♤♤Ben's First Visit to Werewolf World♤♤

Ben is so Excited to see how that world look like… He is so happy and curious that he started to ask uncountable question to every family member till he reach in front of the entrance of Werewolf word.

As soon as he reach there He left Emily's hand and stand in front of all of them to go inside. But Jack again hold his hand tightely...

Jack: Don't leave my hand…

Ben: Why… Dad I am Big boy now I can go inside myself.

Emily: Okay then… Alpha Let him go first…

Emily said and Jack Leave his hand… Ben proudly started to marched inside followed by others… But got petrified after seeing numerous pair of eye gazing at him.

He quickly ran behind Jack and hide himself… Ben is only poking his head out from his Dad's back. All of them chuckle looking at there scared Big boy. Emily look at him and said while giggling…

"What happen Big Boy are you scared seeing this huge crowd"

"Mom Who are they? Are they come here to take us away with them" Ben said with doey eyes