//Emily is Your Sister//

●FlashBack at Palace●

"Alpha I can Help you to find Luna" vampire said

He went near charlie and take that box from his hand. And started to telling the location of Emily to them. Jack immediately order his all warrior rank wolf to come with him. Sid, Charlie, Bella and Alice they all were following him.

○FlashBack End○

When they all reach the Underworld Where they kept Emily. They saw there were Vampire guards around house so they all queitly went toward them… at a save distance they were ready to attack vampires But Charlie become shocked after he identify one of his head guard. He shouted loudly….

"STOPPP don't attack"

*confused* "What happen Charlie… Why did you stop them" Jack asked

"Th…They are my guards" *after saying this he was going to them but Sid stop him by grabing his hand*

"Stop Charlie… They are now in the control of magicpower I can feel them."


"Yes they are not your guard anymore they were just a vampire who were ordered to kill us"