was the first time they had seen someone like her.

Riya, unfazed by everyone's gaze, just stepped forward.

Her eyes just observed everything calmly and as they came closer, her eyes gleamed with a purplish gleam and a purple aura radiated from her.


All of them who were drawing their swords at Riya a moment ago suddenly stopped.


"What's going on?"

"Why are we attacking her?"

"What happened, why are you aiming your sword at us?"

The soldiers murmured as they looked at their teammates with confusion. They tried to recall what had transpired here but their memory was quite hazy.

Noah immediately took over the command and shouted"You all have been hypnotised by the succubus and you are attacking the allies."

"Now everyone get back to the formation, the enemies are pushing ahead."

Although it was an order to retreat, they weren't able to step back as the enemies pushed forward.

The soldiers who were freed now were struggling to fight properly as their senses were still dull.

Riya's eyes swept across the battlefield and she fixed her gaze on the group of succubi hiding there.

She also had a similar power but she didn't like using that power so much.

It wasn't that she was afraid but rather she was embarrassed to use it.

Riya stepped forward and her figure disappeared.


Riya's figure landed near the enemy formation and she was surrounded by the enemies who were shocked to see her appearing there but soon an amusing smile bloomed on the faces of the three succubi.

"What a brazen girl?"

"Tear all her limbs. Don't kill her."


Riya stopped the sword with her dagger and a shockwave swept across the battlefield.

Riya turned her head and saw that she was surrounded and all of them were demons who were smiling at her.

They looked down at her thinking that she was the foolish lamb who just jumped into a pit but soon they were going to be proved wrong.


Riya's figure flashed and she moved like thunder, it was followed by a shock wave that would make many lose their balance.

In the centre of the shockwave, Riya stood behind the two demons' backs and soon two heads fell to the ground.


The Demon's expressions were distorted and all of them roared in anger.

"Kill her!"

Demons charged towards Riya from all around.

Riya stared at them coldly and raised her dagger.


A demon body flew back after being hit by Riya which was followed by another attack.

Riya jumped back dodging the scythe that passed under her and threw her dagger.


A demon's head burst like a watermelon.

The dagger that was thrown retained its rotation and changed its trajectory in the mid-air and dug into the neck of another demon.

Daggers shot out from Riya and with each throw, a corpse fell.

The end of the daggers was tied with string with which he changed their trajectories in the mid-air.

As Riya dealt with the demons flocking their way, it drew a lot of attention.

The soldiers of Arkham used this opportunity to counterattack.

The necromancer and black wizard still made it difficult for them to push through the front lines while the resistance had lessened as Riya was taking the charge.

It was at that time, a strong gust of dark mana radiated and a fog of miasma appeared and hit them out of nowhere.



Groans erupted from the Arkham soldiers as they felt the piercing pain of burning skin on being hit by miasma.

Their mind became fuzzy and they staggered to keep their steps.

"Saintess Helena, "Nolan shouted looking at the Saintess.

Helena and her squads immediately rushed forward.

The bright light emitted from them poured over the place.

The holy light gushed forward and collided with the miasma.

The scene was similar to two waves of tsunamis clashing against each other trying to overpower one another.

The battle lasted for a while and soon the miasma was dispersed.

But it was too soon to relax as another wave came after which waves of dark miasma flooded one after another.

"What is going on? Where does another wave come from?"Noah spoke with a frustrated expression

Riya who was fighting the demons suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Something is wrong."She muttered while slicing the one at the front and trying to move towards the allied forces.

As she killed her way, she found that the Demons had suddenly become stronger and fiercer.

And on top of that, she felt the presence of a few ominous being rushing towards her.


Leaving a dark trail, a group of shadowy figures made their way.

There were some Knights who tried to stop them but they were cut short by them.

One of them wielded two crescent-shaped blades. Every step he took was accompanied by a fall of the body of the enemy.

Behind him, many hurled their way.

Riya found it hard to break through as the demons tried to drag her down to death.

It was at that moment, she saw the happy expression of the demons which he cut.

Riya's eyes widened and her senses screamed of danger.


Flames soared up to the sky accompanied by thundering explosions one after another.

All the demons around Riya self-detonated to kill her, which doesn't make any sense as many of them still hadn't even engaged with her.

But if one looked a little back, one could see a few smiling figures

Seeing them it was easier to figure it out. It was an order received from the succubi behind.

The smile on the succubus didn't last long enough as a few meters away from the blast, Riya's figure emerged from the shadow with an ugly expression.

Riya observed the situation getting out of hand as Demons started to slaughter like maniacs.

Their crazy laughter echoed throughout the field as they ran in a frenzy.

Helena found it hard to control the dark miasma that was overwhelming them.

She knew that if they succumbed to it, the situation would turn worse so she tried to resist but it wasn't enough.

"Goddess, I know I lack a lot so it still provides me strength. Please grant me the power to assist the noble souls who are trying to purge the darkness."

"Please don't abandon those who are seeking justice on your behalf."Helena prayed in her heart while gritting her teeth and pouring out all her divinity trying to overpower the miasma.

On the other Demons fought happily.

"Who's gonna stop us? We have the power of a higher being who can overpower the light."

"We are Supreme."

"Your power of light can do nothing against us."


The demons laughed crazily but stopped as they heard a sound of tearing from somewhere.

Helena's expression changed and she felt that her prayer was answered by the Goddess.

And then everyone looked up at the sky to see a twinkle followed by a human figure who slashed his sword followed by everything engulfed by bright light.


Bright light dyed everyone's vision.

The miasma fishing towards Arkham forces was wiped out and purified in the span of a moment.

However, it wasn't as surprising as the event that happened after this.

A line was drawn on the path as if splitting reality.

A heavy stillness flowed through the battlefield.

As if the sea had been split, the miasma was purified and a path was created with just one slash.

On the path created by a slash, Alex walked and the bodies of enemies irrespective of the species on the opposing side started to split and fall.

The path extended to the place where Riya stood and surprisingly no one of the allies was harmed.

Alex who marched forward and observed everything on the battlefield murmured.

Everyone's eyes flashed with shock and bewilderment.

Many were able to identify his figure by seeing the symbolic golden hair but none of them was able to believe that he was here and was helping them.

It was ridiculous, but they still have to accept the reality.

"I need to get to the other side as quickly as possible."

Alex's pace gradually accelerates with a chilly tone.

With heavy steps, the image of Alex who walked over the corpses lined up before him became blurred and he soon turned into a stream of wind.


Only then did the surrounding demonic corps come to their senses and cries filled with anger roared through the skies.

A mass of demons poured towards Alex covered in a dark cloak.

From the sky, it seemed a single man was challenging the waves of the black sea surrounding him.


A huge greatsword appeared on his back and then with a loud voice, the group came towards Alex from the front and were swept away and crushed into pieces.


The demon's and monsters' eyes were filled with bewilderment and surprise.

The mages among the demons summoned countless spells.

Hundreds? No Thousands of spells were summoned in an instant and were shot at Alex.


However, before they could reach him, all of them were destroyed one by one.

Alex looked behind to see Noah leading his Mage corps and supporting him.

The morale of allied soldiers soared rapidly and they rushed forward like a maniac to crush the enemies.

The Demons and Monsters were instantly annihilated.

Alex's eyes scanned everywhere and searched for the Necromancer and black wizards hiding in the fray and soon his image blurred after glancing at Riya.

Riya nodded and shifted her attention towards the other side.

Her face became rotten as three figures who were trying to run away reflected in her eyes.

"I will tear you today, whores."

Noah watched the scene and looked at Wilford who was giving a weird gaze.

"Something is wrong with him."

"Huh!" Noah asked with a surprised tone.

"His realm hasn't changed much but his body is radiating a strong sense of suffocating pressure which even forces me to be on guard."

"Wasn't it before?"

"No, he might have been strong before but I have never felt any danger from him. On top of that, his power seemed to have changed a bit."


Sword attacks aimed at vital points were pouring from both sides of Alex who ran through the barrage of high-level Demons guarding the place.

As if he had expected, Alex naturally took a step diagonally and at the same leaned over to avoid the sword attack.


Red flames circulated around Alex and swelled up and swallowed the Demon into nothingness who fired his swords.


The Demon let out a piercing shout before being turned into nothingness but Alex passes through him before checking.

Meanwhile, dozens of wizards and Necromancer fired their magic at Alex indiscriminately.

Alex's body emitted a strong scorching heat. A bright sun filled with a holy divine aura erupted which stopped the undead from approaching him.


All sorts of magic approached Alex dyeing the entire space with various colours which blinded his vision.

Such magic is mixed in the air to create synergy and become more powerful.

Generally, Alex would have slowed and thought of a way to deal with it with minimum movements but he was in a hurry.

A sense of uneasiness was welling in his heart which made him ponder if something bad might happen on the other side.


All the magic exploded in front of Alex and engulfed the whole place in flames.

A smile appeared on the Demon's faces who thought that they had killed the pest who was troubling them.

That moment.

A ray of light pierces through the explosion while tearing it apart.

As if a lightning bolt was drawn horizontally, the light crossed the battlefield and in an instant, it rushed toward the wizard and disappeared from their sight, shocking them.

They looked around to find where the light went when they heard a bone-piercing sound.

"Have you not heard my name? Even if you haven't heard about me, you are underestimating me too much or should I say you are all begging me to kill you."

A heavy sigh escaped from his lips.

"Still it's okay. Because in this war I will make sure to carve my name in the world."

Before Alex, who had come from their back, one of the combat Mages who had an excellent reaction speed tried to block him immediately.


Along with him, the black wizards tried to cast an illusion over him while pouring out curses at Alex, filling all directions with about a dozen spells.

"Damn it!"Charshi, who was the Captain of the 7th battle legion and was quite close to Alex, witnesses the scene between the exploding explosion while swearing at Alex and rushing towards him.

'What the hell are you going to do by yourself? I understand you are strong but rushing into an enemy battalion filled with mages who are considered superior then warrior is nothing but suicide.'

He didn't know Alex and had never seen him before. Unaware of his strength he was wondering why this idiot went into the midst of mages who could kill him.

It was at that moment Charshi and his squad's steps stopped and her face contorted.

Seeing the scene he cried out in shock.

"What the hell."

The line of mages covering Alex burst out without any mercy and an eerie crimson aura began to soar like explosions one after another blowing away the demons which were enough to give one goosebumps just by looking at it.


Charsi and the members of the 7th squad saw a crimson line drawn horizontally before them.

He was known for being a rational and cold-bolded personality but at this moment he was shocked beyond his wildest dream.

Hell stretched out after the line was drawn on the surface followed by the demon corps ripped apart mercilessly.

Anything that came in the arc of that line was twisted and cut apart.

The demons shrieked and despaired as dozens of arms and legs were thrown off.



Wails echoed as the great sword was slashed with a massive force but turning a deaf ear, Alex pulled it back and slashed again.


Explosions resounded and magic attacks poured out on Alex from all directions but the attacks bounced or rather it was slashed back towards them by Alex.



The situation started to turn worse for the Demon Magic corps. Close-range combat was already fatal to them and they tried to defend themselves by using barriers.

However, contrary to their expectations, the barrier shattered like glass as soon as the great sword collided.

They weren't cut mercilessly rather all of them were being pummelled by the gigantic black sword.

Charsi, who snapped out of his thoughts after hearing the roar of agony, shouted to his squad members"Everyone March forward and support that man."

"Today, we will destroy everything and kill every Demon that exists here."

Although many were sceptical about the declaration seeing Alex's performance each of them thought that somehow this may be possible as long as the man took the lead.

Noah and Nolan also spoke trying to arouse everyone's morals.

Then the moment words came out of the Two Prince's mouths, the full-scale confrontation began in earnest between the two sides.



The three succubi tried to run away quickly to preserve their life. Their bodies were trembling with fear seeing what was going on.

The best cards had still not been drawn out from both sides. They weren't a trump card but they could deal significant damage to the opposing army by turning friends into foes.

Their strategy was working well until that dark-veiled woman appeared who nullified their charm in an instant.

The dark-veiled woman chased after them as if she had some deep grievance with them even if they had met her for the first time.

And if it wasn't enough a bloody beast appeared out of nowhere.


They have to inform Lady Angelina about this.

The three succubi who were running for their life suddenly stumbled and fell onto the ground.


"What the."

One of them murmured and looked around when she heard a cold voice.


Their blood froze as a lady covered in a veil appeared before them giving an ominous feeling.

"Who are you?"

They screamed as they saw darkness around her and on top of that their power seemed to be suppressed by her presence.

It was as if all the powers they had lost were turned into normal.

"I don't like sluts who seduce others so I will get rid of all of you," Riya spoke in a cold tone and stepped forward.



The three succubus screamed which caused the surrounding Demons to notice Riya and dash towards her.

"How the hell did she enter here?"

"Weird...I can't feel her presence."

The Demon corps muttered with disbelief as the enemy penetrated their formation and appeared close to them but the surprise didn't last long and they greeted her with all types of weapons.

Blacklight erupted from Riya's whole body and became a hundred sharp blades and began to rip apart the attacks pouring on her along with magic from nearby battle mages.

Perhaps feeling that wasn't enough, the black light stretched out indiscriminately and split apart all the demons near her into pieces.

As a result, a huge vacant space was created and the noise on the battlefield stopped for a moment seeing such a scene.

In the silence, the three succubus eyes widened and her heart beat crazily with fear sensing the forthcoming death.


They got up and tried to run away, however.


Something intangible passed them and soon they fell and rolled on the ground for some distance.

Words choked in their throat as they raised their head only to see their legs had been sliced and soon threads wound their arms and neck.

"Which one should I cut first?"Riya murmured with a cold smile while tilting her head with an innocent gaze.

Seeing her look, the succubus burst into tears.

Riya tightened the threads but she withdrew immediately and a halberd struck the ground where she stood.

A demon appeared at that place and lifted the hallbard and asked"How about we both take a step back."

Riya's eyes became sharp witnessing the appearance of the Mythic rank demon and she replied coldly.


Riya swung her hand and under the demon's astonishing gaze, three heads fell causing blood to gush like a mountain.

Hillis looked back and saw three black daggers vanishing after doing their job.

"Interesting," Hillis muttered to himself as anger boiled within him, seeing the girl killing behind her back.

"I will tear you apart."

Riya raised her dagger and was about to engage when she felt a suffocating pressure that caused her eyes to be drawn to the back to see an enchanting figure walking forward with light steps while swaying her hips.

She looked like a mesmerising and tantalising flower that evoked one deepest desire.

Following her, many Mythic rankers appeared on the battlefield which again caused a stir on the battlefield.

With snow-white skin, cherry plump lips and a voluptuous body, she licked her lips as her gaze permeated everything on the battlefield.

Anyone who received that gaze felt a tingling sensation in their chest and a desire to surrender themselves before the beauty appeared before them.

"Another Bitch!"Riya spat angrily while staring at her with an uncomfortable look because her level was quite high.

She hadn't reached the Saint realm but she was already at the boundary.

The Demoness tilted her head towards Riya and her eyes widened with surprise.

Her two big assets jiggle as if they wanted to burst apart.

"Hey girl, you have an amazing figure."

"Why don't you come under me? I will teach some tricks and with the tricks, you can subdue any men that you desire."

Riya's eyes widened upon hearing the lady's brazen thoughts and she shouted agitatedly, losing her composure.

"Crazy bitch!"She murmured while giving her murderous gaze.

Alex frowned seeing Riya's behaviour.

'She is getting irritated too quickly.'

'Did something happen to her when I was away?'

Alex pondered and thought that this might be due to succubus who carry an aura similar to hers.

"Heheheh!"The Succubus laughed seductively after hearing Riya's provocation and tilted her head ignoring her.

Her gaze suddenly caught the sight of the man which made her body shudder.

His gaze was just enough to send her to ecstasy.

Everyone saw her gaze fall on Alex and looked at her to see her drooling in saliva while smiling like a psychopath.

She licked her lips and shouted, "I finally found my toy."

Following her declaration, the battlefield was shrouded by another deathly silence.


Riya's expression distorted and she glared at Angelina wanting to dig holes in her body with her daggers.

Her figure tried to rush towards her but she was blocked by the Hillis.

"Where are you going girl?"

"Your opponent is me?"

Riya answered hi. by stabbing her dagger forward and Hillis responded by raising his axe to defend.


Hillis's hands shook as with force Riya drilled the dagger into him, it caused small chips to appear on his axe while pushing him back.

Hillis frowned, feeling the girl's abnormal strength.

Seeing her fighting desperately, Hillis pondered for a moment and tilted his gaze to the other side and then his lips curled up with a smile.

"Do you have anything to do with that man? If yes, should you forget him?"

"Anyone who falls into the traps of Duchess Angelina, he would never get out of it?"

"After all she is known as Queen Of Succubus."


Noah's expression hardened and he looked at Wilford with a solemn expression.

"Can you defeat her?"

Wilford's eyes fixated on Angelina who seemed to be ignoring his presence along with everyone on the battlefield and was only looking at Alex.

"She is close."

"Quite close to breaking the walls."

"Unlike me who is arbitrarily suppressing myself from breaking the Saint realm to protect the Royal family, she had half a foot in that realm."

"If she breaks through in the middle we will be in trouble," Wilford muttered with a grim expression.

"Then that just means, you also have to break through," Noah muttered.

"But if that happens, I cannot stay with you all."

Noah looked at Wilford's saddened expression. He knew Wilford from his childhood days.

For him, he was like a grandfather looking after them through thick and woes. The main reason he hadn't broken though is to stay as the Honorary Head Knight and protect the Royal Family.

Once he steps into the Saint realm he has to withdraw from interfering in the world.

"It's better than dying here," Noah spoke.

Wilford nodded his head and raised his hand.

The Mythic rank Knights appeared behind him and bowed their heads.

"Your Highness, please ask others to withdraw. From here on, it is going to be too difficult for others to interfere."Wilford spoke and stepped forward.

While the whole battlefield was going through a series of changes, two Mythic rankers approached Alex and smiled amusedly.

"Hoho! What do we have here?"

"Golden trade mark hairs of Stan Family? But was there a Stan in Arkham?"Adam muttered while approaching Alex.

"Seeing The Second Prince Noah alive, I can know who you are?"Nezaya muttered and further added"But as far as I remember you aren't Stan."

Both Adam and Nezaya looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

"Cause you are that disowned trash who was thrown away."

"Hahaha!"Both of them burst into laughter and clashed their huge fists against each other and sneered at Alex.

"There is one thing I wanted to ask you..."


Adam and Nezaya's expressions changed as they saw Alex disappearing from the spot.

Alex who appeared from their back spoke with a bored expression.

"What do you think of the young bugs that crawl on the floor and do nothing but annoy you?"

Flames and light burst out and swayed around and began to wrap around Alex's whole body.

Once the flames completely covered him, a crimson light began to emerge through which one could see.

Eyes that seemed to be smiling.

Only then did Nezaya realise that the bugs Alex had referred to were themselves and their expressions distorted without any mercy.

It was at that moment.

No, it was shorter than the moment and that was all it took.


For Nezaya's head to be knocked to the ground by Alex who had far surpassed the reaction speed of the two Demons.

These two had underestimated him so Alex took this chance to strike them with all his might.


Flames erupted and enveloped them which was followed by the sounds of howling erupting like crazy.

Nezayas was blasted to the ground and dug into the dirt by a punch along with flames that ignited on his face, crushing the bones at the point of impact.


At that time, Adam realised the situation and threw a huge fist at Alex who was right in front of him.


The shot distorted the atmosphere around him to show how powerful the punch was.

Normally Alex would have dodged the fist and then aim for a break, but Alex didn't do that

Rather he kicked Nezaya's face which spun around and raised above the ground.

Alex stretched his hand and held Nezaya's head with one hand, and used his face as a shield.

Nezaya, whose consciousness almost faded due to Alex's instant punch, reacted instinctively and raised his arms to block it.

Adam's eyes widened and he tried to retract his hand afraid of crushing his teammate.

Alex caught the slight hesitation in Adam's eyes and shot his fist.


A huge wave from the point of contact spread everywhere in an instant that began to destroy everything around it.


A scream resounded from Adam's lips as his fist which was backing away was completely smashed by Alex.

He felt as if he had hit an immovable substance and his fist had been smashed to the point that it had deformed from its original shape.

Alex grinned as he found the result quite satisfactory. All the torture he had gone through of burning and remodelling his body, again and again, had tempered his body.

Adam reacted immediately and tried to gain some distance but a hundred arrows pierced Adam and a terrifying sound resounded as if a fingernail was scratching a steel plate.

"Ohh!" Alex's lips curled upwards with surprise as he saw an armour of darkness appear over Adam's chest and covered him.


Leaving behind dust, Alex's figure hurled towards Adam.

Feeling the power contained in the blow of Alex, Adam stopped moving and enlarged his hands and shot forward trying to block Alex's attack.

The friction created by collisions causes sparks to splatter in all directions which starts to illuminate the surroundings.

As both of them retreated, Adam heard an icy voice.

"Hey, you forgot something."

Adam's body stopped instinctively due to an ominous feeling and as his gaze caught Alex, he screamed in error" Stop it."


Adam was bewildered seeing Alex holding Nezaya's neck while looking at him with indifferent eyes.

Seeing the ruthlessness in Alex's eyes made Adam shudder in fear and the thought of losing appeared in his mind.

Although, there was a chance of losing but getting beaten one-sided for being at their level was really out of the question.

However, witnessing the situation he felt that it was because of their arrogance they were caught off guard which led to all this.

Both of them were caught off guard by the mouse who hit them with everything when he found the opening and almost disabled Nezayas ability to fight.

Alex looked at Adam with an indifferent gaze and applied strength to his hand, and grabbed Nezaya's face.


A dark flame that rose like an explosion with him burns the entire face.


Perhaps awakened by the burning pain of the raw flesh with a sizzling sound, she began to scream as she struggled with her limbs while being held by Alex.

She struggled desperately pouring out all his strength which caused everything in the surroundings to decimate into dust.

But as if held by hands of death Alex's body didn't budge even though some of the blows hit him causing the rocks and boulders to shatter into pieces and thaw areas behind her.

A wide path of destruction appeared behind Alex after Nezaya slammed his elbow on Alex's statue which only caused more pain to her.

She felt as if she was hitting something indestructible.

'How. Why is his body so hard?'

'Just what kind of technique does he practise?'

At the last attempt, she brought out all her mana to protect herself.

Nezaya tried to cover her body with layers of mana and aura to protect herself from the fire but the dazzlingly bright flame pierced through the layers.

Adam roared in anger and rushed towards Alex.

Alex smiled cruelly seeing the despair in Adam's eyes and raised his other hand.

Coating it in the aura and wrapping it around Nezaya.

He pierced through the chest and reaching for her heart, he crushed it without any mercy.

Glurr Gggg!

Blood gurgled out from Nezaya's lips and the screams of despair seized instantly and her figure drooped.

All signs of resistance faded away and her breathing stopped.

The Demons who watched the scene felt their scale going numb seeing the man killing the Mythic rank effortlessly.

Angelina, who saw the scene instead of feeling angry, smiled a bit and her eyes gleamed with intense joy as she asked to show him more.

Those cold indifferent gaze and ruthlessness attracted her even and aroused her desire to dominate the man and have it for herself.

'I need to have him for me. I can't let such a heavenly fruit fall in another grasp.'

Alex threw her to the side and turned to look at Adam again.

Seeing his partner being killed before him tore his heart. He wanted to save her but his body froze sensing danger from the flames and before he could do anything he killed her in such a brutal way.

Even demons like them don't kill others by crushing enemies' hearts into pieces.

He felt as if the person before him was more of a Demon than him.

Adam flinched back a little seeing his partner lying down with dead eyes filled with shock and helplessness.

Adam wasn't able to get rid of the shock and exploded in great anger and began to raise all his power.

His muscles swelled even more.

Unlike other demons, he was the only one who invested everything in his steel body and physical strength while Nezaniya invested in magic.

But despite his steel body, his arms were smashed by the humans whom they consider as weak as dolls physically. The man's physical prowess was quite strong and with each punch, a man carried terrific strength.

If you are careless even for a bit, you will end up like Nezaniya.

Still, he could hardly admit that he was pushed back in a face-to-face confrontation with a puny human.

Fearing a human?

What kind of outrageous thoughts are these?

He will prove his superiority and make the human beg for his life for killing his partner.

"I will crush you without leaving a trace of your existence."

Adam whose size had been changed into a 3m muscular beast shot towards Alex like a chariot drawn by horses.

The ground crumbled behind him, unable to bear his strength.


"I am waiting."

Alex clenched his fist as he looked at the light rushing towards him. The reddish core inside him started to rotate, emitting a fiery aura in his veins.

As if resonating with his power, the light and flames around him begin to burn more eerily.

An armour of flame and light intertwined over his body which protects the user's body supporting all physical abilities.

There was no reason to avoid the straight attack coming at him otherwise everything Alex had down till now was for naught.

He clenched his fist and stretched forward.

The moment when Alex's fist and Adam's shoulder which had reached the front collided with each other.



With a huge shock wave that shook the entire place blasting everything in the vicinity into tatters, Adam's upper body shattered and exploded like a glass case.

The lower body of Adam stammered, still maintaining a bit of vitality but Alex pulled out his greatsword and swung it, blowing away Adam's remains like a dried twig in the storm.

After confirming that the life reaction emanating from Adam had completely disappeared, Alex turned his head towards Nezaya who was in the corner.

Although her head was almost burned and her heart was pierced she was still alive.

Although her body wasn't breathing nor there was a sign of life, it was still alive.

She might be able to fool others but Alex's mana detection could still feel the strong vitality hidden inside her.

Alex's lips curled upwards as she saw Nezaya's corpse-like body


Watching Alex walking towards her slowly, she vomited a voice of despair.

Nezaya couldn't understand the situation.

Obviously, the power of the man was so low that he couldn't compete with them but contrary to her thoughts it was them who couldn't compete.

She tried to pretend to be dead and wait for an opportunity to sneak attack but seeing her bursting Adam's physical body like a piece of glass she abandoned that thought and hoped that someone would come and attack him allowing her to escape.

It was also with this thought, she was pretending to be dead and wasn't moving even though the enemy was coming towards him.

"It is said that being persistent is considered the same as a bug"

"How did you know I am alive?"Nezaya reacted with a trembling voice and tried to get away.

Demons had strong regeneration and may be able to regenerate lost limbs but the Demons before him could also regenerate hearts.

So, Alex used him to deter the other one and mess with his mind.

Once fear starts to bud in the heart, no matter how experienced the person is, he ought to make mistakes.

Alex arrived in front of Nezaya as if has no intention of answering such a question and smashed her head without any hesitation.


Blood splatters and the corpse brunt turning into ash scattered by the wind.

After staring at the scene for a while, Alex turned and saw the battles that had been happening all around.

Weaker ones had retreated a bit allowing the stronger ones to run rampant.

The entire battlefield had plunged into chaos.

Despite all the fights, Alex could feel many gazes on him trying to assess him and it was both from the Demon and Arksidesside.

Many people don't know Alex personally and his relationship with Arkham so after seeing Alex's prowess they looked at him warily.

Although it was quiet, Alex could understand their position after all some people abandon their own country in face of danger or benefit whereas he doesn't even belong here.

Alex caught sight of Riya who was fighting with a Demon.

For a moment he was taken by surprise.

Riya was at Mid Legendary rank before but now not only was she at peak but she was also quite close to a breakthrough to Mythic rank.

While Alex had spent six months in the Pocket Dimension, Riya had also trained with him for three months but her advancement was quite shocking.

Alex turned his gaze observing everything that was happening around the battlefield and decided to help where Arkham forces were struggling the most by supporting them with healing spells but before that he needed to deal with some nuisance.

Alex felt the annoying presence drawing near him and stopped to hear a voice from the back that carried a great amount of power.

"Hii Handsome."

"Would you like to have a chat with this Big Sister?


Alex observed the woman walking towards him warily.

The Demons in her path made way for her and bowed their heads to pass through.

Many demons from afar saluted her with deep reverence which represented her status.

While many on the human side weren't able to take their eyes off her.

Her figure was quite bewitching which made many feel the growing bud of love inside them.

Even those who have reached Mythic rank and were quite old feel their desires being ignited by her presence.

Wilford who was seeing this could feel that this woman was quite dangerous and wanted to take her down as quickly as possible but his gaze met with Alex, who gave him a calm look and a signal to wait and observe.

Wilford decided to observe for now and strike if only something went wrong.

Magenta hair and pure white skin. Her body exuded a unique charm and she can be called a devilish beauty who could enchant any man as she wants.

The two small dark wings on her back flapped and her tail wriggled showing her excitation.

"Do you know how many years I have waited for this day?"

Alex frowned and gripped his sword. Although Alex had become stronger still the woman before him was nothing to scoff off.

She can fight against Willford equally and was at the border of Saint realm.

It doesn't matter whether Alex won here or not. What mattered was his condition.

The other side might be quite stronger. If he became half-dead here what could he do when he reached the other side?

Seeing Alex's cautiousness, Angelina smiled and said"You don't need to be afraid of this big sister."

Alex nodded his head blatantly. The woman disgusted him but he waited for an opening to attack.

"You as well as that old geezer might be wondering why I am still here."She smiled and looked at Wilford.

"That's because I am waiting for someone like you."

Everyone who heard her words felt this was a joke as this was neither a garden nor a place to discuss all these kinds of things.

"As a succubus, we have strong desires but for a perfect being like me, I can't settle for anyone less than perfect."

'How arrogant.'Alex thought inwardly.

"Though I had my fair share of fun as a woman, my heart always longed for someone special."

A thick vein bulged on Alex's forehead and unable to take in anymore, he shouted.

"So what does that have to do with that?"

Angelina smiled at Alex's response and muttered"Once I breakthrough to the Saint realm. I have to retreat according to the Treaty and since my freedom would be restricted, how could I search for my special one?"

"All those who have ascended to the Saint realm are nothing but old men with one foot in the grave. And after all those years, you were the only one that I can find who fit my criteria perfectly."

Wilford who looked at the scene with bewilderment and blurted out"So, you wanted to be an old cow who wanted to eat young grass."

"Sir Wilford!"Noah screamed to make Wilford come to his senses.

"And yeah don't give me that look, otherwise I will gauge those eyes of yours," Angelina spoke while staring at Willford coldly.

Angelina smiled and walked towards Alex.

Alex felt that her scent was getting stronger.

"I like your style."

"Can you smell my scent?"

"This fragrance flows from my body and paralyses a person's senses."

As if the words were true, Alex's eyes turned cloudy.

Riya who noticed this from afar shrieked with a worried tone and tried to rush forward but she was blocked by the Hillis.

Wilford was unable to endure more and decides to rush forward but he was stopped by three Mythic-rank demons

"Damn!"Wilford screams and looks at Angelina who seemed to be in her own world.

"It also serves to shake the mind so that I can infiltrate."

Angelina's eyes moved towards Alex and her scent filled the place.

"Before that let me look at what you are and know your desires so that I can fulfil them in future."

The Evil Eye Of Extermination.

It was a demonic eye that eroded one consciousness and could dive deep into a person's soul by looking at it.

On top of being a succubus Angelina waa blessed with this special power.

The effect was maximised with the magical scene emitted for her body.

Angelina grinned as she looked into Alex's eyes. They had lost their light due to the cloudiness.

She touched his chin and her spirits penetrated Alex's soul.

He penetrates his mind without any worry.

Evil Eye of Extermination which is one of the highest levels of magic eyes made her mentality almost invincible among her peers and those of higher beings.

However, at that time…..

'There is something strange.'

Every being has some barrier to the manifestation of certain things in consciousness which represent them or their behaviour or it may be also what they had gone through.

This appeared in various forms.

For some it may appear as a place of various landscapes, for some there may be overlapping images of certain creatures according to their behaviour or it may be a scene that they have gone through which had a deep influence over their body.

'Since he was a Stan and he is this strong while being at Legendary rank, his soul might be quite tough too.'

Still, for her who had delved deep into Saint and half Supreme soul to test her strengths, it wasn't anything difficult however she couldn't shake off the strange feeling.

That moment.


Angelina's perception that seemed to pass through a narrow hallway expanded in an instant by several folds and a vast world unfolded before her eyes.


A world covered in mist appeared before her.

It was at that time, Angelina looked around with a cruel smile and her eyes lit up seeing the welcoming light.



'Earthquake! What is going on?'

And finally, when she saw the scene, her body for the first time in her life she shuddered and collapsed on the ground.