
Ji ah cries all night and hardly she falls asleep at midnight.In morning she wakes up early,cleans house and makes breakfast.Her knees were paining more than yesterday.Her eyes were swollen and red.Ji ah soaks clean cloth In ice water and puts it around her eyes.After sometimes her eyes puffiness fades away.Then Ji ah calls her brother to have breakfast,

Hyun! Come out and have breakfast

I am coming sissy!

Hyun comes out of his room to have breakfast,

Sissy! How is your knee?(in worried voice)

It's fine now so don't worry! Focus on your studies!

Hyun nods his head,

Hyun haves his breakfast and goes to his room to get ready for his school,

ji ah also puts her dress,combs her hair and puts delicate makeup.

As usual she looks at herself in mirror and force a fake smile on her face,

Ji ah! You can do it!(Ji ah tells to herself looking at mirror)

Then she comes out of room and goes near her mom who was sleeping in couch.She never sleeps on her room since few months.She always comes home getting drunk and pass out on Sofa,

Mom! Mom!


I am leaving! Breakfast is ready.Have your breakfast!

Ji ah was going to leave when suddenly her mom grasps her wrist,

Ji ah!(in gentle voice)

Yes mom!

Did you have your breakfast darling?

Ji ah nods her head.After so many months her mom asked her if she had her breakfast or not.So ji Ah couldn't stops her tears.Tears rolls down from corners of her eyes,

Suddenly Hyun comes out of his room and sees his mom grasping Ji Ah's wrist and tears In Ji Ah's eyes.Seeing this Hyun misunderstands the situation.He goes near them and frees his sister wrist from his mother grasp

Are you not satisfied after hurting her yesterday that you are hurting her now?(In rude voice)

Hearing this his mom becomes angry,

What do you mean? Hyun! is it your manner to talk to your mom?(She yells at hyun)

Mom?(Hyun smirks)..What type of mom hurts her own child?(in rude voice)

Hyun!(Ji ah yells)

Hyun! What did you tell? How can you talk with your mom like that? When did I hurt you two?(she yells at hyun)

Don't you remember? Oh! How will you remember? You were drunk like hell(He yells)

Hyun!(She slaps hyun)


Now you start hurting us when you are sober up also? Mom! You really don't care about us(tears rolls down Hyun's cheek)

Hyun!When did I hurt you two?(She yells at hyun)

Then what is it?(Hyun points at Ji Ah's knees)

As ji ah was wearing a skirt so her bandaged wound was clearly seen.As soon as her mom sees her injury she panics and goes close to ji ah,

Baby!What happened? How did you get hurt? Are you alright?(in panic voice)

Tears rolls down ji Ah's cheek.She couldn't say anything and ends up being silent,

Mom! You pushed her yesterday and she hurt her knees(Tears rolls down Hyun's cheek)..Not only yesterday you hurt her so many times but do you know what? She never said anything to you.Oh sorry! Actually even if she want to say something you don't listen to her

Hearing this Ji Ah's mom loses her all strength,her heart sank and she burst out in tears,

I am sorry baby!I didn't mean to hurt you I am really sorry! sob...sob...You know na your mom loves you so much? I love you baby! I am sorry sob...sob...I made mistake Your mom made mistake sob...sob...(She kneels down)

Seeing this hyun and Ji Ah also burst out in tears,

Ji ah squats down and wipes her mom tears,

Mom! sob...sob...can't you stop drinking? sob...sob...

Baby! Even If I want to I can't.I can't control myself sob...sob...I am helpless ji ah I am helpless...sob...sob

Hyun comes near them and squats down,

Mom! Promise us from now on you will try your best to avoid alcohol!

Hearing this she becomes silent,

Mom please! If you love us then promise me!(Tears rolls down Hyun's cheek)

Okay I promise!

Hearing his mom promise ji Ah and hyun becomes happy,

Thank you mom and I am sorry(Hyun hugs his mom)

His mom pulls Ji ah in her embrace and hugs her both child in her arm.After so long Ji ah and hyun could feel the warmth of their mom embrace.Three of them hugs eachother and cries in eachother arm...