Let's turn their happy days into their funeral day!

At S city,

After that incident,Jung and daniel couldn't even look at eachother's eyes.Jung didn't even thank him because she was feeling too awkward and shy to talk to him.She was planning to thank him but he went to A city.After somedays he again returned to S city as he was the one who have to handle all the work there.

Finally after gathering courage jung decides to thank him.

At Daniel's office,

Knock knock,

"Come in!"

Jung enters the office.Seeing her,Daniel becomes surprised because she had never visited his office before.

Jung smiles and says:"Hey!"

"Do you need something?"

"Hum? Me?"


"No! Why?"

"You never visited my office before so I thought you need something!"

Jung grins and says:"Haha! I don't need anything.Actually I am here to th..th.."


"Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For helping me out! I am really grateful.thank you so much!"

Daniel smiles and says in teasing voice:"Don't you think it's too fast to thank me?"

Jung scratches her head and says:"Actually I wanted to thank you earlier but you went to A city so I didn't get chance to thank you"

"Haha it okay!"

"I want to buy you a dinner to show my gratefullness.Are you available this evening?"

Daniel nods his head and says:"Yes!"

"Then let's have dinner together!"

Daniel smiles handsomely and says:"Only if you take me to expensive restaurant!"

"Hahaha! It's not a big deal.I will take you to the most expensive restaurant!"

Daniel chuckles and says:"Its okay! I was just joking!"

"Then see you at evening!"


At A city,

In Ji Ah's office,

Mr.Han enters the office and finds Ji ah lost in her thoughts.He calls her and Ji ah snaps out from her thought.


"Hum! Yes?"

"Where are you lost?"

In a serious tone Ji ah says:"Mr.Han! I am getting strange vibes since few days"

"What do you mean madam?"

"I feel like someone is stalking me since few days.I always feels like there is someone watching my each and every moves.Am I thinking too much?"

"Madam! I think you are tired so you are having such thoughts.You should take short break.By the way young master's school has reopened"

"Ah! Then I have to send him back to S city"

"Yes madam!"

"Okay then I will tell Daniel to take him back to s city"

"okay madam!"

Ji ah calls Daniel,


"Yes pretty!"

"Mr.han told me that jimin's school have reopened.When will you come to A city?"

"Maybe day after Tomorrow!'

"Okay then take him back to S city with you"

"Okay I will!"

"Okay bye then!"

Ji ah hangs up the call.As soon as Ji ah hangs up the call,hyun calls her.


"Hyun! How are you?"

"I am fine sissy.What about you and my little champ?"

"We are fine!"

"Sissy! Guess what?"


In a excited voice Hyun says:"I am coming to A city!"

Ji ah was surprised to hear this.She feels mixed emotion.She was afraid that Hyun will be angry if he knows that Min is trying to get back together her.All these years,hyun hated Min so much that if he get chance then he will surely kill him.

"Ah! Aren't you busy?"

"Sissy!I got transferred at Kcf hospital at A city"

"oh okay!"

"Sissy! Aren't you happy?"

"Haha! Why won't I be happy? I am happy but Hyun! I will return to S city soon so I am bit sad that you got transferred in A city"

"Don't worry sissy! I am going there only for 2months"

"Okay then! How is mom and dad doing?"

"They are doing great but they are bored at home without jimin"

"He will return to S City maybe after 2days!"

"I will come to S city Tomorrow.I will see you two at evening"

"Okay! Takecare of yourself.Don't over exhaust yourself!"

"Okay sissy!"

Ji Ah hangs up the call.Jimin was supposed to return to S city after two days so before he returns,ji ah promised jimin to take him to amusement park.Jimin was really happy but his happiness won't last for too long.


"Sir! She is planning to visit amusement park tomorrow with her son"

"Will anyone else come with her?"

"No! Her assistant and son will only be with her!"

Man in black suit smirks and says:"Then let's turn their happy day into their funeral day Tomorrow!"

"Sir! My work was to give her information to you.From today on my work have ended!"

"I already paid you so make sure to keep your mouth shut!"

"I will!"