//Shower Love//

In Charlie's Room___

Charlie sat on bed with a drawing in his hand which Angela gave him. He was continously admiring that picture. He felt deep Attachment toward her drawing. He is also angry because of Jin..... Whole day Jin was with Angela. He didn't even let Charlie go near her. And this behaviour of Jin is Annoying him alot.

In Jackson's Room___

Jack was on bed cuddling with Emily caressing her belly and continously kissing her.

"Jackson Can you let me go. I want to take bath" emily said while trying to free herself from him

"No I will not let you go and don't Move. If you keep on moving like this I will loose my control"

Emily stop moving after hearing what jack said but then she thought of teasing him a bit. Emily roll over him, she sat on his hard part and started to moving her hips while kissing him roughly.