Werewolf Palace___

After this unbelivable incident all were in mess…. Jin and betty were already treating Robert's wound. Sid already order some guards to start searching all around the clan…. Even some of the Junior Alpha and Vampire have also went to seach for Luna. All were trying there best. Then Charlie came toward Jack with a small box in his hand. He kneel in front of him and show the box to him and said

"Its Wolfsbane…."

*shocked* "WHAT? They gave Emily this thing" Jack said with teary eyes

"Don't worry Emily don't have any reaction to Wolfsbane" Bella said

"She don't have any reaction but the unborn child has" Mrs Jones sad while crying

*Jack hold charlie tightely* "Give this box to Sid he will find out where Emily is"

"No he can't this is wolfsbane box it still contain some powder… Sid can't touch it"

*Crying* "Now what will I do…. Its been 1 hour already and No news came about her. Charlie Please find my Emily"