//Emily can see again//

In Underworld___

"Why Bella is not receiving our call" laurent said

"Did she betrayed us" emperor king said

"Its not possible that she will betray us because after that incident no one will accept her. she have no choice rather than come to us"

"Then Why she is not picking up your call"

"If not Bella then we have another girl just don't stop preparing because this will be our last chance" mysterious vampire said

Charlie's House___

"Mr and Mrs Jones why are you here" Alice asked

"Move aside" Mr jones said

Mr Jones went inside rushing and grab jack's collar. All of them were shocked because it was his first time not only he look directly into jack's eyes but also grab his collar.

Maybe this is what Father's Love called. He look into jack's eyes searching for his answer that he was there beside her all the time then how did his daughter got hurt.

"Are You worthy of my Daughter? You can't even protect her well" Mr jones said angrily

"I am Sorry.... I know its all my fault"