❤ Heart Beats❤

©©©Elina's POV©©©

I am not really comfortable with so many people gathering around me. It feels kind of suffocating. So, after the announcement I get out of the hall to breath some fresh air.

I specially chose this restaurant because of the lake. The area is quite big, so if I slide away from the party & sit beside the lake, none would even notice. After all, I need some "me time" too.

I walk to a table beside the lake & place my back towards the hall.So that anyone coming from the hall can't see me easily.

I take a deep breath & look at the water. It is shining under the moonlight.The moonlight is making the environment more fresh, more lively, more peaceful....

I really wish my life was this peaceful, fresh, lively & lovely. But all I have in my life are schemes, betray, heartache & lots of pain.

I miss the days, when I would place my head on mom's lap & forget everything else. Huhhh...I let out a deep breath.