clearing the misunderstandings

After reaching college Akira waited in parking for Carol, but she didn't showed up.

She went to lecture hall and there she saw Alicia and Carol. "Hi guys, what's up??" Akira said. "You betrayer you left us without even telling us" Carol said with a puppy face.

"Look who is saying, I was waiting for you in parking and you didn't show up. Moreover, I didn't found your scooter, so tell me how did you came to college today." Akira said.

Carol pretended of coughing to avoid her question but Alicia spoke in between " Oh, please you leave it, Akira you don't need to fall in trap of this cute face, do you know what after you left Kevin proposed her and this girl who calls every other person betrayer accepted his proposal. Moreover, these two idiots confessed their love. And about college Kevin dropped her and is going to pick her up". Akira was shocked to hear this.