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wedding bells (Anaya pov)

"Ready ?" I see my mother as nervous as I am

I nod at her

my father walks inside, taking my hand

every step I take feels like a lifetime

my heart is beating so fast , I feel like I'm going to pass out or my heart will burst out

my off shoulder white gown and a veil covered , I take my steps slow

like my father can sense my fear , he squeezes my hand

the door opens and I see him standing there

he's nervous too ,I can sense it

my stomach crunches

it's okay baby

I tell in my mind

no one knows

except Tina and clara

I'm going to tell Edward tonight , on our wedding night

my father offers my hand to him

he takes it

I see his hands trembling as he holds mine

the priest starts the ceremony

but all I could think is , the man next to me

I love him so much

I love him for everything

"I Edward Williams Mitchell, promise to love you , protect and care for you .