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Angelina's eyes turned towards the sound and her jaw dropped wide and her eyes almost popped out of the socket.

Her body started to shudder as if it was about to rip apart.

It was an army.

No, it was something more than an army.

Millions? No, ten million or was it even more than that?

It was an endless swarm extending till the end.


The army filled the world by slashing its swords and spears endlessly to the ground.

Corpses filled the ground and blood from the corpses seemed to form an ocean of narrow depth.

The sound made by the repeatedly striking weapons and clashing of metals felt like a song made to praise something.

Her eyes were then drawn towards an overwhelming presence.

At the centre of such an army, a throne was present soaring into the sky.

And the man sat on the throne exuding Majesty incomparable to any.

More than anything in the world, the man's expression was covered with a sense of boredom.

The ringing sound all around seemed like an awe sent by innumerable troops that were only for that man to hear.

It was the worship for the man who seemed to be looking down on everything.

Before that man, everything seemed to be worthless.

"Ahhhh!"Angelina shrieked and gasped in fear.

Her voice shivered as if she had just witnessed a mythical sight and at the same time a taboo that shouldn't be witnessed by a mere being like her.

The man's suddenly bored eyes turned towards her.

That moment.



Everything returned to silence and at that time millions of eyes turned towards Angelina at the same time.

She felt an unfathomable killing intent locking onto her freezing her in that place.

And this was the moment she realised that she had touched something she shouldn't have touched.

It was a scene that she should never have witnessed.

Manifestation of a person's consciousness varied greatly from person to person but they had one thing in common.

All of them had a single entity of living being in the middle followed by a few around formed by a single entity having multiple entities but that doesn't mean the multiple entities cannot be extended hundred thousand.

There may be millions of corpses, weapons and all others but they were non-living.

The reason was that it was impossible to sustain such a vast world and on top of that the manifestation of multiple entities divides the strength of the soul.

"But why.."

She couldn't understand.

No matter how much she thinks, her brain wasn't able to comprehend.

Why does such an army exist in front of her? What is the identity of this person?

Even God may tremble before his sight.

Just a single gaze from the army was enough to make her body shake as if she would disappear from existence.

And the man looking down at her from the throne rose from his seat and a grin appeared on his face.

It was absurd.

"Out of all the existence of this world and maybe outside, you are fortunate one to see this but at the same time, you have the bad luck of plucking the strings that shouldn't be touched."

As soon as she heard the man's words, she felt a greater fear from that one man than the sea of armies.

It was quite exhausting and boring.

There was nothing more suitable to describe the expression on that man.

The man looked at Angelina and moved his finger slightly towards her.

At that moment the sea of armies began to move

From the end of the horizon to the limitless sky.

Everything shook crazily by the running of horses filling the whole place.

After that soldiers whose end was unknown follow them endlessly pouring out military praise to the Emperor.

Angelina's body stared at the sea of approaching army that was aiming at her.

A soul that had been strengthened by the Eye of Extermination. A beautiful body enough to cause war between nations.

The strength and skill accumulated over years.

Hard work to reach the stage with which she could trample over an army by herself.

But all this seemed to have been proved meaningless.

A Top Mythic rank like herself felt like a bug that couldn't even resist.

Weapons poured out from all directions and that one sided execution and abuse didn't last even for a second leaving emptiness and despair in her eyes.

"It seems the outside had finally reaped something to have fun. I didn't think that after countless lives, I would wake up again."

"It seems that the coward I have spared has grown enough to provide me some fun in this life."

The man sat on the throne with a hint of anticipation in his eyes and soon the entire scene faded and was replaced leaving a sea of corpses.



A huge amount of blood poured out from Angelina's mouth as she regained consciousness in her original body.

Her soul was almost destroyed along with her Eye of Extermination and the recoil causes tremendous damage to her body.


She groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

Her body wriggled and blood emerged from the seven orifices.

The emotion in Angelina's eyes was not the pain of her current state but rather fear.

'I must run away.'

'No, everyone should run away.'

The man standing in front of her was not a monster.

He was an existence that goes beyond.

He was an existence that she could never touch in her life no matter how hard try.

And more to despair, she was thinking of taking this man for herself before.

That's why she should run away and soon her instincts shouted in her mind, giving her a warning bell.

She screamed like a beast who is on the verge of death."Everyone ran away."

"Escape for your life."

"Don't fight with this man."

Angelina's scream echoed throughout the battlefield giving goosebumps to everyone irrespective of the side.

Even Wilford was horrified to see Angelina crying and begging like this.

It seems as if her pride had been crushed and trampled.

A being who was about to ascend to the Saint realm was reduced to this state.

While humans were perplexed, the Demons were horrified.

Angelina, whom they also called Queen of Succubus one of the strongest generals.

She is also one of the heads of the Ten Major Houses that rule the Demon land and a person of great importance.

However, at the moment they could only see a pitiful person.

"Please don't kill me."

"I will cancel the war. I would never raise my head nor will I ever step into human land. If you don't believe me, you can force a contract on me."

"Whatever may be, just don't kill me."

While she cried pitifully, Alex stood rooted in the place like a statute with a blank expression.

"I have a question."

At that moment a low voice reached Angelina's ears.

"Do you think I would just let you go after you touch me?"

An ominous smile built on Alex's lips.

At that moment, Angelina knew.

Those eyes...That expression.

It was the same.

The eyes filled with the same expression that he saw on that man in the soul world.


It was the moment her eyes were dyed with despair.



"Turn it off…"

"Don't look at me."


Alex watched Angelina collapse and scream pathetically but he was too focused to notice her expression.

His mind was occupied with many things.

He felt a deep sense of alienation from himself that came out of nowhere.

It was because the scene that Angelina watched also terrified him to a certain extent.

Alex's soul world manifestation should consist of corpses and a scene after a devastating war.

It was a scene similar to Hell Judgements and he should have been sitting there in the middle.

But the scene of that man and that army was many times more powerful than his.

And oddly enough, he felt that he was quite familiar with it and although the soul strength of that man was similar, his quality and control were at their peak.

Since Alex had been with the Goddess, he was finding it hard to believe that the Goddess's presence can't be compared to the pressure he was giving.

Even the Goddess fell short before him.

And since it appears in his soul world, Alex must have some connection with him.

'Did something odd happen when Angelina used eyes of Extermination and my memory of another life awakened?'

Alex already knew about Angelina's Eyes of Extermination and in fact, he was waiting for her to use that on him.

Once she steps inside, Alex would crush her soul.No matter how strong her soul was, it can't compare to his.

It would also prevent him from wasting energy on her.

The result would be the same but the way things had gone left him with a bad aftertaste.

He shook his head to clear his mind. He must focus on the important thing first.

Alex looked at shivering Angelina.

The fatal effect made Angelina hollow, it could be better to say that she couldn't even pose any danger to a Master rank.

Alex had broken her until nothing was left.

"It would be good to send you back to death but that punishment would be too bad."

"Why don't you go back and inform your superior?"

Angelina's eyes trembled to see Alex's cruel smile.


One of the Mythic ranks shouted.

Their patience had been broken seeing their General in this state.

They burnt their life force and started to fight like a maniac.

At that time Anhar slipped past the opponent and dashed straight towards Alex.

He extended his claws wanting to hold Alex's neck.


Anhar's body was slammed by an inanimate object and he was forced to step back.

His eyes widened as he looked down to see a deformed head near his feet.

"Hillis."He yelled and looked ahead to see Riya advancing towards her after killing Hillis.

"This is difficult."

A cold voice echoed and Anhar's ears perked up.

It was at that moment, that his eyes tinged with astonishment turned to the direction the voice came from.


Anhar's body exploded without any earning and fragments of blood scattered everywhere.

"Don't take your eyes off your enemy."

Alex's fist went into his chest and burst into Anhar's ribcage who stared at him in disbelief.

The Shadowy demons lost their reason seeing the top one getting slaughtered like a pig and everyone tried to jump on the humans.

They knew that it had become do or die.

The other demons have a bit of reason left in them trying to understand what was going on and how the situation became like this.

The figure of the young man filled their faces with horror.

It would still be believable for them if the man was at Mythic rank but he is just at Legendary rank so how was this possible?

To be honest, the current situation was beyond their expectations.

"Fret not!"

"Our numbers are still greater than the enemy."Diral, who was at Mid Of Mythic rank, stepped forward and shouted.

All the demons stared at him with the expression who are you to judge?

The Queen of Succubus was crushed even before she could put up a fight so what can you do?

Still, what could they do except for following his orders?

Diral summoned his courage to speak and looked outside and his eyes were filled with worry.

The man didn't kill many but he killed their morals as soon as he stepped.

The existence of small elite troops slaughtering their people came into his view.

Without the support of the Mage and Dark wizard corps, they were constantly getting pushed forward.

The miasma was also taken care of.

The difference between the two started to enlarge.

Nolan followed by his knights pressed forward.

The loss of many Mythic ranks in a very short time from the demon side was a huge blow.

With Angelina's death, there was no one here who could contend against Wilford. His presence was enough to deter any.

There were a total of 18 Mythic ranks on the Demon side and 13 on Arkham.

The three Mythic ranks who were blocked Wilford retreated with grave injuries. Wilford didn't pursue them alone and waited for Nolan to finish the things on his side and then they would surround them.

Whatever may be, he was sure about one thing.

The enemy's annihilation had been set in stone.

Alex just stood simply beside Angelina and didn't make any move. His work is finished here.

Through the barrage of enemies, Riya reached Alex and after ensuring Alex was alright, she turned her attention to Angelina.

Angelina who sat there like a helpless lady started to shudder as Riya pulled out her dagger.

"Stop!"Alex muttered and held her hand signalling her to calm down.

"Alex, let me kill her."

"No, Riya I have use for her."

"And more than that, can you feel the mana fluctuations?"

Riya gave Alex a weird gaze and closed her eyes.

"How..how can this be?"

Riya staggered in her steps and looked at Alex with a shocked gaze.

"They are in trouble but how could a Saint interfere?"

"It is borrowed power and it's still not the power that can be displayed like a Saint."

"But we need to hurry, the situation on Kinley's side is getting worse."

Riya nodded and looked at Angelina. She finally understands why she is alive till now.


"Riya listen to me. There are two seeds of darkness around the border which have been producing miasma constantly and at the same time it is also supplementing the strength of the demons."

"I wanted to purify the land and store the Seed Of Darkness. But it seems to me that time is not in our favour so I want you to collect it for me and oversee the things here."

"Help them to short out the things. Though I am sure they don't require our help, it's better to take precautions beforehand."

"Do you want me to purify it or collect it?"Riya asked with a confused expression.

"I am not sure whether it can be purified."Alex replied and then added, "And about collecting the seed of darkness, use this."

Two small boxes flew out from Alex's storage ring.

"This box is similar to the one which was used to store the pill in darkness."

"How did you get it? Are you sure those things can be stored here?"Riya asked with a surprised expression.

"These boxes are made of Iris trees. The wood of the iris tree absorbs the darkness and doesn't let it run rampant. The brown would slowly turn dark and once it's completely darkish in colour we need to change."

"With some further enhancement, it can be used to stop the aura radiating from the darkness pill, however, I am not sure about the Seed Of Darkness."

"I think it can store those things for a month or a little less."

At that time Noah walked towards them and Alex explained everything to him.

"Wait but how are you going to get through the enemies? Although they have been broken down due to the loss of top warriors, that doesn't mean they have surrendered nor have we won the war. It would still take a day or more to clean two things here."Noah spoke.

"Moreover, our soldiers are on the verge of collapse. They also need some rest otherwise these demons who had been strengthened could cost us many casualties."

"I have a solution for that."

Alex smiled and looked at Angelina whose presence had been ignored till now.

Alex stepped forward and stared at her.

"Big Sister, won't you help this brother of yours to cross the field."

"Please ask them to make a way for me otherwise you know what will happen."Alex's tone became cold by the end of the speech.

"If you dare to have any thought, I will make sure to give a pain worse than death."

"No, don't..please spare me," Angelina screamed with a saddened expression.

"If you help me, who knows I might spare you."

Angelina swallowed her saliva and stared at Alex's cold gaze with a trembling expression.

What option does she have except to follow this man's orders?

"No, use your charm and make way for me."


On the borders of Kinley.


"Stupid human bastards! I am gonna kill you."

With a creepy smile a Mythic ranking demon looking like a spider shot out its poison in all directions."

"Ugh...Come one detoxify it."

The bodies of knights and soldiers who touched such poison melted without even time to use their hands.

"There is nothing you can do."

It was time for the spider demons who cleaned up the surroundings in an instant to find a new target

Laughing crazily, they rolled their eyes.

A streak of the silver line was drawn diagonally from the side.


The spider demon reacted quickly and tried to defend it but.

The silver flash that cut off the spider web shield at once cut the demon's body in half as well.

The corpses of the Demon fell with a bang and a knight appeared in front of it.

It was Herald, the leader of the first division of Suzerain troops headed by Sean.

Even though he dealt with the Mythic rank demon in an instant his face was dark.

"There is no end to them."

Initially, they were winning and thought that they would wipe out the other side easily however everything changed with the high-ranking demon appearances.

They not only tore their way, they even slaughtered the weaker ones dealing heavy damage and forcing Kinley to use all their cards and go all out at once.

The owner of the flash appeared quite close to Sean.

"Your Majesty, the situation is getting serious."

"I know."

Their eyes on Sean in response to Herald's words were sunken.

"What should we do? At this rate, the loss of troops would be too great. Even though we are recovering bit by bit, things may become worse, so should we retreat?"


Sean immediately shook his head before the Knight finished speaking.

"If we run now our forces will be surrounded. So you have to speed up and keep moving forward."

Sean muttered and his eyes looked beyond the battlefield

"But there are too many monsters and Demons blocking out front. Moreover, it seems that Demons are using something to increase their strength."

Sean pondered for a moment.

"It doesn't matter."

With a short answer, Sean pulled his sword backward as if he was pulling the bow string.

"From now on I, along with the Knights under me, will clear the road."

Is it a signal?

Herald thought and looked ahead.

A brilliant right burst out with a clear noise.

At the same time, the aura began to rise one by one from the tip of the sword.

The more aura he condenses, the brighter the light and surrounding place burn.

The battle stopped due to the aftermath of the terrifying power flowing from it.

At the same time, everyone's gaze followed Sean's swords and with a strong burst of light, his sword was finally thrust forward.

There was no sound followed by the thrust.

All that exists in the bright light, covered the entire field of vision.

Everything hit by the light turns into ashes and collapses on the ground.

No one knew just how long the light extended in front of Sean but as the light retreated, a trace of extinction started from Sean's foot and extended to the end of one vision.

With a loud instruction, Sean's figure shot along the path made by him.

"Everyone Follow the order of His Majesty Sean!"

The knights and soldiers who woke up late shouted and followed him.

In a battle, momentum had a great influence.

"Don't stop! Clear the way."


Sean had enough power to change the momentum so the knights and soldiers behind him moved forward at a tremendous speed.

"No stop.."



Sean can be said to be one of the strongest warriors on the battlefield and the way he pierces through and cuts every monster that stands in his way was truly devastating.

The eyes of soldiers including Herald brightened.

Hex who looked at the scene frowned a bit as he saw Sean's prestige rising and a dangerous gleam appeared in his mind.

Sean who was advancing heard a roar that forced him to stop.

"Stop now!"

A loud cry erupted from Sean's lips as his eyes widened sensing the overwhelming presence.


Herald along with everyone turned their heads and saw the face of Sean which was completely different from before appeared in their vision.

It was at that moment when the eyes of Knight were dyed in astonishment at the strange appearance of a being.


There was no foreshadowing.

In the area around Sean as a baseline, the heads of Knights who were below Mythic rank exploded into pieces like bursting watermelons without any warning.


Pain filled their ears and blood erupted from hundreds of dead bodies which dyed everyone's vision red.

It was at that moment the eyes of everyone, including Sean, Hex, William and Shion dyed with shock and surprise witnessing the unrealistic sight.

"It feels good."

"I hadn't imagined that Beig was hiding such a thing."

"Beig's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain."

A cold voice without any emotion resounded in the ears of all beings there.

At the same time.

The entire sky seemed to be split open and a single demon stepped out of the void.

A human-shaped demon with wings on its back and adorned with all kinds of jewels appeared in its eyesight.

The appearance of the figure was quite peculiar and it was riding on a dark phoenix.

Tattoos were engraved all over the body and dozens of ornaments covered it.

In addition, as in the case of ancient Kings, a man with charred eyes stood looking down on everything.

The presence that naturally spread from the moment the man appeared completely suppressed all the beings there.

Like a prey wrapped in the spider's web, no one could move their body.

And on top of that, it was using Phoenix as a pet which had become extinct ages ago but when they looked closer they saw it was an undead corpse.

Herald's eyes gleamed with despair as he could somehow discern the man's identity.


Sean finally mustered his courage to speak.

"How can a Saint interfere in the battle?"

Sean's eyes trembled a bit.

All the demons present there fell on the floor and opened their mouths expressing the example of absolute obedience to the man.

"Your Majesty, he is one of the three Archdukes."

"Ignis Also Known as Demon Puppeteer."

"As far as I remember he was at the peak of Mythic rank."

"So, when did he become Saint realm? No, even if he became a Saint, how can he step here?"Sean muttered with disbelief as he stared at the man.

He could see that he was covered with layers of skin emanating a strong presence which had a mixed presence of decaying aura but if one can sense carefully one could see that his power was still at Mythic rank.

Halton, who was leading the Demons, stood and questioned"What happened to Sir Beig?"

Ignia smiled and answered, "Beig had an interesting thing with him."

"I wanted to use it but he refused to yield it to me so I killed him."

Ignis bared his fang which made everyone shudder in fear.

The space around Ignis was shaking just by his presence.

Sean's legs trembled spontaneously and the strength holding the sword began to fade.

Even though the Saint realm was just one step ahead of the Mythic rank, the difference in strength was too huge to overlap.

It's like facing a wall that can't be broken.

'No, I can't lose my will here. If we drag it maybe we could receive help.'

'The others might surely intervene.'

Sean's vision which had been dyed black and started to regain its light.

Various thoughts appeared in his mind as he thought that they had enough Mythic ranks to tie him down.

"We will give our all.."

However, before he could finish his speech.


"Your Highness!"

A mournful cry erupted out of nowhere.

Blood splattered on Sean's face and his mind became blank as he looked back.

Herald stood between him and a sword had penetrated him and almost pierced Sean's back leaving a small gash.

If Heral hadn't come in between, Sean would have died for sure as the sword aimed at the heart from the back.


Blood gurgled from Heral lips and Sean narrowed his gaze with an inexplicable expression.

"Justin you..."

Sean roared in anger and drew his sword but Justin retreated quickly.

"Tsk! I cannot believe I missed such a valuable chance.'

Sean whose mind was in mess instead of focusing on Justin held Herald with a saddened gaze.

"Justin, how dare you betray us."One of Sean's knights screamed and pursued Justin.

"I never betrayed you. Justin is dead. I am just occupying his body."He muttered and pulled out the skin and the original Demon appeared in front of everyone.

Halton frowned seeing the Demon as he knew about him.

Simon, the Demon with hundreds of faces.

He was deployed somewhere in the capital and was asked to gain the trust of others so he didn't know why he came out now.

Shouldn't you stay there and at least take as many as possible?

So, he can only infer that he was working under someone's command but that he had no idea about the person who commanded him.

"I don't know why you are doing something useless but at least your deed has borne my pity on First Prince Sean."

"Lord Ignis please forgive me for my imprudence but I felt that if I didn't come out now, you might kill me along with them."

"Yeah, you are right about that."

Looking down at Sean, Ignis uttered a voice that didn't contain any emotion.

At the same time, a finger pointed at him.

"You all have been quite troublesome. So, this King will particularly send you to death without much pain and offer you my sincere condolences."

With that, the world around them begins to tighten and a single sphere forms at the tips of those fingers.

As a result, space shakes and breaks apart.

The magical sphere was created in an instant and shot towards Sean.

Sean whose gaze became lifeless after losing one of his most valued and loyal individuals looked at the attack with despair resigning to fate.

There was no way he could resist something like this.

It was at the moment when despair clouded his mind, the image of a figure deepened before him.

The silhouette of two figures which united into one blocked his vision which surprised not only him but also everyone who witnessed the scene.


The slim silhouette bursts out and radiates golden light.

A huge manifestation of a woman with a blank face appeared behind them holding a shield and sword casting a brilliant radiance on the eyes of the onlooker.

Even Ignis was surprised to see the figure that was emanating a great amount of divinity.

The figure thrust its feet into the ground and shot the shield, which it gripped firmly and stretched out towards the descending sphere.


The black spear of condensed dark energy erupted.

The shockwave that exploded along with the ensuing clash began to spread over the battlefield to the entire area outside the border.

As a result, the soil was blown away and rocks were floated in the air.

It is a sight that looks like a disaster caused by nature.

A lightning bolt filled with the energy of light fell on Ignis.

After that, a storm of bright blades swallowed the whole body of Ignis as the huge manifestation slashed its sword at Ignis before vanishing.

The surrounding atmosphere once gained fluctuation due to the aftermath.

As the light dispersed.

Two women with a look of exhaustion stalled forward.

Both their bodies were shining and their bodies were bathing in divine light.

Athena and Christina combined their power to form a physical manifestation of the Goddess Of War who was able to Sean.

"You…... What are you two doing here? Leave quickly" Sean muttered with a trembling voice.

"We can't let you die."

Christina muttered while her eyes were fixed on the flash of blades she had created with her back on Sean.

The situation wasn't over as the pressure was still pinning on them.

"More worms dare to block my way."

With a low voice, a strong wind blew.

All attacks made Christina dispersed in an instant.

"You run wild without the power you are facing. It disgusts me."

And from there, Ignis who was looking down at everyone cast another irritated gaze.

His appearance was the same as the first time, there wasn't even a scratch on him.

"Are you planning to deal with him?"

Christina and Athena nodded with wary expressions.

Sean closed his eyes, seeing their firm look.

'How can we deal with that being?'

He knew how much power beyond the imagination existed before them.

Even if all of them had grown tremendously in the few years they couldn't stop their body from trembling.

Due to the pressure emanating from existence itself, it was impossible to move a finger.

It was an invincible enemy.

But both Christina and Athena knew what to do.

"We didn't need to defeat him. We just need to stall time until he appears."Athena spoke in a soft voice.

'Stall time for whom.'Sean muttered with a confused expression but as he looked at them, his eyes widened.

'Is this possible? Can he deal with him?'

A thousand questions appeared in his mind but seeing the two women's unwavering confidence, he decided to put his trust in him.

"How do you know he can defeat him?"

"More than that can he even make it on time?"

"If it's him, then he will surely make it, "Athena muttered with a smile.

Sean looked at Herald's corpses and closed his eyes. He looked at Simon, giving him a sinister smile.

He then looked at the two Mythic rankers behind him.

Marquise Justin and Duke Oxnard stared at Sean with sole expression

Sean then tilted his face towards others.

William and Shion were already trembling and almost lost consciousness.

Hex seemed to be fine but seeing those gazes, Sean could see that Hex was somewhat happy about his loss as if the entire war was irrelevant to him.

Sean knew that he cannot expect much from the snake still….

It angered him the more he thought.

How could this bastard still be in the mood of thinking about the profit or loss?

Sean stood up and his eyes burned with the fire of revenge for his dead man.

Once they went past this difficulty, he vowed to slaughter the demons responsible for killing his men.

"I will make you pay for betraying me."

"Simon, I will crush you with my own hands."

Sean with a powerful roar leapt in front of Ignis with just a stomp.

A giant blast that shoots by adding speed and rotation to the explosive power erupted from Sean who leapt towards Ignis.

The divinity of Athena manifested at the right time like a great wave and covered Sean's sword.


The sword that contained the power of cutting even a mountain in one slash was blocked by one Ignis outstretched fingers unable to move any further.

Thousands of black spheres were created in a trembling space.

Just by looking at them, the black spheres seemed to devour everything and were shot towards Sean but at a moment.

Hex and the Mage squad cast a spell from behind and many whites bolt wrapped in dense mana charged at Ignis.

Explosions occurred one after another but the black spheres overwhelmed them and moved towards Sean.

Sean was able to react quickly and dodged.

The spheres that reached the spot where Sean escaped belatedly caused a huge explosion.

Without any time to catch up, Sean rushed to Ignis once again and as he swung his sword, a strong gravitational force appeared over Ignis.

With the combined effort of Hex, the gravitational field exploded and the undead Phoenix on which Ignis stood shook for the first time.

Sean instantly triggered all his power which was followed by Christina who slashed her blade multiple times.

As a result, a shock wave similar to the first one burst out.

On top of the Athena summoned a spear and gathered lightning on it thrust it forward.

All the Mythic ranks attacked the single figure with all their might causing an eruption to occur one after another.

Seeing this the Mythic rank on the Demon side tried to attack but stopped hearing a chilling voice.

"Don't interfere in the battle."

"I don't need your help to deal with these bugs."

Christina's expression faltered that Ignis who had taken so many hits didn't get even a single wound.

It was as if he deliberately got hit to show the difference in strength.

Christina felt her pride hurt.

On the other hand, Athena's heart was also immersed in deep worry.

Through the veil of dust, she could still see those arrogant and haughty eyes looking down on them as if they were nothing but insects.

She knew that if this goes on, they are going to be killed.

They have hope that Alex would return to deal with the demon but what could he do if they couldn't even buy time until he returns?

Just like how they had hoped for him to appear, he might also have hoped that they could stall time for him.

Alex had always had unconditional trust in his wives and believed in them.

And at the moment it was like they betrayed his belief.

Whether it was Athena or Christina both could feel their hopes sinking as no matter how much struck the Demon was not pushed back.

As their eyes filled with helplessness, Alex's smiling figure appeared in theiAthena'sna eyes.

Whether it was years ago when he saved them or it was the present, without him, her life would have been a nightmare.

Since she was given a chance she should prove that she can stand beside him.

"Please Goddess, listen to this hopeless girl's prayer."

"Please shower everyone with the strength to slay the evil by borrowing your strength."

"Goddess Buff!"

As Athena finished her prayer, a strong light erupts from her which showered everyone raising their strength and healing their wounds.


Christina closed her eyes for a moment to shake away the negative feelings swelling inside her heart.

After recovering from the soul injury and devoting all her time to training, she was finally able to reach the peak of the Legendary rank and on top of that she had awakened her hidden power that forced her realm to push past Mythic rank for a short time even though she had to sacrifice a small part of her life span.

But contrary to her belief even this wasn't enough to fight this being and this miserable feeling of being weak, suffocated her.


'I have done so much and endured so much to get here. Am I going to let the people who follow me die like before?'

'I can't lose.'

'I need to push myself further.'

'I need to step up harder than ever.'

Christina's heart started to beat harder as the convection to defeat the opponent and overcome the walls got stronger.

As she gritted her teeth and pulled all the strength from every part of her body.

She could see a strong vitality suddenly flowing through her.

"It's still a little short."

Christina's eyes shook as he felt that something was missing.

She knew that Ignis hadn't been taking them seriously so this was the time to strike him with all their power.

'If only I had a little bit more power.'Christina murmured while biting his lips as gripped her sword stronger which started to vibrate.

It was the moment when she gripped the handle of the sword even more strongly than before.

With a sound like a lion's roar, the brilliant starlight appeared behind Christina and gushed forward.

Her eyes gleamed with a bright light and the sword in hand seemed to gleam in joy as if it had found its long-lost glory and enhanced Christina's power.


Christina's images blurred and appeared over Ingis who was taken by surprise seeing the sudden change as the bright light prickled his skin.

Christina shouted as a beam of sword light erupted extending up towards the sky and falling towards him.

A single gold line was drawn on the world and everything seemed to be cut through the path.

An intense light that cannot be even compared covered everyone's vision.

For a moment, Christina's figure resembled that of a Goddess bursting out with radiance making everyone look at her with awe and reverence.

In such a light Christina almost sat down consuming all her power with one blow.

As she thought about it, she could feel the sword strike go perfectly without any single point of error.

If it was like that, she hoped that at least she was able to deal some kind of damage to the enemy who had been hit by strong attacks from all sides.

It was at that moment many looked ahead while praying in their hearts as their vision gradually returned to normal.

"Yeah, you seem to be one of those people who seemed to be blessed by the light."

Everyone's breathing stopped for a moment.

It was a voice that shouldn't have been heard in the ears after being bombarded with such an attack.

The moment people's eyes fluttered...

Screams started to resound once again.



A shock wave burst out of the centre of the light where all the attacks concentrated with such a frightening speed that blew away all the nearby warriors.

Unable to react properly, everyone was hit by the shock that sent their body flying while bouncing on the ground with a rag doll.

Pieces of shattered rocks assaulted them as they fell on the floor with a thud and coughed blood.

The shockwave seemed to deal damage to the internal and burst out the eardrums causing everyone to scream in pain.

Out of everyone, only Athena's condition seemed to be fine as the divine blessing seemed to be healing her still exhaustion was evident on her face.

Athena, who was pushed back, tried to get up as her divinity healed her but Ignis noticed this and punched Athena.

Athena got up and tried to defend herself with a barrier but the punch broke it like glass and hit her.

Athena was sent flying but fortunately, she was able to survive thanks to the defence mechanism of her sceptre which activated at the last second.

Others who lost consciousness tried to get up but their feet struggled.

Not only that, everyone had exhausted themselves due to fighting for days without proper rest.

Their bodies didn't even move as if they had lost consciousness.

However, out of all of them, Christina couldn't help but stare at them with a solem gaze and holding her sword tried to get up.


A painful moan escaped from her lips because her back had already been grabbed by Ignis who had appeared right in front of her.

"It was good to try, girl."

Even though he had received the last attack filled with great devastation there was only a small wound on the body of Ignis.

"I almost got wounded on this body after getting it for so much hard work."

There was subtle anger in Ignis's eyes.

"From now on you will have to pay that price with yours and everyone else's lives."

With those words, the hand that gripped Christina's neck gained more and more strength.


Christina felt her vision becoming blurry as the bones in her neck started to crack.

With this, the feeling of despair began to dwell in his eyes.


The being before him was so strong.

Even though she was able to awaken her true power for a moment it was nothing compared to him.

'Like this, I failed again..'

'I tried hard, I tried my best not to let down everyone's expectations, but I still failed to protect everyone.'

'If only once a miracle happened.'

Only if a miracle exists in this world.

It was at that moment that Christina reached out to mutter her last words towards something that couldn't be caught by the wind.

In fleeting moments of a second.

Ignis, who was holding her neck, disappeared from the spot.

Subsequently, the silhouette of Ignis appeared again, which had broken through dozens of rocky mountains with a tremendous blast.

With a sloppy look, he appeared over a pile of debris with a black sword placed over him.

As Christina fell and found it hard to breathe, everyone saw a small crack in space near Christina through which a figure slowly started to appear.


Seeing Ignis's figure blast away everyone wondered whether they were dreaming.

How can the person who didn't get any wounds from the combined attack of everyone could be blown away like that?

It was impossible.

It was beyond common sense until a powerhouse finally intervened.

So, everyone's gaze lingered on the partial crack wondering who would come out from the place.

The despair that was in their eyes a few moments ago had been turned into excitement.

"Who is this bastard?"Ignis roared.

A powerful shock burst out from his body causing the ground underneath him to shatter into pieces.

The black phoenix on which he stood fell on the ground after losing its power which also infuriated him more.

But more than that the attack that sent him flying was a disgrace for him which he would omit by trampling over the attacker.

That was then.


As Ignis was about to take a step, a single person who walked out of the partial crack came into his view.

Ignis who had been shrouded with anger felt his heart freeze for a moment.

The person who came out was Angelina.


His eyes were filled with doubt.

After all, who doesn't know her? Even he was a suitor of hers and wanted her.

If she wanted she could wage a war for her in the Demon Land.

And her ability also transcends beyond anyone and those who fell into her traps and could never walk out.

But seeing her crumbling figure and pathetic state made him wonder what had happened to her.

The soldiers of Kinley who watched her felt their scale going numb.

They were enchanted by her figure but more than that they were horrified seeing her state.

Blood was constantly dripping from her eyes and nose. Her gait was also very unnatural like a puppet on a rope.

"Run….. Escape."

She looked as bizarre as a zombie.

Ignis's figure appeared before her and shouted"Who did that to you?"

"Tell me I will wipe out that bastard from this world?"

At that moment Angelina's eyes which had lost their focus turned towards Ignis

"Leave….Escape ...."

With each step she took, the amount of blood dripping from her eyes increased.


Seeing that Ignis unknowingly stepped back.

Although there was no hope of living any longer, she walked towards Ignis as if that was the only way she could live.

It was at that moment Angelina who had finally reached right in front of Ignis extended her hands to reach out towards him.


Angelina's body froze and a painful wail escaped from her lips.

Bright red blood burst out from all her holes.

The blood spurted out from Angelina's lips stained Ignis who flinched back a bit seeing the bizarre scene.

Angelina's body finally fell to the ground.

Everyone shuddered to see the bizarre scene.

Christina who was quite close to them there to get away from the place filled with eeriness.

Her face was pale as if she had witnessed a ghost just now.

As Ignis looked down at the corpse, his eyes slowly began to burn in anger.

He knew that this was similar to a warning depicting what was going to happen to him now.

His eyes shined in madness as he looked at the partial crack.

"Come out!"

A cry like the roar of beasts erupted from Ignis's mouth.

At the next moment.

Strong winds surged out and hundreds of waves burst out from the sky showing the overwhelming presence.

Two hands appeared out of the crack which held the outer edge of the crack.


The crack was ruptured and torn wide by the pair of hands.

With that, from an increasingly distant view, everyone could finally catch the glimpse of the person.


A single knight with his entire body covered in armour of blue flames.

His eyes scanned everything and he finally stared at Athena and Christina.

An eerie silence lingered for a moment.

He was still far away from the place when he felt Christina's strong emotions.

Alex couldn't use long-distance teleportation as not only it consumes a large amount needed but he needs to strike immediately so instead of that he located Christina tearing a crack attacked through it.

And he let Angelina move first in case he was attacked as soon as he steps forward.

As Alex stepped forward his heart froze seeing his wives condition.

Athena's appearance was quite haggard but Christina's was quite worse.

There was a red imprint of fingers on Christina's neck which made Alex lose his composure.

His breathing was hastened and his muscles tensed.

Alex, who stood like a frozen statue, suddenly moved and without any warning, he pulled out his sword coated in a crimson aura and slashed forward.

The time stopped for a moment as Alex slashed.

The moment that seemed to last for eternity was finally broken by a slash.

A line was drawn in a straight line starting from the place where the person stood and a wave burst around extending towers Ignis.

In the aftermath of such a clash, the surrounding atmosphere was torn apart creating a roar.

The ground was split apart by the slash and Ignis's image disappeared.

The dark phoenix unable to dodge it was cut apart mercilessly by the slash.

When the aftermath resided Alex's ears perked up.


As a result, Alex looked at Christina who was looking at him with blurry vision.

His figure was covered in flames making her wonder how he was able to wield the power of flames to such a degree.

Alex understood Christina's expression and raised his right arm.



Ignoring Ignis, Alex turned his face in the direction of Christina and extended his hand to Christina who was sitting there.

Christina held his hand and surprisingly the flames didn't hurt her but rather wrapped around her.

Christina looked at the ring in Alex's hand and at a glance knew that it was an artifact that cast armour of flame over Alex.


A single word comes out from Alex's lips


"Christina lend me your sword a bit."

Christina handed out her sword which Alex grabbed as if it had been his from the beginning.


As soon as it touched Alex's hand, it burst out with a dazzling light that can't even be compared to when Christina held it.

That was the moment when Alex lowered Excalibur towards the space in front of him.

A huge shockwave emerged.

As a result, while everything around was smashed and bounced off a belated figure appeared before Alex.

"Are you that Alex?"

"How did a mere ant like you dare to stand before me?"

Even after being blasted away through dozens of rocky mountains, there was still no scar on his body.

But there was subtle anger in Ignis's eyes.

It was because his self-esteem seemed to be hurt by the fact that he was thrown out by the blow.

"The Saintess.The Princes and now you. This is a good place. I will be able to sort out all the things here."

It was at that moment the corner of Ignis's lips rose slightly and many hands appeared over his body which faced Alex.


Strong miasma hovered around the place filled with countless dangerous beasts and among them, many of them seemed to run rampant after going through a bizarre evolution.

Beasts and monsters devoured by darkness weren't the only predators here.

The dried black tree that seemed to be at the end of its life suddenly jolted and then its sharp branch pierced the creature and pulled it towards itself.

Battles similar to this took place all around the place for survival and sometimes the hunter was hunted and the prey became the predator.

Despite having sharp senses and strengths, the beast and treants weren't able to detect the felting shadow passing from the middle.

Riya who had escaped from the battlefield in an instant passed through the broken place and looked for the seed of darkness.

She wanted to get the Seed of Darkness and move to the other side as quickly as possible and help Alex in case there is a strong opponent who could possess some threat to him.

So, she rushed here as soon as Noah assured her that they were going to take care of the remnants and clear the battlefield.

Riya, who felt a strong fluctuation, suddenly halted her steps.

Her brows furrowed as she saw a dense dark area that was filled with the mana of darkness.

The rich mana of darkness slowly wriggled around her.

However, instead of disgust, she felt quite pleasant as if the power of darkness was natural for her to absorb.

The place seemed to be the holy grail as her body coveted for more.

Riya took a deep breath to calm her agitated heart and passed through the dense mana and saw a greenish flame burning in the middle of the tree trunk.

As she stepped closer the tree started to shake heavily and soon its branches attacked her.

Riya's image blurred and the branch hit the place where she stood, leaving a crater.

Riya who appeared in mid-air looked at the tree with a sharp gaze from where hundred of sharp branches were shot at her.

"I don't have time to play with you," Riya spoke with a calm expression.

A shock wave emerged from her body and a hundred branches aimed at her stopped before they could reach her.


An eerie creak resounded from the branches which had been wrapped by strings of sharp dark aura held by Riya.

Riya who landed on the ground flicked her finger and exerting her strength, cut through the branches.

Finally, she pulled out her dagger and dashed forward, slashing the tree.


Riya's image passed by the tree following which the tree was cut into two and started to fall.

Riya turned back and stood before the darkish-greenish flame which emitted an ominous aura that was giving her chills.

"I don't know what it is made of but it looked truly evil," Riya spoke with faint curiosity.

Taking out the box, she extended her hand.

As her hand was about to reach the flame, a terrifying voice echoed in her mind.

"I finally found you."

Riya's whole body froze as bad premonition swelled in her heart and she tried to quickly retract her hand however it was too late.


The greenish flames jumped on her and enveloped her, turning her vision dark.

Screams resounded as Riya tried to keep the Seed of darkness at bay.


It had been too long since Alex had thought about a Meat suit powering an individual like a hero suit.

But who knew that simple thought would come to fruition and he had to face a peak Mythic rank whose power has been amplified to the Saint realm due to this Suit?

Some of the power which had allowed Ignis to defeat countless people in the past began to unfold.


Alex, who was assaulted by the force, was pushed back without any mercy and the power started to be amplified to the point that the ground started to tear apart and the rocks underneath were getting blown away.

Alex also didn't sit still.

"Just because you have got the power doesn't mean you can defeat me."


Alex also exerted his power by twisting the sword lightly and taking a big step forward while twisting his upper body diagonally as well.

With the flames of the Ring Of Helis starting to burn explosively supplementing the core imbued with fiery mana, the distance between the two of them narrowed to almost zero in an instant.

At that moment, Alex's sword attack was so fast that even Sean and others who were watching from afar could not properly recognize it.

But Ignis reacted quickly and formed many black shields in front of him.

The surrounding place started to crumble with the collision and cracks like spider webs began to appear and cracks extended all over the land on which they stood.

The land pulsated and screamed crazily.

"Die by my hand rat."

Ignis, who gained some distance, pointed his finger towards Zion.

Thousands of black spears appeared behind Alex.

The power condensed behind him was enough to blow away even one mountain with each shot.

However, those spears could not reach Alex.


Alex's core started to rotate crazily and the flames of Helion which burnt like lava were further amplified by the bright light radiating from the Excalibur and began to encircle the surrounding space with a frightening speed.

Energy and flames intertwined before Alex who stepped forward and swung his sword.

The black spear that had reached the realm of higher power was enveloped by the frightening burst of flames and was annihilated without leaving a trace.

Alex, who approached Ignis using the resulting gap lowered the Excalibur which he had already lifted above his head and slashed vertically.


The air before him was cut apart and was turned into a place of nothingness. Along with a strange cry of breaking the barrier, the sound of the surrounding place changes and a cut reached towards the vital point of Ignis.


Ignis shot a dark beam to deflect the blow and leaned to the side to avoid Alex's attack and waved one of his hands at Alex


At that moment many orbs of darkness appeared around him and fell straight down towards Alex.

No to be precise the black orbs were about to fall on Alex but before that.


The space itself around Alex was frozen by the absolute cold that erupted from Alex.

Another ring glowed on Alex's hand which he got as a gift from Arkham.

It was the Ring Of Frost and the power of the spell cast from the ring was proportional to the user's strength.

The black orbs were frozen in place and immediately after that, Excalibur was drawn horizontally once again, dyeing the entire field of view with the bright golden light similar to the sun.

"How could you use the power like that?"

Christina muttered with disbelief while staring at the scene. It was a weapon that even she couldn't draw power and she had never heard of it giving such an aura.

However, it was hard to believe that Alex, who was using it for the first time, could handle it so perfectly as if this was his from the very beginning.

It was a truly incompressible sight for her.

But on the contrary, it seemed to be too natural for Alex.

Since he was trained by Goddess, he was used to the real Excalibur as he had fought against her and he was also quite adept in using it.

However, even if this was a copy, it was a great weapon. Alex had always wanted to use it but since it was quite close to Christina's heart, Alex restricted himself from using it until now.


Excalibur's power was beyond imagination and in addition to that the power of the other two rings allowed Alex to continue the tense battle with Ignis.

Of course, that was only for a brief moment when Ignis didn't use his powers to their full extent.

Ignis, who was slowly starting to get pushed back by Alex, decided to fight back in earnest.

Alex, who was gaining his footing, was suddenly bombarded by Ignis causing his steps to flatter and Ignis closed the gap.

At that moment, the silhouette of Alex was thrown away at an invisible speed by Ignis's magic that was amplified to the point where it couldn't even compare with before.

Alex's body was blasted to a great distance and he slid against the ground and stopped only after kneeling on one knee after driving Excalibur deep into the ground.

Even though he was attacked only once, the flames of Helis which had wrapped around Alex disappeared without a trace.

It was truly an overwhelming gap.

However, that wasn't what worried Alex.

Alex looked down at his chest to see a claw mark with a darkish trail on it and darkness seemed to be sipping past his body.

Alex tried to use a healing spell and to his surprise, there wasn't any change.

"You are a little better than other bugs out here."

"So, I decided to use this. A special type of poison made for those who could use the power of light to heal themselves."

Ignis words rang around the battlefield and dyed everyone's vision with fear.

What was the real strength of the church?

It wasn't military or buff.

It was their power to heal others and themselves which allowed them to keep fighting on. But if an effective measure had been invented that could contain their power that means, they could be rendered useless on the battlefield which could deal a devastating blow to them.

Alex tried to use light elements but saw that darkness was eating away the light inside him.

"Consider it an honour to die by my hands."

Ignis who opened his mouth while looking down at Alex with an arrogant eye began to elevate his power which he had never used before till now in this battle.


With him around, the world around him begins to change.

Alex's senses screamed of danger and he stretched his hand forward.


The huge Deadweight greatsword flew into his palm.

He pulled the great sword over his shoulder while the Excalibur was raised in front of him.


Crimson heat erupted from him.

Alex tried to mix light elements in it but as he tried to cover himself in light, the wound over his chest tried to interfere and Alex felt an intense pain so he concentrated only on the fiery aura on his sword coating it in an aura.

Crimson flames left his body and spread forward from the blades of the two swords.

The temperature rose horribly and Alex's face took a faint red glow as his eyes shone with madness as the strange glow along with flame engulfed him.

With a single step forward, Alex's image blurred and less than a second later, the place where he stood was bombarded by attacks of dark orbs destroying the land.

The movement of Alex who used partial concealment and instant teleportation was quite fast even for Ignis.


Ripples in the air burst out spreading shockwaves one after another.

The people on the ground could only see the afterimages appearing and disappearing in an instant.

Fear dyed everyone's vision as gales emerged from the clash carrying great momentum and could kill if hit them.

Sean and others stepped forward to deal with the aftermath of the fight while distancing themselves.

An intense flame burst outward as two figures collided and Alex's figure was thrown back leaving a trail of flame.

Alex spun his body in the air and threw the Deadweight greatsword with all its might.

Ignis, who tried to dodge, felt his body freeze and his eyes widened as he felt that he was caught in Space Lock.

"Damn it! You bastard humans."

Ignis screamed as the Deadweight carrying a great amount of energy smashed into him.

The black shield that appeared before him was crushed into pieces.


The entire sky was dyed red as a huge power condensed on the great sword hit Ignis and flames erupted spreading like waves and covering the entire sky.

The sky seemed to rumble and a heaven-defying shockwave echoed in everyone's ears causing them to fall onto the ground.

The periphery of the explosion extended for many kilometres and debris of fire fell on the ground and exploded like mini bombs.

Everyone's body shuddered to see the explosion.

Shion, who had regained some strength, looked at Alex with disgust and surprise.

"How the hell.."

"How did you grow so much?"

"You were weak like an ant before. Why have you so much strength? Why did you have to hold the one I like?"

"Why?"Shion shouted frenziedly as jealousy clouded his vision and he clenched his fist causing his nails to dig deep into the skin.

It was the first time he saw Alex after a few years and a shadow was cast over his heart.

It was not only him. Even William was thinking the same thing.

Everyone who saw Alex taking head-on blows with the Saint realm demon started to wonder whether this was all a delusion.

Christina and Athena prayed for Alex's victory in their heart as they looked at Alex's dishevelled appearance with wounds all over his body.

As the explosion dispersed, another wave swept the cloud of flames and a humanoid figure appeared who screamed.


The voice of Ignis resounded carrying a loud and powerful momentum causing the ground to tremble.

Two powerful beams of light that seemed to freeze the atmosphere were fired at Alex.

The darkish beam seemed to incinerate everything in its path and broke through the barrier of sound and seemed to be zooming off into infinity.

It finally collided with the ground creating a scene of terrifying destruction.


The ground in its path melted and immediately afterwards, colossal mushroom-shaped clouds appeared 50 kilometres away from the battlefield.

The gas and flames from the clouds destroyed everything as the power of the explosions were comparable to a nuclear detonation.

The ground jolted and tremors started to spread causing everyone to panic.

The destruction and aftermath of the attacks were also felt by the Arkham side and the people lifted their heads to see a huge mass of cloud rising in the air.

Fear was evident on everyone's faces as wiping out an area of a few kilometres seemed to be nothing for the Saint realm powerhouse.

Alex, who was able to get out of the line of beam destruction using teleportation, felt his body shudder after being hit by the aftermath.

As he breathed heavily his back tingled as he heard a voice from the back.

"I knew rats like you could escape easily."

Alex reacted immediately and tried to attack, however.....

Ignis with a huge sphere in his hand attacked Alex who tried to protect himself with an aura and armour of flames.

However, the attack passes through his defence and hits.

"Kyaaakk!"Alex groaned in pain and blood splattered from his lips as his figure shot down.


Alex's figure hit the ground and a black sphere erupted causing lightning to emerge and hit around.

Alex's figure was directly hit by Ignis and he was crushed without a chance.

There was no chance to turn the situation, Alex wasn't able to swing his blade.

It was normal as there was no time for Alex to swing.

Still, he swung.

He threw his sword at the last moment.

Gales swept around along with shock waves and a huge crater appeared over the ground.

While a pit was formed underneath it, Excalibur was thrown with great force and it charged with a great speed and went past Ignis leaving a deep cut that infuriated him.


Christina and Athena shouted as they saw Alex take a direct hit and his state was unknown.

They tried to rush towards the place but Ignis looked at them and spoke while waving his hand.



Christina and Athena's figure was hit and they were thrown away like a rag doll rolling on the ground.

Their bones broke and the armour on their body fell apart while blood splattered on their lips.

Ignis' image blurred and he appeared before Alex in the crater where he was lying in his blood.

Alex coughed black blood and gave Ignis a hollow gaze.

"From now on, I shall show you the true power of a Saint realm," Ignis muttered.

His voice reverberated everywhere and those who heard it felt their death approaching them and were overwhelmed by hopelessness.

However, Alex stared straight at Ignis.

"That's fine."

Alex's eyes that were looking at Ignis turned sharp and his lips curled as if he was smiling.

"From now on, I also need to do something similar," Alex muttered and raised his hand towards the sky.

"Goddess, it's time for you to keep your promise."

"I summon you!"




Two images flickered in the vast place as they went rampant.


The sword in his hand shattered into pieces and the broken shards struck him tearing his skin.

"Damn it!"

"My sword is broken again," Alex complained and sat down while giving the Goddess Of War a sharp look.

"Don't look at me like that?"

"You lose because you are weak."

"Hmm!" Alex snorted and spoke.

"I lost because of my weapon. Your weapon seemed to be one of the strongest weapons."

"If I have your Excalibur, I can defeat you easily."

Goddess Of War raised her brows and sneered on hearing his words.

"Do you want this sword?"

Alex's gloomy expression brightened on hearing her words and he jumped up from his place.

"Can I use it?" Alex asked with an excited expression.

Goddess Of War nodded and Alex moved forward to receive it.

As Alex's hands were about to touch the sword, the Goddess of War spoke"I will let you use it after you defeat me."


"What! Cheating"

Alex screamed as the sword struck him and blinded his vision.

The Goddess Of War who spoke casually had never expected that she would be defeated but since she was defeated by Alex, she had to keep her word.

As she remembered that scene she wondered why she made such a promise.

In The Temple of Goddess Of War.

It was a usual day for the priest and clergy who were doing their duty while people visited and offered their prayers to Goddesses and wished to get stronger and get her guidance.

While devotees and Priests were engaging in their day-to-day duties, a bright light erupted from the Prayer room containing the Goddess Statue.

"Hey, what is going on?"

"Is there going to be a revelation?"

As the priest murmured with a confused expression startled by the sudden influx of light, the entire Church started to shake.

The Priest made their way to the room but a strong barrier stopped them from advancing.

Inside the room, the statue of the Goddess of War moved.

With a creaking sound, the statue came to life as a bright light poured directly from the sky.


The Goddess Of War looked ahead and her eyes transverse a great distance and fell on the battlefield.

She took a step and raised the hand containing the bow and then raised the other hand containing the sword and then took the stance and placed the sword on the bow like an arrow.

"Go Excalibur!"

She released the sword and it shot towards the sky passing over the Church ceiling.

The sound released by the shot shocked the entire capital and chaos descended all around.

People flocked out of their houses in fear of earthquakes destroying their homes.

However, as soon as they stepped out their eyes widened as they saw a trail of light rushing above the sky with a momentum that seemed to be splitting the sky.


Alex, who was hit by the sphere, groaned with a frustrated expression as he found that the healing spell didn't work on him anymore.

And every time he used a light element, a part of it was eaten by the poison-containing dark mana that is invading his body.

Though it wasn't fatal still it harmed him from fully using his power which left him with two options.

That is to use the power of darkness which he cannot use now as there are many eyes on him.

The second option was to use an external power source to generate the light element and struck Ignis.

After pondering, he arrived to use the last option.

The Excalibur of Goddess Of War could collect divinity as well as energy from life forms around it.

To use Excalibur he needs to be in the Mythic realm otherwise his body would burst just by holding the sword.

Although he is not at Mythic rank, his body is way stronger than a Mythic realm expert due to the torture training and this is the reason why he was still in one piece otherwise each blow of Ignis contains enough strenght to destroy a Mythic rank.

Concluding that, he quickly called for Excalibur as he had already cleared the condition for using Excalibur.

Ignis, who saw Alex's motion, sneered and spoke: "Whom are you calling for help?"

"Let me tell you there is no one who can save you from you?"

"Unless there is a Saint realm, your death is certain."

"Now die bug," Ignis muttered and raised his palm on which a dark orb started to take shape.

"I also wanted to say the same for you."

Alex spat back as he tried to get up with staggering steps.

"Your death is certain."

Ignis, who was about to attack, felt that the laws that were made up began to twist due to the presence of something that was beyond common sense.


A space that vibrates like crazy and time slows down slowly.

The eyes of the people shook and the demon's mouth gradually opened wide.

Christina and Athena who tried to step up with their ragged figure with urgent expressions stopped.


Athena's eyes trembled as she felt a great mass of concentrated divinity whose power was enough to twist the flow of the world approaching them.

The mass of divinity also contained the Power Of Faith that shouldn't be present in the world.

The unusual occurrence didn't go unnoticed in the eyes of countless hidden figures whose gaze locked on the thing that was not of the current world.

A Power that can be utilised only by Gods

At that moment Ignis, who was quite close to Alex, felt an ominous feeling conveyed by the strange phenomenon.

"What is this?"

Bright light fell on the place Alex stood and engulfed him entirely

As he spat out the question, Ignis looked at Alex who had already stood up.

Something was strange.

As he wondered, everything slowly started to disappear.

The ground, the people around them and even the energy compressed in his palm that was aiming for Alex's life.

All of them vanished as if they had never existed.

It felt as if the person before him had given up the battle but this made him more anxious than ever.


'And what was that bright light.'

Ignis had opened all his powers but he still felt insecure about it.

It was a very bizarre situation but Ignis dispelled such anxiety.

Except for those of the Overlord realm, no one could give him this feeling.

Soon afterwards his fingers pointed at the heart of Alex and the enormous energy he possessed began to coalesce.

"I will finish this right now."

A cold voice was about to come out from Ignis's mouth.



There was no foreshadowing.

No power spread apart.

The entire world ceased for a moment and it was at that moment.

The entire arm raised by Ignis suddenly disappeared.

At that time in Alex's mind, a small sound reverberated.

[Host, what the hell? Did you just scam the Goddess and use the Power Of Faith to draw out some of your power from the past and modify your body? This is cheating.]