I am happy

Both ji ah and min was nervous to meet their parents.They were afraid that they will oppose their relationship.

"Min! Let's stay positive and face the situation okay?"

"Okay baby! Let's do it!"

Ji ah and min arrives at S city.Then they goes to lee mansion.Min was getting more nervous.Ji ah notices his nervousness and tries to calm him.

"Min! Don't be nervous.I am sure they will understand us"

Min nods his head nervously and says:"Lets go inside"

They goes inside and finds ji ah's parents sitting on the hall playing with jimin.As soon as jimin sees ji ah and min,he runs to them and hugs them tightly.

"Mommy! I miss you."

"I miss you too darling!"

"Uncle min! Didn't you miss me?"

Hearing jimin calling min uncle,ji ah's parents face turns cold which makes ji ah and min more nervous.

In a sweet voice ji ah says:"Baby! Go to your room.We adults have something to talk with each other"

"Okay mommy!"

Jimin goes to his room.As soon as he goes to room,min approaches ji ah's parents and bows to them showing respect to them:"Hello mom! hello dad"

They were thinking that her parents will be angry with him and behave with him rudely but to their surprised her mom smiled and says:"Hello! How are you doing?"

Min feels relieved.He smiles and says:"I am doing good mom! What about you?"

"I am also doing great!"

"How are you dad?"

Unlike ji ah's mom,her dad's face was looking gloomy.He ignores min's question and looks else where.Seeing this ji ah's mom pinches him on his Back and symbols him to smile.Then he force a smile and replies:"I am also doing good!"

Min feels little awkward after seeing this.He smiles awkwardly and says:"Oh!"

"Why are you two standing?Take your seat!"

Ji ah and min seats on sofa.Min was so nervous that his hand was all wet because of sweating.

"Min! I will bring some snacks.Stay here and have some talk with ji ah's father.Ji ah! come with me in kitchen"

"Okay mom!"

Ji ah and her mom goes to kitchen leaving min with her father alone.Atmosphere of room turns awkward.

In kitchen,

"Ji ah! Are you really back together with him?"

"Yes mom!"

"But ji ah!"

ji Ah smiles and says:"Mom! I know you are worried about me but don't worry I am happy.He had some reasons back then and I am all aware about it now.He still loves me and you know I also still love him."

"Ji ah! I don't know about his reasons but I know that he wasn't able to protect you.You can trust him again but what about us? We are your parents.How can I trust him again?Even though you told us not to worry about you but we can't stop worrying about you.You are our precious child.We can't handle it if you get hurt again."

Ji ah's mom couldn't control herself and broke down into tears.Then she says:"Darling! Do you how hard it was for me and your dad to see you hurt all these years? Did you thought that we didn't know when you used to cry alone in washroom fearing that we will hear you?Did you thought we didn't know that you always used to cry every night? Baby! We knew all that you went through.it wasn't easy for me and your dad to see you in pain.We acted strong infront of you all these years not because we are strong.Its because we were afraid that you will get even more sad if you see us sad.We acted to be strong but inside we were dying with you.Our heart ached seeing you like that but we continued to keep smile on our face.It was really hard for us to act like we don't know anything"

Ji ah feels really bad and guilty seeing her mom like this.Her heart aches for her.She grabs her mom's shoulder and says:"Mom! Look at me...."Her mom looks at her and ji ah smiles beautifully at her.Then she says:"I am really fine.I am sorry that you had to go through all this because of me but mom! I really love him.It wasn't easy for me to forgive him and get back together with him again.And mom! I am not weak girl anymore.I am strong and independent woman.If he dares to hurt me I will not stay idle like in past.In past I was powerless.I was unable to do anything but now I can protect myself and my loved ones.I don't want you to worry for me anymore.I want you and dad to enjoy your own life.I want to see you two happy."

"I hope you won't regret your decision.I am just worried about you but don't worry darling! We aren't planning to oppose your decision.You are already an adult.You know what's better for you than us.I want to see you happy now.I don't want you to be sad anymore"

Ji ah becomes emotional.With a tearful eyes,she looks at her mom and says:"Thank you mom for understanding me!"

Ji Ah hugs her mom tightly.

Before ji ah and min came to meet her parents,hyun had already convinced them.So it was easy for ji ah to convince her mom.Her dad was also not planning to get between their relation but he wasn't happy too.He wasn't even talking to min.His silence was making min even more nervous so min decides to speak first.

"Dad! Do you watch show of Dolan?He is really funny right? I love to watch his show.hahaha.." min laughs

seeing him laughing,Ji ah's father looks at min strangely.After seeing strange look on his face,Min's laugh immediately fades away.

In a low voice min says to himself:"Did I say something wrong? Aish min! Why are you so careless?"