//Destruction Or Peace//

2 days before Wedding°°° At Night___

In Mrs Jones Room°°°

"Have you found that book?" Mrs jones asked

"No we haven't... Is that book important now" sid asked

"Yes Its very important..... We don't know that Emily's power will freeze or she will gain more power on Wolf moon day"

"What do you mean by this?" Robert asked

"Listen me carefully, You both have to protect Emily.... Because Christa always loose her power on Full moon or wolf moon day"

"So you mean Luna will lost her power on her wedding day" sid asked

"And also, will someone come to harm our luna" robert said

"I don't know that but Christa once mention in the book that after her 18th birthday on Wolf moon day her fate will cause destruction or Peace."

"You rest assured Mrs Jones.... We are here... Luna will be safe" Robert said

*sid bang his hand hardly on wall* "Then why do you have to plan there wedding on wolf moon day. You know there will be loads of people come from different Areas"