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Elections -2(Edward pov)

"Me ?"

"No father ,I can't do it "

my father grips my hand harder

"We can't win this time unless you step in" his voice low

"I don't understand father " I tell him genuinely

"Edward, what does a real man do ?"

I close my eyes , this was the usual questions I used to answer while I was a little boy

"Puts his family first " my voice soft

"What's the greatest honour ?"

"To put your family needs first "

"What's the greatest success ?"

"To support your family "

"Now it's time for you to do that , do this for your family .For me "

I stare at him , a fear inside me coating my eyes

like before when I was a little boy

"Your father is right , you need to stand in for the elections " I turn towards the bald old man , my father's friend

Mr.Bradely Michigan

"Come with me son , we need to discuss few things " he puts his hands on my shoulder

my father let goes my hand

" Go " he tells me when I don't move

i follow Mr.Michigan towards the other room