let the real fun begin!

After cason leaves,Ji ah asks to min:"What do you mean that you are still my husband? Have you forgotten that we got divorced 5 years ago? Or should I make you remember?"

"Then have you forgotten that you only signed the divorce paper and registering it was my work.Only signing on divorce paper doesn't makes us divorced.We have to register it in court"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you so dumb? I am saying that we aren't divorce yet because I never registered it in court.It is still with me so legally we are still husband and wife and according to law we have to live together right?"

Ji ah was shocked to hear this.Five years ago,Min didn't registered their divorce paper in court.Instead he put it in secure place and lied to his mom saying that they are divorced now.

In a cold voice,Ji ah says:"You really are a jerk! If you were intending to make me leave then why didn't you register our divorced paper in court?"

"Because I never want us to be divorced!"

Ji ah glares at Min and says:"Do whatever you want!I am not going to live with you no matter what.You can't force me like this right?"

"Sooner or later you have to come to me so come to me when I am still being nice or"

"Or? What? Will you beat me or what?"

"Baby! How can you say that? Do you think that I am that bad?"

"Yes!...Listen carefully! No matter what I won't live with you.Do what you want! I am not weak Ji ah like before!"

Saying this Ji ah leaves.Min was sad and heart broken.He didn't want her to force to get back together with him but what happened today made him do it.He was really disappointed.

Ji ah drives back to her company and goes to her office then lets out her anger.

"Aish! How can he do that? Did he think that he can force me again to live with me just like he forced me to marry him? Why is he a bastard? If I can then I will kill him.How can he do that to me? Bastard! Jerk! Go to hell! I am not going to live with you no matter what!"

Min decided to convince Ji ah anyhow.He did everything to convince Ji ah and slowly everything was turning normal.Min used to come to Ji Ah's office everyday and bring her flower.Then he used to take jimin out to play with him.Once he even made ji ah to come with him and jimin to park and play.Jimin was really happy these days and his happiness can easily be seen on his face.Their was a special charm on his face.Seeing this Ji ah was also really happy.She was happy but it doesn't mean she will go back together with Min.

Days passed and everything seemed normal but it wasn't normal like it seemed.

At A2Z hotel,

A well built man with sharp gaze was sitting on room drinking a wine.After sometime a middle aged man enters the room.His face was all covered with mask.His clothes was really dirty and it was smelling really bad.As soon as that man sees him,he waves his hand and says:"Finally you are here!"

"It was really hard to sneak in with all those CCTV on"

"Its safer to meet here!"

"Did you brought what i asked you for?"

That man nods his head and says:"Yes!"

Then that man gives set of clothes to that middle aged man.Then he takes bath and comes out.

"By the way what's your name?"

"James! what about yours?"

Middle aged man smirks and says:"Let it be a secret!"

"As you wish!"

"Now let's come to the point!"


"Where is it?"

James takes out a gun from his bag and places it infront of that man.Seeing it that man smiles happily and says:"Thank you! Its payment is already done right?"

"Yes! By the way what are you going to do with it?"

That man smirks and says:"Fun!"

James was confused.In a confused he repeats middle aged man word:"Fun?"

"Yes fun!....Hahaha let the real fun begin!"