I hate living like this!

Hey Hyun! Come out and have dinner!

Coming sissy!

Hyun comes out to have dinner,

Ji Ah serves him dinner,

How was your day sissy?

Ji Ah suddenly thinks of Her Mr.stranger.Only thinking of him makes her smile,

Sissy!(Hyun waves his hand infront of Ji Ah's face)

Huh?(in startled voice)

I asked how was your day but instead of replying you were smiling! I guess something good happened today!


May be you found my future brother in law humm?(In teasing voice)

Hey! How can you talk like that with your sister?(Ji ah hits on Hyun's head)

Ouch! Sissy!

Behave well!

Yes miss!

Suddenly some sounds comes from outside,

Hey! Ji ah!

It was her mom.

She comes into the house,

She was drunk,she couldn't even walk properly,her eyes were red and she was hicupping,

Mom!(ji ah runs to her mom and gives support to her body)

Seeing this Hyun becomes really angry,

Mom! Why do you always drink so much?(He yells)

Hey! I am...i am not drunk...I didn't drink!

Mom how can you even say you didn't drink? Look at your condition! Mom! please can you let us live in peace!

Hey...whad..did I do(her words wasn't even clear)


Hey! do..don't touch me..(She pushes ji ah)

Ji ah falls on the floor,

Sissy!(Hyun runs to Ji Ah) Are you okay?(in worried voice)

I am okay!

Mom!please can you stop it? Don't let me hate you! I really wanna die just because of you(He yells at his mom,Tears rolls down Hyun's cheek )

As soon as Ji ah hears this She slaps hyun,

Hyun! How could you even say that? Do you know you are the only reason I am living? How could you?sob...sob..(Ji ah cries)

Sissy!(Hyun weeps)

Hyun! please never say that sob...sob...(Tears rolls down Ji Ah's eyes)

I am sorry sissy!sob...sob...(He hugs ji ah)

Don't show your fu*king drama infront of me!(Her mom yells)

Hyun! Go to your room.Lets talk tomorrow hum? just go and rest I will handle mom

But sissy..

Just go! and lock your door

Hyun goes to his room and locks the door,

After hyun goes to his room she helps her mom to lie in sofa but she again push Ji ah,

This time she pushed her hard.She fell on the floor and hurts her knee badly,

Ouch!(She screams)

Hearing her scream Hyun comes out of his room and find his sister on floor and blood was dripping from her knees.He hurriedly goes near Ji ah and helps her,

Sissy! How did this happened? Did she pushed you again?(in worried voice)

Hyun! don't worry I am okay.i just slipped and fell on the floor.

Sissy!Don't lie to me(he yells at ji ah)

I am not!

Then he stands up and goes near his mom,

Mom! Did you pushed sissy?(in rude voice)

Why..are ya so arrogant you son of bitch?

Mom! Did you pushed her?(Hyun repeats himself)

Yes!so whad? will ya beat me?(her word wasn't clear but it can still be understand)

Ji ah was still on floor looking at her mom and brother.She could sense angryness of Hyun.she was worried that hyun will do something but instead he asked one question to his mother,

Mom! Do you even care about us? Do you even love us?(Tears rolls down his eyes)

his mom doesn't answer instead mumbles unnecessary things,

Hyun! She isn't in her right sense.Lets talk tomorrow!

Sissy! Until when we will have to bear it,mainly you.I can't see you like this anymore.My heart aches for you sob..sob..If only I was little more capable then you wouldn't have to bear it all alone sob..sob..(Hyun burst out in tears)

Ji ah slowly stands up and goes near hyun limping,

Hyun! You are more than capable.You are reason for me to live so don't blame yourself.Your sissy will make everything alright!(She hugs hyun)

Sissy! I am sorry! sob...sob...

silly boy! why are you even sorry?

She calms him down.Hyun goes to his room.Ji ah puts thin blanket over her mom and goes to her room.Then she cleans her wound,applies medicine and lays on bed.Tears rolls down from corner of her eyes,

Ji Ah's POV:

[Earlier when hyun said he wants to die,my heart sank.I felt like I was falling from cliff.My heart broke into pieces.My only reason to live is my brother but today he said he doesn't want to live.I felt like my whole world collapsed in a second.My heart is aching like crazy.I don't know what will I do if something happens to him.God! Why is my life like this? I really hate living like this!]