Are you nervous?

Ji ah feels nervous.It was obvious to feel nervous afterall they were becoming close after 5 years.Five years is really long period of time.Many things changed during this time.

Ji ah's heart was racing like crazy.She was really nervous so she tries to escape.

"Min!...I..I...will..bring..warm..wa..water!" Saying this ji ah quickly turns to leave but suddenly min grabs her hand and pulls towards him.Ji ah bumps her head on his hard chest.


Min wraps his hand around her and says:"Why are you trying to escape from me?Are you nervous?"

Ji ah immediately tries to deny:"Noway! be..nervous?.."

Min chuckles and says:"Then why are you stammering?"

"I..I...Aish!...i can't talk with you.i was...."

Before ji ah could complete her sentence,min cuts in:"Baby! I want it"

Before ji ah could understand what he told,his soft lips were brushing against her.Ji ah's heart started to skip the beat and it was literally going to jump out of her chest.His kiss reminded her about their beautiful moments five years ago.Soon ji ah's heart filled with thousands of emotions and without her knowing a warm tear rolled down her cheeks.Ji Ah soon responded to his kiss.She sucked his lower lip,wanting more.Min grabbed her waist by his warm hands and pulled her more closer to him.Maybe time stopped when her lips met his but the flutters only intensified.Their tongue intertwined and danced passionately.They kissed like they were inhaling each other's flavour and energy.This was the kiss of reunion of this beautiful couple.

Ji ah's POV:

[Is this really happening right now? Is his lip over mine? This isn't dream right? If it is then I don't want to wake up from this dream.His lips are still so tender and soft.I missed its tenderness.I missed this feeling.I missed him.I missed his smell.I missed his each and every little thing.I don't want to lose him again.I want to be with him till my last breath.I want to spend rest of my life with him.I love him]

Min notices ji ah's tears.He wipes her tears with his hands and says:"It's so warm!....Baby! I don't want to see tears in your eyes again.It makes me feel too bad."

Ji ah smiles with tears in her eyes and says:"I missed you!"

Min wasn't expecting this reply so he was surprised.He feels happy as well as bad for ji ah.He smiles handsomely and says:"Baby! I missed you too.I missed you every minute and every second.There was no moment when I didn't missed you.I was longing for you every moment.Without you This five years felt like fifty years to me.I don't want to lose you again.I made mistake and I don't want to make same mistake again.I want to be with you for a long time.I want to spend my rest of life with you.Will you spend rest of your life with me?"

Ji ah nods her head and says:"Yes! I will.I want to.Min! Don't make same mistake again like in the past.Let's share each and everything with each other and try to solve problem together like a normal couple,shall we?"

"Yes baby! Let's do it"

"After you recover,let's visit my parents!"

"Okay but ji ah I am nervous.What if they didn't accept me again?"

"Don't worry! They will for sure because they loves me more than anything."

"Okay baby!"

Ji Ah hugs min tightly.Her head was on min's chest and she hears his heart beating.She heard his heart beat after so long.She smiles and says:"It sounds so beautiful!"

Min becomes confused and asks:"Huh? What sounds so beautiful?"

"Nothing! Everything is just so beautiful when you are with me"

Ji Ah and min was getting closer day by day and jimin too was getting closer to min but he didn't called him father even after knowing the truth.Min and ji ah thought he needs sometime to accept the truth so they didn't told him anything.Min's ear was itching to hear the word "Dad" but jimin wasn't taking name to call him dad.Days passed and min recovered.Jimin went back to S city because of his studies and ji ah stayed with min in A city.After 1 month,min recovered completely and it was the time to visit Ji ah's parents.