Learn so much from me

Tears were uncontrollably rolling from Akira's eyes. " Its Ok Akira, calm down. Look don't let him go because finding a life patner who really loves you is rare in this world. There will be many up's and down's in life but never let your partner go away from you. Whatever may come between you two if he loves you then anything doesn't matter. I am his past but he wants you in his future. Did you get that" Elina said to console Akira. She wipes tears from cheeks of Akira and said " cheer up, I have never seen any hope crying ". Akira smiles at her words and nods.

" Go he must be waiting for you " Elina said and winked at her. Akira smiled and then she hugged Elina and went upstairs to meet Azlan. " Mili Gold, your bad time starts now you have already created so much of mess in others life now its time to mess yours "

Elina said and smirked at her words.