Close To Meet ❤

©©©Elina's POV©©©

I wake up because someone was calling my name. I open my eyes to find Justin sitting on the ground in front of me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Justin smiles.

"What morning? Why didn’t you call me?? I had a party to attend & also Zaid must be waiting for me." I get up & start running like my tail is on fire.

Justin holds my hand , "Calm down. It's just 7:30 pm now. I wished you good morning because that's my habit. Whenever you wake up it's morning. " He laughs out loud.

"You idiot. You scared me. " I punch his shoulder.

"You should've seen your face. " Justing sits on the bed while laughing like maniac.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Did my dress arrive?" I try to ignore the topic.

"Yeah, here." He passes me the bag & moves to his wardrobe. Justin takes some cloths out.

"Lady, please get ready soon. " He bows as he leaves the room.