//Purple stone//

In Peterberg Company___

"Lord one person came to meet you" Mr. Jones said

"Send him inside"

"Yes Lord"

*After few second Mr. Jones came inside with a man*

"Good Morning Lord"

"Yeah... take a sit *turn to Mr. Jones* Mr. Jones make sure that no one can come inside, Postpond all my meeting to Tomorrow"

*Mr. jones nodded his head as yes and then he left the room*

"So what information did you get"

"LORD, the girl from 8 year ago had a grandma, Her grandma was the only Witchwolf in Werewolf clan. She was very powerful and from some of the people reference I have came to know that she live in the valley of Dark Forest"

"Okay, Any more information"

"No, My lord"

"You can go now and don't you dare to share this with anyone"

*That man bowed and left the room*

After he went outside Jack called Robert inside the room.

"Robert we have to go to a werewolf world now and find someone who know each and every corner of Dark forest"

"Yes Lord"

In Werewolf World___

"Are you sure, that witch live here, in this remote and shabby place" *Robert asked to the old man who live near forest*

"Actually I am not sure but the rumors says she lives here and When I was small I have also heard it from my parents"

"Cut the Discussion and take us there" Jack said

After walking for almost 1 hour 30 min they have reach that place. There was a small house in the middle of forest.

(Jack Pov°°°°)

what is this place? Do really someone lived here before?

But Why do I feel like I have came here. This place seems not right. It gives me very known feeling.


*Jack went near to the house he push the door and went inside.......*


Human world____

In front of college gate°°°

(Emily Pov°°°°)

Its 8.00 pm, I am on time today but where is that potato didn't he said he will come to pick me up .....Though I have said that he don't need to but deep inside I want him to come. I feel good around him. Aish!!!! let it be I will take the bus or cab.


Emily turn around and start walking toward the street but suddenly the street light turned off there is dark everywere. she feel that someone is following her so She started to walk fast, almost like running

But suddenly someone came in front of her and she stood there frozed in spot by seeing him, like some of her past memory is revolving around her mind.

*Emily Speak with terrified voice* "Re...red eyes, Black co...coat, just like the person in my dream."

"Its been 8 year Emily. How are you?"

Seeing them Emily's body fill with terror she started to take her step back but someone hit her head from behind and she fall down on the ground.

Emily grab her Head with her both hand, She can't process anything what is going on with her and Who are they? Before asking them anything...

**Emily Passout**

"Royal Majesty she passout. What should we do now?"

"Pick her up and take her to our secret base and don't forget to tie a cloth around her eyes her eyes are very powerful just remember that."

*After 1 hour in remote place....

Emily woke up with a huge pain, behind her Head, at first Emily have blury vision, she can't see anything but then she understand that her eyes were tied with cloth...

"Aaahh... my head is aching like a hell....and Where am I? Why there is cloth around my eyes?" Emily screamed while wiggling to free her hand which were tied up with a rope

"Ohhh..... Babyyy You woke up, I must say you have grown up to a very beautiful lady"

**Hearing the similar voice again Emily's body fills with a terror**

"Who are you? Wh....why did you kidnapp me? I don't know anything. Ple....please let me go."

"Ssshhhh... baby you talk to much. I just want to know one thing. Just give me the answer and I will let you go" Royal majesty laurent said while trailing his long nail around Emily face

*crying* "I don't know anything please let me go.... and Please loose the rope of my hand...it hurt"

*royal majesty grab her arm tightly, his long nail dug in her arm*

"Aaahhh....Please let me go"

"It hurt right..... then give me the answer of this one question.. Where is the Purple Stone" **grab more tightly**

"I don't know.... I don't know what purple stone Is"

"How can you not know? when you are the key to unlock it." **slap Emily**

"Aaaahhh...I really don't know" *crying*

"Listen baby I just want you to tell me where the hell purple stone is. Then I will let you go I promise" Royal Majesty Laurent asked her but she didn't replied anything because she passout again

"Royal majesty she passout" One of his guard said

"She is so fragile, How could someone give her Key to Protect"

"Royal Majesty, What should we do now?"

"Don't let her eat or drink anything until she speakout the truth and don't remove the cloth around her eyes"

"Yes Your Majesty"

*Royal majesty leave the room*

(Royal Majesty Laurent Pov°°°°)

She should speakout the truth before her 18th birthday. because after that charlie will not allow us to touch her and he will sole take all her power.


In human world___

*At jones house*

"Where is Emily? Why she is not home yet?" Mr. jones asked

"Maybe she is with Lord" Bella said

"What if she is not with his Highness Lord will not Spare us"

"Her 18th birthday is near, What if they took her with them?" Bella said

"Don't talk nonsense, I hope She is with Lord" Mr. Jones said

*And then someone barge inside from door*


To be continue......