Christa's Eyes

In Emily's Room___

Jack sat on bed with emily on his lap. Jack's one hand is caressing her belly and other is caressing her hair. They both were enjoying eachother company.

"Emily only one months is left for our wedding I am very exicted"

"But I am not"

*stop caressing her hair* "Why?"

"Because I don't want to be shame on you. What will they all think when they will know that there Luna can't see"

*Kiss on her nape of neck* "So what if you can't see. I believe that you will fulfill your duty as a Luna very well and Charlie said he will find a way to treat your eyes"

"What if It fail, What if I can't see my rest of life. This thought make me insecure"

jack push emily down from his lap to bed. He make himself comfortable and then pull her to sleep with him

"Don't feel insecure babe. You have my Eyes. I will show you the world with my eyes and you will see it with your heart." *he said while cuddling her tight*

On the other side