//Wedding Dress//

All members were in Living Room ready to go to Werewolf Palace for Alpha's Wedding.

"Alice.... Emily....why are you taking this two big suitcase with you. We have everything there" Jack said

"Ohh Alpha you don't understand anything. I bet there are all kind of dress and makeup stuff in this two big bag" Jin said

"Aww My Husband understand me very well" Alice said while pinching Jin's cheek

"All Type of dress? That good then... I can tear different one every night" jack said while smirking at emily

"Alpha I am saying this again you sho....."

Jin was going to say something but he saw Charlie is coming downstaires. So he quickly rush toward his daughter and pick her up in his arm

"So should we go now" charlie asked

"Yes lets go....." Jack said and went toward emily to help her with suitcase