
On the way to college___

"Who is she?? and Why she is giving that weird look to me"

"Are you Jealous of her?" Jack asked

"jealous my foot, I am just asking"

"Her name is Alice. She is just like my sister, My father Adopted her. She manage all our human world Activity"

*Emily nodded*

In Werewolf World°°°°

"This is how... Lord was behaving yesterday. I was stunned by sudden change in Lord's behaviour"

"Robert I think so Jack is starting to accepting Emily. At first I was in tension I thought jack will not accept her. If he find out my true intention" Emperor King said

"Emperor king I have a Question, Why do we need Lordess when we have world no. 1 doctor. She is just a half werewolf."

"NO. she is not just a half werewolf, She is witch.... she have the power of her Grandmother, her blood is very powerful which can cure anything and most importantly she is born in Blood Moon Day. We need her, This Werewolf clan need her, Only she can cure her."

"Does Lord Jack Know this?"

"No, I have only told him that......."

●Flash Back 2 year ago●

"No Dad I can't marry her I don't even love her and She is just 16 now. How can you just say that" Jack growled at Emperor king

"Son she is your mate. You have to protect her from Vampires. You have to Protect our Luna our future lordess"

"Dad How do you know she is my mate? Why can't I feel her. What if she is not the one."

"SHE IS MY SON. she is fated to be yours and most importantly we need Emily to save her"

*by hearing this jack only nodded his head* "Okay but, Lets wait till her 18th birthday and I hope you don't have any other intention"

*leave the room*

●End of Past●

"Jack even don't know she is the girl from 8 year ago. He even don't know that she is witch. So Robert now Its your duty to protect our future Luna. We can't let that Underworld Beast to take her from us. I can feel.....They are coming"


In Underworld°°°°

"Your majesty, Lord jack and his Delta Robert is now staying in Emily's house to protect her. Should we abuct her or should we just keep watching there every moves."

"No, let her live her life for 2 more days, After 2 days at her 18th birthday she will be all mine" Charlie the future King Of Vampires said

"Charlie why wait for her 18th birthday if you can get her now" Royal Majesty Laurent said....

"Royal Majesty I have my own plan, you don't have to meddle in between you can just enjoy your meal"

*charlie leave the room*

"I know He will not take any action. Now I have to do something......There is no time left. Call our some people here now"

*Laurent Ordered to his guards*

In Front of college Gate°°°°

Emily arrive at front of college gate with Jackson. Everybody is eyeing them when They both step out the car. Her Bestfriend came running toward her

"Woow!!! he is your Boyfriend? You got a damn hot Man" Her Friend said

"NOooo... He is my lord" Emily replied with a blush face

"What Lord?" *her bestfriend stare at her with a confused look*

"A...aa you go inside I'll join you in minute"

"Okay come Fast" *She with inside the Collage*

Emily turned toward Jack and said...

"You can leave now"

"I'll come to pick you up later" jack said

"No...no need I don't like when to work for me like this. I can go by myself"

by saying this Emily run toward the college entrance gate.

(Jack pov°°°°)

Did she hit her head or what..... I, A Werewolf Lord personally came here to drop her and She didn't even say Thankyou to me and what did she say work for her am I look like a Driver.

"Aishh!!!! That girl"


Jack open the car door to sat inside. He start the Car, but then he heard a voice from Entrace Gate.

"THANK-YOU for dropping me to college today"

By listening this jack face formed a small smile

"Aish!!! This Girl... IS CUTE"

Ring.....Ring......Ring.... ___On phone___


"Lord, I have found some information about that girl"

"Okay, I coming"

-- Call End --

To be continue......