//Alpha King//

On the way to Jones house___

(In car jack pov°°°)

"Damn it!!! I haven't found anything in that house. Everything was destroyed inside there.... only this potrait was left without harm"

*opened the rolled potrait*

"Why did this girl in the potrait look similar to Emily the only difference is She have a brown eyes and this potrait girl has purple eyes"

*Car stopped in front of jones house*

"Lord I think so there is something wrong inside, it's almost 12.00 am but they haven't slept yet" robert said

"What? Damn it!!! why can't I feel Emily's Presence"

*jack rushed inside*

"WHERE IS EMILY?" Jack asked with stern voice

"Lord we thought that emily is with you" Mrs Jones said

Ohh Shit!!! Arrggg..... *jack scremed in frustration* "You all known because of some reason we can't smell her and she is not my mate yet so I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING MIND LINKED HER" jack said almost like loud growled

Hearing his loud growled all of them frozed in spot. By seeing his lord uneasiness robert spoke...

"Lord I have asked our men to start searching for our lordess..... We will find her fast"


In Werewolf world ____

"WHAT!!! they can't even protect my daughter in law" *Emperor king stomped at his servent* "Call Sid tell him that he should be at his brother's place by morning, its my order"

*Servent bowed and left the room*

(Emperor King pov°°°)

Only 24 hours left..... if we can't save her now, we will lost her forever.


In Morning *at 6.00am* In Jones house___

Non of them slept whole night all were in tension. Jack is walking restlessly in whole house. He was fumming in anger and regret that how did he forget about Emily. His eyes were red and teary.

*Robert came inside*

"Robert have you find any news about her" Jack asked

" No my lord"

" Its been 8 hours, YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND ANY TRACE. If anything happen to her I will not spare anyone"

"Your highness, Beta Sid is here"one of the servant said

Jack signal him to let Sid in, Sid came inside hustling. He approach toward Jack and said...

"Brother I know everything. And I have seen a vision I think so, I know where sister in law is" Sid said

(Note:-Sid is Jack's small brother and Werewolf World Senior beta. He have a power to see vision and future Events.)

"Robert call some of our warrior rank Wolf. lets head to that place"

Jack said as he fled outside...

After 2 hour°°°

They all reach at the forest near underworld. As soon as they reach there they all start searching each and every corner of forest.

"Beta are you sure Luna is here"Robert asked

*Sid nodded and said* "Yes Robert, I have clearly seen, that underworld beast had abuct her here"

*After 6 hours*

"Sid we are searching for fucking 6 hour, have your vision lost, can't you tell us the exact location" Jack growled

"No I can't.....my vision has stopped running at the entrance of forest, they have put some barriers here" Sid replied

"Lord we have found the location and there are 7 men who surrounded the area"One of the warriror said

"How many of we are here" sid asked

"we are 5" Robert said

"Lord You can go to sister-in-law first we will take care of rest"

"Ready ATTACK"

*All of them start attacking to vampires. only groan and scremed voice can be heard.... between this jack Break the door and went inside*

(Jack Pov°°°)

They all were start fighting, so without wasting any time I broke the door of house and went inside. There were 4 vampire inside but my eyes were searching for Emily and there she is... her both hands were hang in air, There is cloth around her eyes, her right arm is bleeding. By seeing her in that state My eyes become watery, my whole body become wobble...


And then *Bang*

One vampire came and punch in his face. Jack fall on the floor.*

"Who are you?"one vampire asked

"HOW DARE YOU....." Jack Growled

"What? First answer my question.. Who are you?"

"I said... HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH MY LUNA" with that he grab his hand and tear it apart.

"Wh...Who are you?"*they all said with the terror in there body*

"who am I?


he growled loudly.... his growled can be heared from miles. He changed himself in big black wolf with red eyes and start attacking and tearing them apart

In Werewolf World°°°

All of the wolf start howling loud because they can sense that there lord has accepted the title of ALPHA KING and the luna will be soon in the clan all of them become happy because now they all are connect to alpha king.

Back to scence___

After killing each of them he changed back and wrap one cloth around his waist and then he started walking toward Emily. He untie her hands and remove cloth from her eyes.

She slowy opened her eyes and looked at jack and just said few word.... "Jackson where were you? Why you are late? I was scared as hell. I thought I will never see you again"

By hearing her voice Jack broke down into tears. He hug her and said "I am sorry its all my fault"

*Sid and Robert came inside*

Sid came toward them and give his coat to jack to wrap around emily's body and also a shirt for Jack to wear

"Alpha its all clear lets go now" Robert said

"Alpha there is only 30min left for Luna's birthday" sid said

*Jack nodd*

He pick her up in a bridal style and start walking toward his car. Emily slept in his arm because she has no energy left.

*After 30min in middle of forest*

Emily's body start glowing bright. She is emitting purple glow. she is 18th now.

In that purpel glow jack frozed like he know now SHE IS THE ONE with whom Jack can live his entire life and suddenly his mind ring and only one word came out.....


*All of them were just staring at her*

Suddenly a sweet fragrance of lavender starts coming from Emily's body.

"Alpha....Luna is releasing her Pheromones" Sid Said

By hearing the word pheromones Jack rage back toward his warrior team. They all immeditaly stopped in their way

"Alpha you can go first. we all want to wander around the forest for sometime" Robert said

(NOTE:-Female Pheromones can attract unmated wolf also there were different type of Pheromones ex: Help, Love, Hate)

On a way to jones house___

*In the car*

"Sid asked Alice to call doctor Jin immediately in jones house"

"Yes Alpha"

**To be continue....