Exploring the City

As I stood there, looking at the city from above, I wondered, "So what do I do now?"

I could see several people with clothes similar to mine standing in front of the temple with lost expressions, while others made their way down to the city below.

Ah, these must be players. It is not easy to tell the difference between players and NPCs. There is no inspect function to look at their status, so it's tricky to tell. But for now, I could easily identify them by their clothes. I decided to join the others and explore the city.

I descended from the hill where the City Pantheon stood, eager to explore the bustling city below. As I traveled down the winding path, I marveled at the breathtaking view before me. The city was a tapestry of colors and textures, with intricately carved buildings lining the streets.

I stepped onto the cobblestone streets and received notification [You have discovered the city of Arondale]

I was immediately enveloped by the sounds and smells of the city. The chatter of merchants and vendors selling their wares filled the air, mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread and roasted meats.

I wandered through narrow alleyways and open plazas, taking in the sights and sounds around me. Everywhere I looked, people went about their daily lives: merchants hawking their wares, beggars pleading for coins, and nobles riding by in their ornate carriages.

The architecture of the buildings was stunning: grand palaces with towering columns and frescoed ceilings; quaint little shops with brightly painted shutters and flower boxes overflowing with blooms; and everything in between.

I couldn't help but feel like I had been transported back in time to a bygone era, where beauty and culture reigned supreme. It was clear that this city had a rich history, and I was eager to learn more about it.

I found the main street, which ran through the center of the city. I couldn't help but notice a grand building that stood out from the rest. It was a magnificent structure adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments. I approached it, and as I got closer, I could see a sign above the door reading "Adventurer's Guild."

Ah! I knew it was something special since there were many players walking in and out of it. So this is the famous Adventurers Guild the trope of every RPG game. I should remember where it is because I have a feeling I will be spending time there a lot.

Not that it is difficult to find. It stands on the main street, close to the city's southern gates. I could see many players equipped with all kinds of weapons strolling out of the city. They are probably grinding levels by slaying monsters in the wilderness.

I'm not planning to join them, at least not for now. I don't care about having the highest level; I'm here to have fun. Besides, I'm sure with so many players, all the low-level monsters around the city are already gone.

I want to first explore the city and find more information about the game before committing to anything. And the place for that is the building in front of me.

Filled with anticipation, I pushed open the heavy wooden doors and was met with a grand foyer with a soaring ceiling that seemed to stretch up toward the heavens. A chandelier hung in the center, casting a warm glow over the room.

I went to the reception desk, where a friendly-looking clerk greeted me with a smile.

"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild!"

"I'm glad to see you're interested in joining our ranks. It's a decision you won't regret, I can assure you."

"I'm certainly interested," I replied. My curiosity was piqued by the possibilities. "Can you tell me more about the guild?"

"Of course," he said, leaning over the desk to speak with me.

I learned that I have to register to be an adventurer, and then I gain access to quests and can even sell loot directly to the guild. There are also instructors who offer free lessons for new adventurers, and you can even obtain a class if you don't have one. I perked up as I heard that.

I guess there is no harm in registering, even though I don't plan to take on any quests right now.

"I can see you're ready to register," the clerk said, handing me a form and a quill. "It's a simple process, really. Just fill out your information and pay the one silver registration fee. You'll then receive your adventurer's card."

I quickly filled out the form and paid the fee, receiving a plain wooden card in return with my name written on it. There is a small chain connected to it so you can wear it around your neck.

"Congratulations, my friend," the clerk said, handing me my newly issued card. "You're now an official adventurer. And remember, the more quests you complete, the higher your rank and rewards will be."

There were several adventurer ranks, starting with wooden, then copper, iron, steel, silver, gold, mithril, and finally the highest orichalcum rank. The ranks correspond to the material your card is made of. When you rank up, you receive a new card, which also serves as proof of your rank.

I thanked him and stepped away from the desk to look around the guild more.

I had no problem talking to the NPCs since I knew that they were not real people, but joining a party was a totally different matter. I much prefer to play solo, so I quickly navigated the crowded lobby full of groups actively trying to recruit players to take on the various quests and made my way deeper into the guild.

I noticed rows of desks where clerks recorded quests, tracked progress, and issued rewards. A large map of the world hung on one wall, with pins marking the locations of various quests and dungeons.

Even further in were the instructors, in whom I was most interested since they could give you a class.

I stood some distance away, observing the large crowd surrounding the instructors. After a while, I learned that you can gain the common class of fighter or hunter here.

But how do I know if they are any good?

Also, again, not a mention of magic. Is it so rare?

Ah, so many questions! Why does everything here have to be so complicated? I exclaimed internally as I watched the overwhelmed instructors train batch after batch of players.

I don't want to gain some shitty class and then learn later that I'm stuck with it forever. There were many players like me just observing, but even more happily learning from the instructors. Don't they have common sense?

I decided I had seen enough and left the adventures guild to go back to the main street. Where can I find out more about classes and, more importantly, magic?

I opened [Map] and looked at it. It seems all my previous explorations have already been updated, and I could see a detailed map of the city in front of me. As I looked over it to see where to go next, one small line of text grabbed my attention.

I focused on the words [City Library] and I couldn't help but smile. Where else could you gain knowledge but in a library?

I walked through the city marveling at the architecture. They really went all out with this one, that is for sure.

I soon found myself in the central plaza, where a magnificent fountain stood at its heart. The sound of water cascading down the tiers was soothing and calming. I looked around until I found an unassuming building hidden in a corner of the plaza. This was the city library. I definitely wouldn't notice it if I didn't know what to look for.

I entered, and what greeted me was another reception desk with a clerk standing behind it. Are all the receptionists here men? Where are all the pretty ladies with large... um, nice figures! I gathered my thoughts and quickly approached the table.

"Welcome to the city library!" The clerk greeted me with a smile.

"Hi, I'd like to go inside."

"Of course! The entrance fee for non-residents is one silver."

So expensive! How come the library entry fee costs the same as becoming an adventurer?

"Ehm, how do I become a resident?"

"You would have to own a property in the city or rent one. Then you can register at city hall as a resident."

"Oh, thank you. I think I will just pay the fee." I said dejectedly, looking at my small pile of coins getting even smaller.

This better be worth it! I grumbled under my breath as I walked inside.