
After college Ji Ah always works in near by cafe as her part time job,

Jung! I will go now otherwise i will be late for work

Okay!Should I go with you and help you?

No it's okay!Just go home.I will need your help in weekends(She winks at jung)

Clever girl!

Ji Ah giggles,

I will call you later!

Okay! Bye

Ji Ah leaves for her work whereas jung leaves for her home,

In cafe,

Hello maam(Ji Ah bows to Shop owner)

Ah Ji Ah! hello.Go wear your uniform and come to work!

Yes maam!

Ji Ah goes to changing room,changes her cloth and starts working,

Ji Ah! I will leave shop to you now.Work hard!

Okay maam!

Shop owner leaves the shop,

Ji Ah was busy in her work when suddenly 4 young boys of her age enters the cafe,

Welcome si.....r!

Ji Ah froze when her eyes meets with one boy of that group.He was tall and handsome.His body was perfect and well build.His eyes were so beautiful,his pointed nose was so pretty and his soft pink lips were too sexy.His Hair was Falling in his face which looked sexy.It was the first time ji Ah felt like this.Before this she never felt like this.Her eyes met his eyes.They both were looking at eachother,

Hello! Hey!(One boy waves his hand infront of her face)

Ah! Yes!(in panic voice)

Two Capuccino,One latte and one americano please!

Sure sir!

Nancy! Prepare two cappuccino!

(Nancy is also a part timer in cafe)

Oh god! What was I thinking? Ji Ah come to your sense! How can you stare at someone like that?(She pats on her cheeks)But that mr.stranger is too handsome(Ji ah giggles) Oh god! I must be crazy!

Here this is your order sir!(Ji Ah serves the order to boys)

Thank you cute girl!(One boy winks at her)

Ji Ah feels little awkward so she gives awkward smile to that boy.Again her eyes meets with Mr.stranger's eyes.He was staring at her continuously without saying anything.Ji ah tries to leave after serving the order when beautiful and warm voice comes from behind,

Hey pretty!

Ji Ah turns backs and becomes shocked seeing mr.stranger calling her.She becomes nervous,her heart starts racing like crazy,sweats starts rolling down her forehead,

Yes si..sir!

Can you add more sugar? I prefer sweet!(He gives smile to Ji Ah)

His voice was beautiful just like him.His smile was even more beautiful and pretty.

Ye...yes sir!(Her voice trembles)

Ji Ah hurriedly goes and add some sugar to his order and brings it back to him,

thank you pretty!

Hearing him call her pretty her cheeks turns all red,

Ji Ah hurriedly goes to her counter.Her heart beat was beating like crazy.Her cheeks were all red and hot,

Ji Ah's POV:

[Oh god! What's happening with me? I never felt like this.I must have gone crazy! Why my cheeks are burning like hot potato.This feeling is strange.I couldn't take his image out of mind.Oh god! his blue eyes were really deep and beautiful,his lips were even more sexy! wait!How can I think this?(She hits on her head) ]

I must be crazy!(Ji ah shooks her head)

What are you doing ji Ah?(Nancy looks at her with confuse expression)

Huh? Ah! nothing!

Why is your cheeks so red?

Ah! because I am feeling hot.Oh god it's really hot today! (Ji Ah fans her face with her hands)

But AC is on!

Hahaha! You know I am really sensitive to heat...Nancy!let's serve the order of costumers before they becomes angry!(she changes the topic)

Nancy nods her head,

Ji Ah and Nancy once again becomes busy on serving orders of costumers.Mr.stranger comes to pay for their order,

Hey pretty! How much is our bill?

Ah..Ah..its(Ji ah becomes nervous and stammers)

He gives gentle smile and provides Ji Ah credit card and pays the bill,

Thank you sir!(Ji Ah bows to him)

You look cute when you become nervous(He winks at her)

Ji Ah's heart skips the beat when he winks at her.It literally jumped out of her chest,

Mr.stranger's Friends calls him so he leaves with them..

Ji Ah! Ji Ah!(Nancy waves her hand infront of Ji Ah's face)


Where are you lost?

Ah! nowhere!

You are behaving so strange today!

Ji Ah ignores nancy and again becomes busy.In evening after finishing her work Ji Ah returns to her home and prepares dinner for her mom and brother. It was her usual routine,

In kitchen,

Ji Ah was still thinking of her Mr.stranger.His every words were flashing in her find.

'Hey pretty!'(it flashes in Her mind)