Welcome to New Adventure Online!

Xavier waved at me when he saw me enter and greeted me with a smile. "Hey, Adrian, come, come! I have it right here!"

His familiar face grinned broadly at me; it was one that I'd known since high school. He's always been the same, with his mischievous grin and bright eyes that are always alight with curiosity. He's the kind of person who's never content with just one thing, constantly searching for the next big adventure or thrill.

Despite our different paths, we've remained friends over the years, and I'm grateful for his companionship. He's always been the one to push me out of my comfort zone and challenge me to try new things.

"Look at her, isn't she beautiful?" He proudly presented me with an ordinary-looking paper box.

"She? It's just a piece of hardware." I raised an eyebrow at his peculiarity.

"Ah, Adrian, you're no fun at all!" He suddenly leaned close to me and whispered.

"Look at all those people. How do you think they would react if they knew what you have right here?" He winked at me mischievously.

I shuddered at the thought as I quickly glanced around the shop at all the unsuspecting people rushing about their business.

"You know, I just remembered I have to do something very urgent for work. I have to run, bye!"

I bolted out of the store with the box firmly in my arms.

All I could hear was Xavier's hearty laugh.

"Haha! It's a pleasure to see you, Adrian. Come visit me again soon!"


"Ah! I made it!" I exclaimed as the door of my apartment shut behind me with a bang.

I can feel relief washing over me. I faced my fears and conquered them. It wasn't easy, but I did it. And maybe, just maybe, the next time it won't be as hard.

With these thoughts, I impatiently waited for the game servers to unlock. I already pre-downloaded the game and have also taken a week off work so I can play uninterruptedly as much as I like.


It is time! In one hour, the servers will open for the first time ever.

I settle into my comfortable chair and put the helmet on my head. I've never actually tried to play any Full-Dive game before, so I'm slightly nervous.

The helmet started up with a series of beeping sounds and then scanned my head to configure the connection. I waited patiently, and in a few minutes, it was done. But it was just the first step in the process. I had to also scan my whole body with a hand scanner.

There will apparently be no character creation, and everyone will be playing with their own bodies. I pity all those guys who like to play as busty female characters.

Not that I'm one of them; I like my own body. I have quite an average height of 175 cm and a slim figure, despite not doing sports.

I guess athletes and martial artists will get quite an advantage over everyone else given that real-world ability can be used in the game.

But fighting is only one aspect of the game. From the very few pieces of information, we know of there will also be some type of magic and crafting. You can get exp doing many activities besides killing things. This opens up a plethora of different playstyles, which I'm looking forward to.

Finally, all the configurations and updates are done, and I can start the Full-Dive.

I quickly did one last check to make sure everything was connected properly and closed my eyes as my consciousness started to fade away.

I found myself in a bright white lobby with many holographic displays in front of me, which displayed all the games and other activities I could do here. I selected New Adventure Online, which was still grayed out, along with a countdown until launch, which was still a little over ten minutes.

The last few minutes were among the longest in my life. My mind overflows with anticipation.

Ah! Come on, move faster, you stupid clock!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... 0

[Establishing a connection]




[Welcome to New Adventure Online!]

I slowly opened my eyes to a world of light as the blinding glow of the sun shone down upon me. I take a deep breath and gaze at my surroundings. I find myself lying on a stone altar, the cool surface beneath me as I begin to sit up.

As I take in my surroundings, I realize that I'm in a temple, but not just any temple. The walls around me are crafted from the finest marble, and the columns stretching to the ceiling seem to have been carved by the gods themselves. The sheer scale and grandeur of the space are breathtaking, and I can't help but feel a sense of awe.

The temple is filled with intricate details, from the meticulously crafted sculptures of mythological creatures that adorn the walls to the inlaid mosaics of gods and heroes. The altar I woke up on is the centerpiece of the temple, surrounded by rows of seating for what must be hundreds of worshippers.

As I rise to my feet, I begin to explore the temple, feeling the smoothness of the marble beneath my fingertips. I can see the faintest traces of sunlight filtering through the high windows, casting a soft glow on the floor. The air is thick with the scent of incense, and I can hear the faint sound of chanting from deep within the temple.

I make my way toward the source of the chanting, passing by rows of flickering candles and sacred objects. As I move deeper into the temple, I find myself in a grand chamber surrounded by towering statues of gods. The walls are adorned with frescoes, depicting scenes from the great epics of myth and legend.

The centerpiece of the chamber is an immense golden statue of a god. His outstretched hand holds aloft a flame that seems to dance and flicker with a life of its own. The heat emanating from the flame is palpable, and I can feel its warmth on my skin.

Wow. Everything feels so real that it's like I am actually here. My thoughts were interrupted by the pleasant female voice of the system, and rows of text appeared in front of me.

[Welcome Visitor! Please choose a name]

Hmm, a name, eh? What to choose? I guess I could stick with my old nickname.

[Your name is: Crimson Phoenix]

I used to play the mage in every game back in school. In fact, I'm still a huge fan of magic, so I want to be a mage here too. Everyone can swing a sword, but to have the power of the elements at your fingertips that is a true fantasy in my opinion.

Next, I looked at my status screen.


[Name: Crimson Phoenix]

[Race: Human]

[Title: N/A]

[Class: N/A]

[Level: 1] [Exp: 0/100]

[HP: 10/10] [Stamina: 10/10]

[Fame: 0] [Reputation: 0]

[Stats: STR-10, AGI-10, DEX-10, VIT-10, CON-10, INT-10, WIS-10, CHA-10, LUK-10]

[Skill points: 0] [Ability points: 0]

Wait, where is Mana? Also, no skill points to allocate? Come on, game! Be a little more generous!

There were some more tabs at the bottom.

[Abilities], [Quests], [Map], [Achievements], and [Ranking]

I looked at each of them in turn. Abilities were completely empty. I guess I will first need to pick up a class to get some abilities.

Quests were empty too, which shouldn't be surprising since I just started. The map showed a huge black void with a tiny dot in the middle, with City Pantheon written on it. Does this mean I must manually explore everything for it to appear on the map? The last two entries, achievements, and rankings were empty too.

Hmm, not much to go off. But wait, isn't something missing? Something important? Oh, yeah, where is the inventory?

I searched all the tabs again with no luck. Does this mean there is no inventory and I have to carry everything in hand? What a bummer. I checked what I had on me. I was dressed in plain, simple linen clothes, and that was it.

As I checked my pockets, I heard a soft clinking sound and quickly discovered ten small silver coins.

At least I have some money. But still! Cheap ass game, you could give me a sword at least!

I then looked around the temple some more but couldn't find anything interesting or any NPC to give me instructions, so I decided to go out and try my luck elsewhere.

I passed through the massive doors at the City Pantheon's main entrance.

As I stepped outside, I felt the gentle wind caress my cheeks and tousle my hair. I took in the breathtaking view before me: a sprawling city bustling with life and color. Rows upon rows of vibrantly painted houses lined the streets, while merchants called out their wares to passers-by. The sounds of the city were a symphony of clattering carts, neighing horses, and the chatter of the people who walked its streets.

It was a world so real, so tangible, that I felt like I had truly stepped into another realm. The sun shone down on the city, casting a warm and inviting glow. I stood on a hill overlooking the city, marveling at the intricate details of the buildings and the lively crowds that filled the streets.

What an awesome game!

My heart raced with excitement as I thought about all the adventures that awaited me in this place.